The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 767 Amnesia is actually a good thing

"If you want to do it, everything will be handled by you, and I don't care about these things.

I just need to change into the wedding dress and be a bride. I won't ask about other things, and don't expect me to help you. "

Lin Shengsheng put the ugly words first.

She really doesn't have the time and energy to take care of these things, so of course she has to speak clearly.

If the time comes and throws everything to her again, how can she be busy?

"Sister-in-law, you just need to promise me, and leave other things to me!" Leng Yuanyuan patted her chest.

"By the way, how did Chen Junkai treat you in front of his mother? If his mother doesn't accept you, do you think he will accept you?
Did he waver a little bit, or did he help his sister deal with you or something? " Lin Shengsheng asked again.

"He didn't waver at all, he treated me so well, I was really touched today, I didn't expect it.

When I came back just now, I thought about it for a long time in the room, and I felt like I was dreaming.

Sister-in-law, you know what he was like to me in the past. He was the most indifferent and ruthless person, and he ignored me at all.

And treat me as a tool to vent my desires, use it when you want it, and kick it aside when you don't want it, without the slightest affection for me.

He doesn't have any feelings for his own children, and doesn't take me seriously at all! "When Leng Yuanyuan talked about what happened back then, she was still a little sad.

"Then has he completely changed today?" Lin Shengsheng quickly wanted to change the subject.

"Yes, he has changed so much that you don't even know what he looks like today.

In front of his parents and his sister, he defended me wholeheartedly and never helped them a little bit.

And when his sister called me over to talk, he saw that my face was not very good when I came out, so he was going to find his sister to settle the score.

And when his sister called me, he also reprimanded his sister, told her not to bother me, saying that I was already embarrassing enough, why did I keep pestering me. "

When Leng Yuanyuan talked about this, a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Really?" Lin Shengsheng also laughed: "Actually, seeing you in this state, I am very happy in my heart and help you to be happy.

Part of the reason for what happened at the beginning was because of me. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have fallen to the point he was at the beginning.

Now you two can do this, I am really very happy, I am even happier than you. "

"Sister-in-law, thank you very much. In fact, it was never you who were wrong, but me and him. The two of us are too extreme and have done so many things that I am sorry for you.

Thank you for forgiving us, I really don't know what words to use to describe my feelings. "Leng Yuanyuan's eyes were red with emotion.

"Fool, I am your sister-in-law, even if I am not your sister-in-law, we are still friends, why are you being so polite to me, I am not an outsider.

People outside need to be so polite, but people at home don't need to be so polite. "Lin Shengsheng patted her shoulder and said.

"He was very kind to me today, and even offered to send me back, and then he also told me that if I marry him in the future.

He will help me buy the house outside, and then the two of us will live outside together. He said he doesn't expect me to forgive his family.

As long as we can get along peacefully for a while, we won't live together for a long time in the future, and he also understands my feelings.

And he said that because of that child, he also has a certain amount of resentment towards his parents and sister, but they are relatives after all.

He has no way to deal with them, and he has no way to hate them, so he can only give up. He can understand my feelings, and I think I am satisfied with this. "

As Leng Yuanyuan spoke, a faint smile appeared on her face again.

"He is really like a different person before he lost his memory. He has never been so considerate and gentle to care about a person before.

Even if he liked me at the beginning, he never considered my feelings, but now he can stand in your position and consider so many things for you.

It means that he is sincere to you, and his personality has become very good now, and he is not as extreme as before.

I really think that after he lost his memory, it was a very good thing. " Lin Shengsheng said with a smile on his face.

Perhaps for some people, losing memory is a very big disaster, but for people like Chen Junkai, losing memory will actually become better.

"I also feel that he is a different person from before. Except for his face, everything else has changed, and his temperament and conversation have also changed.

Now he seems more and more like my brother, and I don't know why.

You said whether he will remember the past and change back again, and treat me like before, then I feel terrible! "

Leng Yuanyuan said and hugged herself.

"No, even if he thinks about the past, the two of you are now in love, and he doesn't know when he will be able to think about it.

If ten or eight years pass, your relationship will be deeper at that time, and he will never abandon you, let alone do the things he did to you before.

If you think about those things in the past, he will only feel more guilty towards you, so you don't have to worry about it, and you don't have to think about it all day long. "

Lin Shengsheng said with a smile.

"It's what you said, he is full of guilt towards me now, although he can't remember those things before.

But after he heard what I said to his parents, he felt very sorry for me and wanted to make up for me.

Said that even if he doesn't like me in this life, as long as I am willing to be with him, he is willing to marry me.

Then take good care of me, even if you make up for the things you did to me in the first half of your life. "Leng Yuanyuan said with a smile.

"No, you are such a good girl, how could he not like you? I think he really likes you now.

Didn't he have a girlfriend named Wang Yanrong?Why wasn't he with that girl, didn't he still choose to be with you?
And after meeting you, he feels very much about you, which shows that he had a very deep impression on you at the beginning.

I feel that later on, he has developed a little affection for you, but he feels ashamed.

After you left him and made another boyfriend, he was already feeling a little uncomfortable. " Lin Shengsheng said analyzing.

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