The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 832 Happiness and you are the most important thing

Chen Junkai cut a piece of cake for Leng Yuanyuan and put it in a bowl, then said:

"Eat more, I think you are quite thin, and your face is quite pale, otherwise I will ask someone to prescribe a set of medicine for you back from abroad in a few days.

That kind of blood-enriching medicine is very effective. After taking it, my body recovered very well. I think you should also take some. It is good for your body.

Your body was injured in the past, and you didn't recuperate in time. Your health is too bad. You should take a good rest. Girls' health is the most important thing. "

"Which girl's body is important, everyone's body is more important.

You still have to pay attention to your own body maintenance, and now I also attach great importance to my own body. "

Leng Yuanyuan smiled and nodded.

"I'm so blessed to be with you, I think the two of us are so in tune.

Even if we don't say anything together, I don't feel the slightest embarrassment, which I don't have with others.

Especially those who claim to be my ex-friends, I hang out with them and sometimes I feel awkward not talking.

I always feel that I should do something or say something, but as long as I am with you quietly and do nothing, I feel very at ease. "

"Really? I also have this feeling. I think as long as the two of us are together, there will be a sense of peace and tranquility.

I don't care at all what other people think or think, and it doesn't even matter to me whether we two get married or not.

As long as the two of us can be together with peace of mind, I will feel particularly safe.

And I really enjoy this feeling, the two of us are really suitable. Leng Yuanyuan also said with a smile.

"We must be together well in the future, don't be separated again, and don't hurt such a good relationship because of trivial matters.

I really can't bear the hurt, and I don't want to go through those again. Although I have forgotten the past things, my tired feeling is still there.

I always feel that I was very tired before, so I don't want to think about those things that make me feel tired, so I have to start again now.

Let a girl I love and love me stay with me, and the two of us live happily together.

Don't think about other people's feelings, we just live happily together like this.

For us, it is already enough. In fact, what is the meaning of living in this life? Isn't it just wanting to live happily together?

If people are not happy at all in life, then life is useless, and it is better not to live if they are unhappy.

Anyway, when you get old, you are going to die. It is better to die sooner. If you are not happy at all, life will be meaningless! "Chen Junkai smiled and shook his head.

Leng Yuanyuan agreed with him: "You are right, if a person is always unhappy, then what's the point of living?

Living so sad all day is really better than dying, because living itself is meaningless.

What we live is just a process, and we will die in the end. No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot escape death.

No matter how powerful he is, it is useless, no matter how outstanding he is, he cannot escape death after all.

So we still have to be open-minded and be happy when we encounter things. That is the most important thing. Other things are actually secondary to us. "

"My thoughts are the same as yours. The two of us are really in tune. I think we really hate seeing each other." Chen Junkai said with a smile.

The two of them finished their meal together, and then Leng Yuanyuan wiped her mouth and said:

"Jun Kai, I have one more thing to tell you, which I haven't told you all this time."

"What's the matter? Just tell me. There's no need to be so serious. I'll be scared if you're so serious.

When I saw you with a straight face, I wondered if I had offended you somewhere, otherwise why would you treat me with such a look?
It must be because I did something wrong, so you don't have to be so serious, just say it if you have anything to say! "Chen Junkai said jokingly.

"I'm not joking with you, and I'm not joking with you, I'm telling you very seriously.

This matter is very influential to us, and even affects our future. This matter is very serious.

So I hope you will listen carefully to the next thing, and you should think about it carefully at that time, anyway, I will not change my mind.

But if there is any change in your mind, I will not force you. "Leng Yuanyuan said very seriously.

"What do you mean by that? I don't understand what made you so serious? I don't like to see you so serious.

And a cold face is a blow to me, I don't like you like this, I just told you, let's be happy.

Why are you showing such an expression?I don't like your expression like this, I hope you are happy, okay?
No matter what it is, the two of us face it together, and I won't say that I don't love you because of it.

In fact, other things are not important to me, you are my most important baby, you know? "

Chen Junkai took her hand vigorously, and said affectionately.

"Actually, I can hear you say this, and I'm really touched. If it was before, I might be moved and cry.

But now maybe there are too many tears, I can't cry anymore, but I am still very moved in my heart, I really like what you said to me.

I also like your attitude towards me, I really feel very happy, then, I can no longer keep this matter from you! "

Leng Yuanyuan was looking at him positively.

Chen Junkai was a little flustered: "Just tell me what it is, don't scare me like this, it's scary, just tell me what it is!"

He really didn't want Leng Yuanyuan to hide anything from him, or to have something so serious that he had to ask about it.

Leng Yuanyuan sighed, and then said: "First of all, let me apologize to you, I shouldn't have kept this matter from you.

I should have told you from the beginning to let you know about this, it was my fault that I didn't tell you.

I don't think it's too late to tell you now, if you want to make other choices, I won't blame you..."

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