"I want to ask you, is this true?"

Chen Junkai asked what he wanted to ask, and he really wanted to know about it.

For a man, who doesn't want to know?

Even if I don't care, I hope I can figure it out.

Those things have passed, of course he will not care about the past.

But he just wanted to find out, and wanted to hear Leng Yuanyuan say it herself. She had never told him this kind of thing before.

They haven't been together for long, and it's normal for her not to say anything, after all, they haven't talked to that point yet.

But now that he has reached this point, he hopes that the two of them can open up and have a good talk.

Two people can come together with a real heart and heart, instead of guessing there, guessing whether there is sincerity or what it is.

He feels that such a life is meaningless, and the love between two people is also soulless.

"Wang Yanrong told you all of this? She is really clear about my investigation." Leng Yuanyuan smiled mockingly.

"So, are these words true to you? Did you have a boyfriend after you divorced me?"

Chen Junkai actually wanted to know the answer, and was very nervous. He was afraid of losing this woman. Did Leng Yuanyuan have other men in her heart?
He really didn't dare to think about it, he already liked Leng Yuanyuan very much now, maybe he owed her before.

So now he has a strong possession or liking for her, very strong.

This is probably because the debt owed must always be repaid.

"That person is pursuing me. We met him abroad when we were young, and later he developed feelings for me."

Leng Yuanyuan revealed her relationship with her first boyfriend.

"The relationship between me and him is okay, but there is no relationship. The relationship between me and him is that of a playmate when I was a child.

After getting along for a period of time, I felt that it was inappropriate and proposed to break up. "

Leng Yuanyuan spoke out about this relationship in a graceful manner.

"What about the next time, the time abroad?" Chen Junkai asked again.

"That time was also abroad, and he was also in our country, and then he helped me, and then the two of us kept in touch with each other.

Then I contacted me a few times, and later he felt that he liked me very much, so he began to pursue me. After pursuing me, I thought it was quite suitable.

I was with him for about three or four months, we lived together, and after we lived together, his ex-girlfriend always came to pester me.

He didn't mean to cheat, he was always very soft-hearted, always felt that his ex-girlfriend was very pitiful, and then he had to take care of her.

I think he actually looks affectionate, but he is actually quite sentimental. I don't want to be with such a man.

I proposed to break up, and he also kept me at that time, but I insisted on breaking up because I didn't want to endure such feelings.

I also don't want to waste my own feelings on someone who is not worth it. I think it's meaningless, so I broke up. "

Leng Yuanyuan didn't evade anything, and generously told the things about her in the past.

After all, she lived with this boyfriend before, and she didn't want to deny these things.

Because if these things are caring, they can always be found.

There was no need to hide it, because at that time she was alone in a foreign country, talking about a boyfriend, she felt that she was not too much.

She didn't do anything nasty, she was actually aboveboard.

And at that time she thought that Chen Junkai was no longer around, so it was only natural to do such a thing.

Later, they separated because of inappropriateness. In fact, after thinking about it, I still feel a little inseparable from Chen Junkai.

"But when you broke up with them, didn't you have any other ideas?

I was already dead at the time, do you think they are inferior to me, or do you still have a little affection for me? "

Chen Junkai still asked with hope.

"Of course, in fact, I have always had your shadow in my heart, otherwise I wouldn't have seen you alive when I returned to China, and then I would have been with you.

In fact, when I am quiet at night, the person I think about the most is you, and the person I can’t live without is you, so I still want to be with you.

I was ecstatic when I knew you weren't dead at all, but I know you forgot those things.

I don't know if you can accept it, but I'm really nervous, so when I appear in front of you, I just want to test your attitude.

I didn't know that you were so kind to me, and so friendly to me, and wanted to make up for me. This is something I couldn't even imagine before.

Now it has all happened in front of me, I really feel incredible, I feel extremely happy.

I think I am the luckiest person in the world. I have experienced a lot with you before, and after going around in circles, I came to your side again.

We started again, we can live happily together, I think the two of us are really, really happy. "

Leng Yuanyuan said with a smile.

"Yeah, I think the same way, I think you are really a very good girl.

In the past, I was simply blind. I didn't know that you were so good, and I was obsessed with other people.

I think Lin Shengsheng is pretty good, but she is not suitable for me at all. She is quite suitable for your brother.

But it’s actually not very suitable for me. My personality is not very suitable for her.

I just understand now, I don’t know why I was so obsessed with it back then, and I don’t understand it either.

If I could have figured it out at the time, maybe the two of us could live together well and not be what we are today.

However, it is good to be able to be with you again now. It is really a very happy thing that the two of us can live happily together.

We must cherish this kind of life in the future, and I will never let you down in the future. "

Chen Junkai took her hand and said affectionately.

Leng Yuanyuan smiled and nodded, and then said: "Hurry up and eat more, these dishes will be cold in a while.

Let's talk while eating, don't just talk too much, don't even care about eating, I don't think it's good for your health, let's eat quickly. "

In fact, she still has something to say, but she hasn't figured out how to say it yet, she has to think about it.

This matter is very important!
What to say?

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