At this time, the nanny had already walked into the distance and saw Pingping:

"Young master, why did you come here? It's very dangerous to rely on the back door, what are you doing here!"

The nanny searched hard for him, and ran over panting.

"I can see the outside from here, can't I be here?" Pingping looked up at her.

"No, why can't the young master of this family go, the main reason is that this place is too dangerous, it's next to the door.

What if some bad guys rushed in and took the young master away? "The nanny said with lingering fear.

"How could it be, the door is so tightly locked, how could the bad guys come in?
Besides, there are bodyguards not far away. If I shout, someone will rush over. Don't be afraid. "

Pingping comforted the nanny a few words.

He didn't think about the nanny, nor was he worried that the nanny would be afraid, but he didn't want the nanny to let him out next time, so he said that.

The nanny was relieved to see that he was so sensible:
"Thank you, young master, you are so kind, let's go, let's go back quickly, master and madam are up."

"Okay." Pingping glanced at the door again, and left reluctantly.

Lin Qianqian and Zhang Wenwu hid outside, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard their voices getting farther and farther away.

"They have already left, I really don't know what is the point of your doing this?" Zhang Wenwu didn't understand.

"Of course I have my reasons for what I do. If your brain can understand it, why do you still need me to worry about it?" Lin Qianqian said angrily.
Zhang Wenwu is good at everything, but he just has a bad brain, and he can't turn a corner. I don't know what she is thinking.

But he doesn't need to know, it's all up to her.

Zhang Wenwu only needs to be responsible for helping and protecting her, and follow her instructions.

It would be the most annoying thing if it was a shrewd man who didn't want to obey her orders, but made trouble everywhere and confronted her everywhere.

Lin Qianqian comforted herself like this.
"Then where are we going now?" Zhang Wenwu asked Lin Qianqian.

"Go..." Lin Qianqian thought for a while: "Anyway, I don't want to go home, so I just go to any shopping mall for a while!"

"Why don't you want to go home?" Zhang Wenwu was a little confused: "I don't understand, why don't you want to go home, I want to go home and rest for a while.

It's been a long time, am I not tired?Tossing and turning over the wall, drilling down the water pipe, and being frightened, I just want to go back to sleep for a while! "

"That house is so small, like a pig's nest, who wants to stay in it, if I can't stay in it, I won't stay in it!"

Lin Qianqian kicked the stone under her feet a little unhappy.

"Is this house not good? Isn't it just rented? It's much better than the previous one.

Now there is everything in it, there is a refrigerator, a color TV, an air conditioner, everything, you still don’t like it? "

Zhang Wenwu was even more incomprehensible.

"No, don't you know that I used to live in a villa? How can such a small place and a small apartment be enough for me to live in?
I used to be served by people when I bought some things. If I go home, there is not even a nanny or servant at home. What if you ask me to go back? "

Lin Qianqian asked in turn.

"Although there are no servants or nanny at home, I don't do all the things at home?
You have never reached out for things like cooking, washing clothes, and washing dishes. Isn't it all my doing.

I worked hard, and I never said nonsense, why are you dissatisfied?Why do I have to find a babysitter? "

Zhang Wenwu was a little out of breath when he heard her words.

Why is this woman so vain?

Although I knew that she was a little vain when I was with her, I didn't know that it had reached such a point.

Is it interesting that you don't have to do anything when you go home, and you still pick and choose?

"I know you are working hard, but I don't want to see you working so hard, I still want to live the old days.

I thought about our two-person world, not disturbed by those troublesome things.

I hope that we have ready-made meals every morning, hot milk, and a nanny at home to take care of everything.

We don't need to worry about anything, that's called life, what kind of life is called now, only I enjoy it alone.

But you have worked so hard, do you think I am happy to go? "Lin Qianqian said earnestly.

"It turns out that you are caring about me, and I don't need your caring. In fact, I already thought about it.

If I marry a wife in the future, I will love her very much, let her do nothing, and take good care of her.

You happen to like this kind of life, so the two of us are a good match, don't we?I don't think there's anything so hard about that.

What's wrong with me doing some housework alone?That's nothing, you don't have to worry about me. "

Zhang Wenwu couldn't help being moved when he heard that this woman felt sorry for him.

"Why can't you understand what I'm saying? I don't feel sorry for you at all.

It's that I don't want my husband to do housework at home, you understand?

I wish we had a nanny in our family! "Lin Qianqian emphasized what she meant.

"Okay, then I promise you, as long as we have the conditions in the future, I will definitely find a nanny for you. Do you think this is okay?"

Zhang Wenwu was also forced to do nothing.
What else should I do?Are you arguing with this woman?He couldn't be louder.

And after a quarrel, what's the point of winning the quarrel with your own woman?

Seeing that he had compromised, Lin Qianqian didn't want to continue talking:
"Okay, our goal for today has been achieved, let's go, let's go home first!"

As she spoke, she walked back.

"Honey, you agreed to go home! It's great, I don't have to spend time outside, I can sleep now!" Zhang Wenwu cheered and followed.

"Look at you like that, you're so stupid!" Lin Qianqian gave him a blank look, but still couldn't help laughing.

She thought this might be what love looked like.

Anyway, no matter what happened now, she would not blame Zhang Wenwu, and she planned to have Zhang Wenwu in her future life.

She knows that this is a very reliable man, no matter what, no matter whether she can get those things that belong to her in the future, she will be with Zhang Wenwu.

Because Zhang Wenwu helped her in the most difficult and helpless time, if not for Zhang Wenwu, she would probably have died long ago.
She knew it all too well.

"Honey, what do you want to eat when you go home today? Shall I buy it for you?" Zhang Wenwu walked up from behind and held her hand.

"Do you want to eat me?" Lin Qianqian tempted.

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