"Why can't you prove it? That's your brother, why can't you prove it!" Li Qiuxiang was very anxious.

Knowing that their son was alive, they didn't come back to China. They all wanted to see him now.

Seeing him standing in front of them alive, they dared to believe that they were not living in a dream.

"It's not as easy as you said without a certificate? My brother doesn't know me, how do you ask me to prove it? Didn't I come back to China?

I'm holding all my documents this time. It's best for you two to come with me too. "

Chen Xueying simply explained all the procedures in one breath.

"Is that all right?" Li Qiuxiang seemed a little unconvinced that things were so simple.

"Where did you see your brother?" Chen Jianguo asked.

"One time when I went shopping, I saw a beggar on the street who looked very similar to my brother." Chen Xueying had a trace of unbearable feeling on her face.

"Beggar?" Li Qiuxiang burst into tears: "My son, how much suffering has he suffered? Why do you want to be a beggar on the street..."

"Mom, don't cry. Although you are a beggar, beggars abroad don't work hard. There are many rich people abroad, and their life is very good.

He just lost his memory and couldn't survive, so he could only be a beggar. Now I have taken him home.

I tidied him up and took a bath, and now the scars on his face are much better than before, and he looks like a normal person. "

Chen Xueying explained with a smile.

What they didn't know was that the scar on Chen Junkai's face was so terrifying because Karen kept forcing him to deepen the scar.

As long as there is a little bit of good marks, it will deepen immediately, so his face will always look so hideous and terrifying.

But now because no one has cared about him for more than two years, and he just fends for himself like that, the scars on his face have healed up a lot, and now he can hardly be seen.

After all, his original scar was man-made, and now no one continues to do it, so the scar on his face is much better.

"Really? His face isn't disfigured anymore?" Li Qiuxiang was surprised and delighted when he heard that, "He looks like a normal person now, right?"

Chen Xueying nodded: "There is still a little scar on the neck, I think it can be treated in the hospital, but basically it can't be seen on the face.

My brother looks like a normal person now, so don't worry, mom, my brother just forgot what happened before.

However, I believe that as long as our family is by his side, he will recover in good health, even if he can't remember the past. "

Li Qiuxiang nodded: "That's right, he didn't do well in the past, he was too persistent, it's okay to forget about those things, and start anew.

Wouldn't it be a good day to come back and marry a wife and have a baby?Stop fighting with the past. "

Chen Jianguo also nodded: "That's right, I also don't think this matter is so bad, it is a great thing for him to forget the past.

Only in this way can he start his life again. If he still remembers the past, he can only live in pain.

Now he is still alive, and he has forgotten the past, that is a great thing, I am very happy. "

"Yes, I am also very happy." Li Qiuxiang said happily.

"Then Mom and Dad, pack up and go abroad with me tomorrow morning to bring my brother back." Chen Xueying said with a smile.

"Okay, okay!" Li Qiuxiang agreed repeatedly.

"Then go and pack your things properly, I'm too tired, I'll take a shower and go to bed first." Chen Xueying stood up and stretched herself as she spoke.

"Hurry up, you're tired too, are you hungry? Have you had dinner yet?" Li Qiuxiang thought about it, but was a little worried.

"I ate on the plane, but you two finished the meal, what are you doing on the table? Why don't you have dinner?"

When Chen Xueying came back, she saw the food on the table.

"It wasn't Lin Shengsheng and his wife who came to take us out for dinner. They ate outside, so the table at home was not cleared." Li Qiuxiang explained.

"Lin Shengsheng?" Chen Xueying's face changed when she heard the name:

"Isn't this woman hurting my brother badly enough? Why are you still talking to him?

I said it before, don't talk to her, why did I go abroad, have you all forgotten? "

At that time, she couldn't stand her parents accepting Lin Shengsheng's kindness, so she went abroad to relax.

These two people are too disgusting, they have done so many bad things hypocritically all day long.

It's not enough to hurt her brother so badly, but it's ridiculous to come here to please her parents!
"What you said is wrong." Li Qiuxiang sighed: "Although you are my children, your two brothers and sisters have very similar personalities.

You like to blame others for everything, but in fact, you can't blame others for what happened to your brother.

That's because your brother was too persistent and ended up like that. I'm glad he's still alive now, so don't hate others anymore, okay? "

"If it wasn't for them, would my brother be like that? My brother was so good in school.

When I came back to manage the company and managed it so well, wasn't that woman responsible for what happened in the end?You are still helping her! "

Chen Xueying said very angrily.

"I'm not helping her. Your brother liked her at that time, but that was your brother's wishful thinking. This matter can't be done just by wishful thinking.

It's good for two people to be happy with each other. How happy the couple is now. The two people are happy with each other, and there is no contradiction at all.

If she followed your brother, she would not be happy either. "Li Qiuxiang said with a sigh:

"To be honest, it's better for your brother to think about it for himself. It's good now. He will start again after forgetting the past."

"I don't like your thinking, why don't we blame them, even if my brother is to blame, but they also have a reason!

Without them, how could my brother become what he is now? My brother will definitely be fine, and he will still be a successful entrepreneur! "

Chen Xueying said very angrily.

Anyway, she will not forgive the two couples.

Li Qiuxiang wanted to say something more.

Chen Jianguo said: "Okay, the child has been away for a few years and only came back, why are you arguing with the child when you come back?
In the future, the child will gradually understand these principles. Let's pack up the things first and let the child take a bath and rest early, shall we? "

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