Pingping couldn't wait to open the ice cream, took a big mouthful, and couldn't help but fall in love with his eyes.

Ice cream is really delicious. It would be great if I could eat such delicious things every day.

"Slow down, it's cold, eat slowly, or your teeth won't be able to take it, and your stomach won't be able to take it either."

Lin Qianqian said lovingly from the side.

She looks like a loving mother, and it is completely impossible to see that she is a very scheming and purposeful person.

Even if Lin Shengsheng saw her, at this moment, he probably thought that she really loved this child, otherwise how could he have such an expression?

But in fact, Lin Qianqian is a very good actor by nature, she knows what kind of expression she should put on when.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have lied to Karen many times before.

You must know that Karen is a very smart and powerful character. Although Lin Qianqian was very scared when facing him, she was still able to maintain her composure.

Moreover, being able to make the expressions you should do and say what you should say is already a very, very difficult thing.

Therefore, Lin Qianqian's head is actually very useful.

In fact, it is not born with it, probably because she has experienced a lot of things, so she knows more and knows how to use others to take advantage of people's hearts.

"Is it delicious?" Lin Qianqian asked with a smile, looking at Pingping's delicious food.

"It's delicious, it's really sweet, and it's also super soft. I feel so comfortable after eating it cold. Auntie, can you buy it for me again next time?"

Pingping showed a happy and satisfied smile.

"Of course, you can eat it quickly, it will melt away in a while!" Lin Qianqian couldn't help but urged a few words when she saw him eating with a small spoon.

"No, I want to eat slowly!" Pingping refused.

"Why? Can't you eat quickly? Hurry up and go back after eating, or it will be bad if someone sees you!" Lin Qianqian said a little worried.

"I don't want to eat it too fast. If I eat it too fast, it will be gone. Just this one. I want to cherish it slowly and eat it slowly." Ping Ping said with a little reluctance.

"It's so pitiful, don't your parents buy you something to eat?"

Lin Qianqian looked at Pingping with a loving face, it seemed that she really felt sorry for him.

"I also bought it, but I was not allowed to eat these. My mother said that these things are unhealthy and that eating them is not good for my health.

So I don’t buy it for me. I actually want to eat it very much, but my brother doesn’t have to eat it, and I don’t have to eat it either.

So I dare not say, I am afraid that my parents will be unhappy. "Ping Ping said truthfully.

"Your parents did this for your own good. Eating too much of these things is really bad for your health."

Lin Qianqian nodded pretendingly, expressing that she agrees with what Lin Shengsheng and his wife said.

Pingping shook his head: "I asked other children, they can eat ice cream every week.

Some children eat ice cream and various snacks every day, but I can only eat it a few times a year, I am so pitiful.

I see that other children are fine after eating it. There is nothing wrong with it. I really don’t understand what parents are thinking! "

When talking about eating ice cream and snacks, Pingping finally showed a somewhat sad expression.

In fact, he knows how good his parents are to him.

Although he is young, he is very smart, and he sees many things in his eyes.

He also understands that his parents are sincerely treating him well, but he really doesn't like someone controlling him like this.

He doesn't know why, he is born to be a child who loves freedom.

He feels free, eating snacks, lollipops, and ice cream every day is the life he wants.

Mom and Dad are rich and have everything. There are nanny and bodyguards in the family. It can be said that they are the richest family in the country.

However, he was not happy at all, because he couldn't eat what he wanted to eat.

I can only eat some meals every day because I want to be healthy, and even meat and eggs can only be eaten after being weighed, and I can’t exceed the standard every day.

This is Pingping's only dissatisfaction with his current life.

He should be regarded as a snack food, anyway, he feels that he is particularly greedy for those delicious things.

But it's rare to eat it once. Fortunately, my aunt bought him so many delicious food today.

He couldn't help thinking, if he stayed with his aunt and aunt all the time, would he be allowed to live such a happy life every day?

That's so good, it's much more comfortable than eating those healthy foods with mom and dad!

In fact, he is still young, and he can't tell right from wrong at all, and he has no concept of right and wrong.

He thinks that whoever gives him delicious food treats him well, but he doesn't know that this is actually hurting his body.

"That's right, your parents just think too much, how can it be so serious, it doesn't matter if you eat whatever you want."

Lin Qianqian took the opportunity to sow discord: "If you like to eat, you can tell my aunt what kind of food you like.

Next time my aunt will come secretly and bring you a lot of delicious food every time, do you think it’s okay? "

"Do you bring me delicious food every time? Really!" Hearing what she said, Pingping's eyes lit up immediately:
"That's really great, I really want to eat snacks every day, but my parents won't give me any.

If my aunt can often buy it for me, then thank you so much! "

"You're welcome, my aunt should have been nice to you, if it hadn't been for my aunt's mistakes in the past, you wouldn't be what you are now.

It's all my aunt's fault. My aunt now knows how to repent, and she will treat you well in the future! "Lin Qianqian said, reaching in and touching his little head.

"Auntie, don't say such things, I don't blame you at all, besides, those things are in the past, they happened when I was a child.

I have grown up now, and I am a man. My parents said that a man must have a broad mind, and he must not be fussy about everything! "

Ping Ping said very seriously.

"What a good boy, what a little man, my aunt is proud of having a child like you!" Lin Qianqian quickly flattered the little guy.

Pingping was even more pleased with it.

Just like that, he and Lin Qianqian stayed in the garden until the old people at home took a nap.

At this time, he saw the nanny approaching.

"Little uncle, little uncle, hurry up, the nanny is here, don't let them see you!" Pingping said in a panic.

"Okay, then be careful, don't let your mouth slip."

Lin Qianqian dragged Zhang Wenwu away as she spoke, showing a strange smile...

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