"There is such a thing!" Lin Haishan was shocked:

"Pingping, how can you do such a vicious thing, do you want to kill your mother? How can you do this!"

Pingping cried so much that he could hardly speak, he knew that the sadder he was now, the more likely he was to stay.

He must perform this scene well, no matter what, my aunt said that she could not leave this house.

"I really didn't mean to... I was just worried that my mother would be bored, so I moved that thing.

Later I thought it was the doctor who put it in, and then I put it back again, I never wanted to kill my mother, I really didn't think that way..."

He excused himself aggrievedly.

"Don't say any more, who would believe you in your words?" Lin Shengsheng shook his head and sighed:

"Dad, I called you here today just to tell you about these things. I don't think I can afford to support this child.

Keeping him by my side, I'm just kidding with my life, I can't be kidding with my family's life, Dad, can you understand me? "

Lin Haishan thought for a while and finally nodded:
"Of course I can understand what you said. It's not your fault, and it's not your fault. I know your worries."

This incident was his fault.

After hearing these things, he already understood, who told this child to do this.

"Pingping, tell me the truth, who made you do these things?" Lin Haishan looked at Pingping seriously.

"No one told me to do this." How could Pingping admit it:

"I did it involuntarily. No one told me to do it. Grandpa, don't look at me like that."

Why does even the usually kind grandpa look so scary now, why have they all become like this?
These people killed his biological father, these things should be acceptable to them, why should they treat him like this?

"I asked you who told you to do this. To be honest, grandpa won't blame you." Lin Haishan's expression became more serious.

Leng Gongchen's family felt a little strange. According to this meaning, does Lin Haishan feel that there are other people playing tricks?

"Dad, what do you mean by that? He hasn't contacted Lin Qianqian recently, and we installed a software on his phone.

That software can check his call records and all the messages he sent, but there is no trace of contact. "

Lin Shengsheng still didn't want to wrong Ping Ping. Although he was not a good boy, he didn't want him to suffer wronged for nothing, so he opened his mouth to defend him.

Lin Haishan shook his head: "I support you in this decision you made, and it's time for this child to go back to his mother.

I think your decision is very wise. Speaking of this matter, I am sorry for you. "

"Dad, what are you talking about? How could you be sorry for me? We never blamed you.

We took this child back and raised it ourselves, but now that it has been brought up like this, we still feel a little sorry. "

Lin Shengsheng shook his head.

Leng Gongchen also said: "Dad, this has nothing to do with you at all, don't take the responsibility on yourself."

"It's really my fault that you don't know this." Lin Haishan sighed:

"Actually, Lin Qianqian and the others often come to my house, why does Pingping like to come to my house so much?
It is because the two of them always pass by, so they meet in the children's room of my house.

I was also soft-hearted at the time, because Lin Qianqian told me that she had no children, and she was very sad and pitiful.

She said that she only wanted to see the child and would not have other thoughts, nor would she take the child away, so I was relieved and relaxed my vigilance.

I didn't expect that she had evil intentions and wanted to teach this child to do these things.

If I had known earlier, I would never have given her permission to meet this child. "

Lin Haishan said regretfully.

He has been lurking abroad for more than ten years just to avenge his wife, but he did not grow up with his daughter in China.

As a result of his daughter suffering so much later, he knew that he shouldered a heavy responsibility, and he always felt that he was sorry for his daughter.

So he wants to give his daughter more compensation, and he has been thinking about how to treat his daughter better in the future.

But he didn't expect things to become like this. To be honest, he also knew that what he did was wrong.

Lin Shengsheng and Leng Gongchen looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't expect things to turn out like this.

It was actually Lin Shengsheng's father who managed to get this child to meet those two people.

As far as this matter is concerned, Lin Haishan is indeed responsible to a certain extent.

"This matter is indeed my fault, it is the benevolence of my wife that made me become like this.

If the child hadn't been taught by her, he wouldn't have become like this.

So I harmed this child, and I also harmed you. "Lin Haishan was really ashamed.

Lin Shengsheng couldn't bear to see his father like this: "Dad, don't be too sad, I didn't blame you for this matter.

I know it's not your fault, and you are kind. I know how much that woman hates me, and it's normal. "

She could understand that the reason why her father agreed to Lin Qianqian was because of her father's love. No matter what, Lin Qianqian was also his daughter.

It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no emotion at all. What happened now is not what he wants to see.

However, since the matter has already happened, there is no need to blame it. It is more practical to solve the immediate matter.

"I'm really sorry for you, you took this child well at first, but now you let her take it wrong.

I have no other choice, I just hope to send this child back to her, and hope that she can raise Pingping well and stop letting him make detours. "

Lin Haishan said with a sigh.

"I hope." Lin Shengsheng smiled.

"Then shall I take this child away now?" Lin Haishan said and was about to hug Pingping.

"Don't worry." Leng Gongchen stopped his move:
"This matter cannot be done easily, because after all, the child was notarized and counted in our family.

If I want to send him back now, I have to move out his household registration first, and then I have to do public relations.

After all, although the outside world has been rumoring that this child is not our child, we are protecting this child.

In order for him to grow up healthily, we have always said that he is our own, and it is time to reveal this matter.

I don't want this matter to affect us in the future, so this matter must be handled cleanly and quickly.

Dad, can you understand me? " Leng Gongchen looked at Lin Haishan and asked.

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