"I think so, when he lost his temper with me very fiercely and asked me to tell me who that man was.

I just felt like he treated me differently than before, but I was heartbroken and I never thought he would like me.

So I didn't think much about it, and went abroad with that boyfriend. I didn't expect such a big thing to happen to him later.

Think about it, if I stayed at that time, maybe there would be a different ending. "Leng Yuanyuan said with a little emotion.

"Yeah, in fact, people still have to give more opportunities, and it's not like a person is bad to the end.

Don't you think he's getting better now?We still have to give more opportunities. Lin Shengsheng nodded in agreement.

"Sister-in-law, are you tired? I won't waste your time. You should go back and take a shower and rest.

You are still chatting with me so late with a big belly, my brother should be upset, let him stay alone in the empty room. " Leng Yuanyuan said jokingly.

"What's wrong with this, let's not talk about it, even if I spend the night here, your brother won't have any objections.

He and I are old couples now, and we are not as tired of being together as before, so don't worry.

If there is anything, please feel free to find me, as long as we can solve the problem, we will definitely help you solve it.

As long as we can handle it, it will definitely not worry you, and it will definitely not cause you any problems. "Lin Shengsheng said swearingly.

"When you said that, I remembered. When I talked to Chen Xueying today, I really said one thing. I need your sister-in-law to help me." Leng Yuanyuan said.

"What do you say, as long as I can help, I will definitely help you." Lin Shengsheng said immediately.

"I told them that even if I married Chen Junkai, I would not spend their money, nor would I use their things.

I won't let Chen Junkai buy anything for me. When I get married, I still have to use my natal family's things to ask my brother and sister-in-law for money. Sister-in-law, you won't give it to me! "

Leng Yuanyuan said with a smile.

"How come? You just have to tell me." Lin Shengsheng thought for a while, as if this was not a good idea, and then said to Leng Yuanyuan:

"Wait for me, I'll get you something!"

"Okay." Leng Yuanyuan was waiting in the room.

After Lin Shengsheng returned to the room, Leng Gongchen was already in the room:

"Why didn't you come back until now? Take a shower and rest, it's already late, have you talked for so long?"

"Wait for me, I'll send something over, and I'll tell you when I come back later!"

Lin Shengsheng opened her bag as she spoke, and took out a bank card from the bag.

"Isn't that your secondary card? The one that you can swipe as much as you like. Where do you take this card? Do you still have to go out to spend so late?"

Leng Gongchen looked at her inexplicably, wondering what the hell this woman was doing.

"I'll give it to Yuanyuan!" Lin Shengsheng smiled mysteriously, and then walked out.

Leng Yuanyuan was waiting for her in the room, watching her walk over, she said:

"Sister-in-law, what good things did you bring me? I saw you were mysterious, so I knew you had something good to give me.

Did you prepare any new presents for me today?Or is there something I wanted but never bought? "

"I have prepared everything you want, I believe you will like this gift.

Even if I celebrate you and Chen Junkai restarting, this is my gift to you. "

Lin Shengsheng said, took out the bank card and put it in her hand.

Leng Yuanyuan picked up the bank card, carefully read the words on it, and was surprised:
"Sister-in-law, isn't this the secondary card my brother gave you? This card has no limit, and it doesn't matter how much you swipe every day.

Why are you giving me this card?You give me too much power, right? "

"Didn't you tell me that you will use your family's money when you get married? You can use this card as much as you want.

Besides, your brother and I can both make money, as long as you don't do illegal things, as long as you don't gamble or take drugs, this money is enough for you to spend.

Your brother and I will always support you, you don’t need to spend other people’s money, and you don’t need to bow to others, so don’t worry! "

Lin Shengsheng patted her on the shoulder in relief.

"Sister-in-law, you are so kind to me!" Leng Yuanyuan's eyes were red, and then she put the bank card in her hand:

"However, I can't take this card, it's your and my brother's money, and this card is given to you by my brother.

How can I ask for this money? If I need to spend money in the future, I will give it to you.

Now that my parents have given me money, I have money in my hand, and it's not that I don't have enough money to spend, besides, Chen Junkai wouldn't treat me like that.

I am married and still spend money from my family, so how embarrassed I am!If I get married, I must ask Chen Junkai to give me money.

If I don't spend his money, wouldn't it be cheaper for him?When I get married, I live with him, and I am his own. Why doesn't he support me when I give birth to him?

What I said to his sister was just out of anger. I was joking when I said that to my sister-in-law just now. Why did you take it seriously? "

"Are you kidding? What I said is true. I'm willing to give you this card. Put it away quickly."

Lin Shengsheng put the card in her hand again.

Leng Yuanyuan then returned the card: "I absolutely cannot accept this card, if I need it in the future, I will definitely ask, and I will never worry you.

But I don't need it right now, so don't worry, I will tell you when I want it, you are all my family and relatives.

If I don't ask my relatives for help when I encounter difficulties, who can I ask for help?I'm not what I used to be, and I'm not that wayward girl anymore, don't worry. "

Seeing that she was really unwilling to accept it, Lin Shengsheng had no choice but to put the card away:
"Well, if you encounter something and need help, you can tell me. Or if you are short of money, if you need to use your relationship, I can help you.

Anyway, I don't care, whether you are married or not, I don't want you to be bullied by others, and I don't want those two women in Chen Junkai's family to bully you. "

"Thank you sister-in-law, don't worry, I will never let myself be wronged again!" Leng Yuanyuan waved her fist.

"Okay, then I can rest assured!" Lin Shengsheng nodded with a smile.

"It's getting late, sister-in-law, go back and rest quickly, if you continue like this, your body will not be able to bear it.

I'm also embarrassed to delay your rest, my brother will blame me tomorrow! "Leng Yuanyuan said with a smile.

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