"What you said is true? Could it be to make us happy?" Chen's father and mother's hands were trembling slightly with excitement.

For more than two years, they have been looking forward to their son's return all the time.

After all, they don't see people when they are born, and they don't see corpses when they die. They still have some hope in their hearts.

But as time passed, this glimmer of hope in their hearts became more and more dim.

They know that how can they say that they are alive when they fall into the sea in a car accident? It's not that simple.

Leng Gongchen smiled and shook his head:
"I don't need to lie to you, I always thought that all three of them were dead, and their bodies were washed away somewhere, and they will never be found again!
But now that Zhang Wenwu and Lin Qianqian are standing in front of us alive, we have no reason to doubt whether Chen Junkai is still alive.

I think he must be alive somewhere in the world, maybe for some reason he didn't appear in front of us.

However, as long as we give him a certain amount of time, he will definitely come back! "

Leng Gongchen spoke from his heart.

Chen Junkai finally did a good deed, allowing them to live a peaceful life for two years and conceived their second child.

This can't but be said to be a good thing. If he comes back, he should also change his mind and start a new life, right?

Probably it would have no effect on them, and his return would be the greatest comfort to these two old men.

His wife doesn't need to worry about these two old people, and he also hopes that this will come true.

Chen's father and Chen's mother were very excited: "It would be great if he is still alive!"

The eyes of both of them lit up, as if they saw hope for a moment.

"So, you must take good care of your health!" Lin Shengsheng said with a smile:
"Lin Qianqian came out and started playing tricks again. She mixed some medicine in those bird's nests, which made me very uncomfortable."

"What! There is such a thing?" Mother Chen was shocked immediately: "So, she arranged for that old woman?"

"It should be." Leng Gongchen said and took out a photo from his arms: "Auntie, take a look? Is this the old woman you bought the bird's nest from?"

Mother Chen took a look at the photo and recognized it:
"That's right, that's the old woman. At that time, I thought that she was kind and she shouldn't lie, so I bought some more."

"Then it should be right!" Leng Gongchen said and took out another photo.

This photo shows Lin Qianqian talking to that old woman.

"Lin Qianqian is really alive!" Mother Chen looked at Father Chen in amazement.

Father Chen burst into tears: "God has eyes, the last time a plane crashed, my son didn't die, and if he survives a catastrophe, there will be future blessings.

He must not have died this time, he must be living somewhere in the world, and he will definitely come back to see us! "

"I believe it must be so!" Mother Chen was extremely firm.

After they had dinner together, Lin Shengsheng gave them careful instructions, and then sent them home, and then returned home.

After returning home, Li Qingzhen and the others had already prepared dinner, and when they came back to eat together, they knew that they had already eaten, and the family began to eat dinner.

Lin Mengmeng began to complain: "Why don't you take us to dinner? We are still waiting for you at home, and you are too disrespectful!"

Lin Shengsheng really thought about it: "Then I'll take you to eat tomorrow, okay?"

"That's good!" Lin Mengmeng glanced proudly at the younger brother beside him.

Pingping also cheered happily: "Oh yeah, I can finally eat delicious food."

"Look at you like that, as if you have never eaten delicious food!" Lin Shengsheng pinched his face amusedly.

The whole family enjoyed themselves happily. After eating, they each took a bath and went to sleep, but something happened at Chen Junkai's house.

Chen Junkai's younger sister, Chen Xueying, unexpectedly came back at this time.

Chen's father and Chen's mother opened the door, and saw their daughter sitting on the sofa at home, they couldn't help being startled.

"Chen Jianguo, Li Qiuxiang, it's so late, you still know how to come back!"

When Chen Xueying saw them, she greeted them with a smile, and said jokingly.

"You damn girl, no matter how big or small, you still know how to come back!" Li Qiuxiang couldn't help but patted her daughter.

Then he hugged her tightly again, and couldn't help but turn red eyes: "You damn girl, you still know how to come back to see us, and you haven't come back for so long!"

"Mom, I actually miss you too. I've wanted to come back to see you for a long time. Isn't this not allowed? Now I will come back as soon as I have time!"

Chen Xueying hugged her and patted her on the back to explain.

"What situation can you not allow? You can enjoy yourself outside and leave us old couple at home!"

Li Qiuxiang let her go and sat on the sofa angrily.

Chen Jianguo took his daughter and sat down: "The child just came back, so don't lose your temper."

He used to be very strict, but since Chen Junkai disappeared, he has become kind.

And this daughter has become very sensible now, there is no need to treat the child so vigorously.

He also knew that he was old and there was really no need to do this.

"I found my brother!" Chen Xueying said suddenly.

There was silence in the room, and Chen Junkai's parents looked at their daughter in disbelief.

After a long time, the two still couldn't react, and they didn't dare to ask their daughter, what did they find Chen Junkai?
Is it alive or dead?

They were afraid of hearing the word corpse, because in their hearts as long as they couldn't find the corpse, their son was still alive.

But if the daughter said they found the body, then they would have no hope, so they dared not ask.

"Mom and Dad, why don't you talk? Don't you want to know about brother's current situation?" Chen Xueying couldn't help but said.

"We don't want to hear it. If he dies, don't tell us, we don't want to hear it!" Li Qiuxiang burst into tears.

"Brother is not dead!"

Chen Xueying's next words reassured them:

"My brother is still alive. I saw him on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, but he has lost his memory and doesn't know me at all!"

"What!" Chen Jianguo was also taken aback:
"What's the situation? Please tell us in detail quickly, where is he now! Have you brought him to the country? I want to see him!"

"I can't bring it in." Chen Xueying shook her head:

"When I went abroad, I only brought my own ID, not my brother's ID. I wanted to say that he was my brother, but no one believed it.

Because my brother has amnesia, he doesn't know anything, he doesn't remember anything himself, and I don't know how to prove our brother-sister relationship. "

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