"Karen, I feel very happy in this way, very special happy, I don't want anything anymore, do you feel very happy too?"

Lin Qianqian looked at the man in front of her with a sweet smile, her eyes full of anticipation, as if she wanted to get an affirmative answer from him.

Karen couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Are you happy?
He had never thought of the word, it was his father who had often heard him say it.

But his father beat him or scolded him, and every time he said nothing, he never communicated with him properly.

To him, happiness seemed like a mockery.

He never thought that happiness was such a good thing, nor did he feel that happiness made people so happy. He felt that this word was no different from others.

He didn't feel much, and even had a hint of disgust.

Lin Qianqian didn't seem to notice Karen's emotions, and wanted to continue talking. The smile on her face was so sweet that she couldn't hide her excitement and longing:

"Actually, even if you don't say it, I know it in my heart, you must feel very happy and happy now, right?
I know that you treat me differently than before, and I will definitely cherish this kind of life between us! "

Lin Qianqian suddenly looked at Karen seriously, stared into his eyes, and said as if promising:
"Karen, I swear to you, no matter what kind of life you lived before, I don't care, I will make you happy like this.

In the future, I will also let you taste the taste of happiness and let you know the feeling of happiness. We will live together forever and never be separated again.

No matter when I will never leave you, we will never leave you! "Lin Qianqian laughed as she spoke.

Karen was almost stunned. For some reason, he actually felt that Lin Qianqian was a bit beautiful at this time, and he really felt happy.

But the next moment, his expression changed.

He has never been in contact with this feeling, this feeling called happiness, which makes him feel strange and uneasy.

The deep-rooted sense of security in his heart seemed to have disappeared.

His face suddenly became cold, Karen, do you know what you are doing?Is this woman worth what you do for her?
He seemed to wake up all of a sudden, stood up and walked out:
"It suddenly occurred to me that the company still has a lot of things to deal with. I have to go to the company to solve the problem first."

When he reached the door of the house, he told the servant:

"Hurry up and tidy up all the things in this house. I have something to do when I go out. Remember to get things done at home."

The servants of course nodded in agreement.

After Karen left, the house became completely quiet, and the barbecue items had been put away by the servants.

The surrounding windows were also opened, and the smell of barbecue in the house gradually dissipated.

Lin Qianqian looked at the empty room, and suddenly laughed. She smiled confidently and with a bit of complacency.

She walked in front of the mirror and deliberately made a charming look, and she smiled even more happily.

Is this face enough to drive thousands of men crazy? Even Karen can't help but become obsessed with her?

It seems that winning this man is not an unattainable dream, and it seems that it is extremely possible given the current situation.

I thought Karen was different from other men.

But in fact, isn't he still a man in essence? What's so special about him?
Now that the man was attracted to her, all she needed was an opportunity.

When she got along with Karen, she had already attracted him unknowingly. Even she didn't know it. How did all this happen?
But there is one thing she is very clear about.

That was that she could never fall in love with Karen, absolutely not, she was very sure of that.

However, there is one thing that makes Karen very satisfied, that is, this person is rich, very rich.

Moreover, she is rich and powerful. With such a man, she will only make money and not lose money.

In the past, because this man was moody, she was very repulsed to be with this man.

But now Lin Qianqian feels that everything is over, Karen has fallen in love with her, she should have enough time to plan for herself.

She clearly knew the essence of Karen, even if that man fell in love with her now and treated her much better than before, it was only temporary.

Feelings are accompanied by passion and will fade with time. She shouldn't be that kind of fool, waiting for herself to become the plaything she used to be.

She didn't want to live a life of fear in the future, and she didn't want to be with Karen. Karen was like an ancient emperor, moody.

And a companion is like a tiger, if she is with this man, she will never end well, and maybe the rest of her life will be miserable.

She wants to be rich and powerful, but she doesn't enjoy the bondage.

She just wants to live a stable life for the rest of her life and have money that can't be spent. This is her ultimate goal.

After she sat in the room and sorted out her thoughts, she got up and tidied up her clothes a little.

Then I plan to go for a walk in the garden at the back. Although the place here is not big, it is also a different mood to change places.

And she is in a particularly good mood today, looking at the flowers and plants in the garden, she seems very comfortable.

But at this time, I met a person.

No need to think too much, the one I met was naturally Zhang Wenwu.

After Zhang Wenwu saw Lin Qianqian come out, he was waiting for her in this garden.

Because Lin Qianqian was in a good mood, she didn't react so violently when she saw this man. Instead, she raised her eyebrows and walked over to look at him:
"How? Are you jealous?"

The meaning in her eyes was obvious, and the provocative meaning was very strong.

"No." Zhang Wenwu replied coldly, without even looking at her.

Holding a pair of scissors in his hand, he began to trim the flowers and plants beside him.

In order to prevent himself from running over and being discovered by others, he deliberately took a pair of scissors for decoration to trim flowers and plants.

"Wenwu, do you think I can't see what you're thinking?" Lin Qianqian approached him with a smile:
"Didn't you just drop the filter on the ground on purpose? You think I didn't see it?"

"I was just careless, don't think wildly." Zhang Wenwu said coldly.

Lin Qianqian walked over suddenly, grabbed the scissors in his hand and threw them aside, then stared into his eyes, and said very firmly:
"Zhang Wenwu, don't try to lie to me, you are lying now, don't you admit it?

Do you think I can't see what's in your heart?After all, we also lived together for a while, I don't want to know you too much, okay? "

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