Zhang Wenwu's face changed, but he didn't say anything to refute.

Lin Qianqian finally smiled with satisfaction, she knew that this man had acquiesced.

She raised her hand, patted his face very intimately, and said without hesitation:

"Zhang Wenwu, in fact, sometimes you don't know yourself well enough, you are not suitable for lying at all.

I have discovered a rule long ago, as long as you lie, your face will turn red involuntarily, and I can tell it by just looking at it.

You must not have had a good rest these days!I see that your dark circles have come out, if there is anything we can press back.

This is not something that can be solved in a day or two. Your body is more important. You should take a good rest, you know?

I can't take care of you now, you have to take good care of yourself, otherwise I will be very distressed, do you understand? "

As Lin Qianqian said, she reached out to wipe the sweat off his forehead, and put her two jade hands on his shoulders, through the thin shirt.

That warm feeling permeated Zhang Wenwu's body.

"Don't stay here anymore, and don't treat me like this. I'm going to start working. It's not good if others see it."

Zhang Wenwu stood there stiffly, and his tone of voice was also very stiff.

He couldn't accept Lin Qianqian like this for a while, but he was very pleasantly surprised and didn't know how to express his inner feelings.

"Okay, I know you need to work, you are really a boring person." Lin Qianqian smiled and let go:

"Then go and do your work, I won't bother you, I'm just sleepy too, go back to sleep, if you miss me, come find me in your room."

After she let go of her hand, she suddenly leaned into Zhang Wenwu's ear, and said to him in an extremely charming voice:
"If I'm in a good mood, I'd probably like to play with you again, but to be honest, I still like you a lot.

Although you seem to have never touched a woman before, you can be regarded as self-taught. I am very satisfied with your skills. "

Zhang Wenwu stiffened and couldn't say a word there.

Lin Qianqian had been away for a long time, and he still couldn't recover, and just stood there blankly.

His whole body seemed to be frozen, just like a frozen person lying there motionless.

After a long time, he didn't come back to himself until another servant came to call him.

He picked up the scissors, put them in his pocket, and went to do what he should do.

Leng's Group.

Wang Kang's hands kept flying on the keyboard, busy.

For a hacker, an advanced computer is enough.

Coupled with his pervasive hacking skills, he can learn all kinds of confidential information from various countries without leaving home.

But this kind of confidential information is not so easy to break.

Therefore, it still takes a lot of energy and time, and it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine such a difficult process.

Most of the day passed like this, and Wang Kang was busy all morning.

Apart from going to the toilet and having a casual meal, he has been busy in the office and never left the computer.

Finally, near four o'clock in the afternoon, he found what he wanted to find out.

He hurriedly carried his computer to Leng Gongchen's office, then put the laptop in front of him, and began to introduce it in detail.

"Master, I have already found out about that matter!" He said excitedly:

"Young Madam's parents did go to Country C, and they went there just to negotiate a cooperation.

And they also went to Karen, but they didn't get the chance to meet him, it was the kind of meeting that they didn't meet at all. "

Then, he clicked on a video on the screen.

That video is the content of the surveillance at first glance. If you look carefully, you can see that it was the surveillance of the day.

It is indeed the picture of Lin Shengsheng's parents seeking a chance to meet in front of the royal company.

After Wang Kang learned the time when the two of them went abroad, he figured out when they would go to Karen.

So I figured out the monitoring nearby, and then found out this section of monitoring.

Therefore, it is not difficult to find this content. The main time is spent on investigation and monitoring, so most of the time was wasted.

Leng Gongchen looked at the monitor for a while, and then asked: "Is there any doubt in this?"

"It's not surprising that the royal family hit a wall. After all, so many people in the world want to cooperate with the royal family, and not everyone can succeed. Most of them fail."

Wang Kang explained slowly: "But the thing that makes me feel strange is that since the young lady's parents have hit a wall to find Karen, why don't they go back to China!

The facts I found out from my investigation showed that the car accident happened three days after they hit a wall, and they were also very busy in domestic companies.

If it was really impossible to contact the royal family, they should have returned to China long ago, but they did not come back, and the car accident happened later.

So we are very important now, what we want to know is, what happened to them in these three days?
But the scope is too wide, and I can't investigate at all, and I can't determine what happened in the past three days and where they went.

Here lies our current difficulty and strangeness. If we can find out, then the truth of what happened back then is basically revealed. "

Leng Gongchen frowned tightly.

Three days is already a long time, enough for many things to happen and many places to go.

This range is large, and it is not an easy task.

Leng Gongchen thought for a while, and then ordered: "Don't worry, just expand the scope slowly."

Such a gradual expansion of the scope is the same as what the police did when abducting children.

It's like zooming in on the circle bit by bit until you find useful monitoring information.

When Wang Kang returned to the office, he summoned all the technicians under him to get busy.

Start to investigate what happened in country C and all the monitoring during that time.

After the previous cracking experience, Wang Kang cracked it very fast this time.

All the people are working hard, quickly checking all the monitoring.

It was soon morning.

Wang Kang drank another can of Red Bull, then got up and went to the corner of the office to move a few boxes of Red Bull, and threw another bottle to the opposite staff.

Looking at the table full of Red Bull bottles, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional, looking at those subordinates, he said:
"It's been hard for everyone in the past few days. We may only be able to focus on Red Bull and instant noodles."

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