"When I solve all the problems, let's put the company's affairs aside, find someone to explain, and then let's go on a trip!"

"Where are you going to travel?" Lin Shengsheng couldn't help asking curiously.

"You can go anywhere, or you can travel around the world. While we are still young and can still walk, let's go out and have a look.

Don't be busy all your life, and only do those things when you are old and can't walk anymore. We don't lack anything now.

Do what you want to do, and don't leave regrets for later. " Leng Gongchen said affectionately.

"Okay, then according to what you said, when the time comes, leave the children at home and bring them to their parents, and we will travel abroad.

Just treat it as compensation for my honeymoon, after all, we got married and didn't spend our honeymoon! "Lin Shengsheng almost agreed without thinking too much.

Leng Gongchen couldn't help laughing after hearing what this woman said.

This woman wanted to split herself in half to be with her two children, and she couldn't bear to let them go for a minute.

It is really unbelievable to actually take the initiative to say that you want to leave the children at home and go on a trip by yourself!
"Is what you say true? Are you really willing to leave the kids at home and hang out with me by yourself?
Don't you forget that Pingping is still so young, so he needs you as a mother, and Mengmeng is also very dependent on you? "

Leng Gongchen deliberately teased her like this.

"Why am I reluctant? Haven't you ever heard that a child cannot be caught by a wolf!" Lin Shengsheng rolled his eyes at him.

Leng Gongchen asked this question on purpose, so she also answered it on purpose.

"Nonsense, is this idiom used like this?"

Leng Gongchen couldn't help laughing at her words, and reached out to tap her forehead.

"I'm not joking with you, let's make a deal." Lin Shengsheng raised his face to look at him, and said seriously:
"When everything is settled, you can travel around the world with me. None of us can go back on our word. If you don't mean what you say, I won't forgive you!"

"When have I lied to you, I will definitely do what I promised you." Leng Gongchen also looked serious and nodded.

Lin Shengsheng smiled and stretched out her little finger: "That's good, let's pull the hook and hang ourselves!"


Leng Gongchen said so, but still stretched out his little finger.

The fingers of the two people hooked together, and they couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Hanging on the hook, it must not be changed for 100 years!"

"Okay, it's a deal! You are not allowed to go back on your word!"

"Whoever regrets who is a puppy!"

There was laughter in the room.


The atmosphere on the other side was not so harmonious.

Lin Qianqian fell into a coma for three days and three nights, and finally at this moment, she seemed to wake up in a daze.

She opened her eyes and was still a little bit stunned.

After she took a closer look, she realized that the person sitting on the head of the hospital bed looking at him was Karen.

She was startled and froze, remembering what happened before she fell into a coma.

She quickly sat up, showing a smile, and hugged Kailun's arm intimately, rubbing her chest on his arm.

"Are you awake?" Karen looked at her lightly, without any emotion in her eyes.

"Well." After Lin Qianqian finished speaking.

Karen didn't speak.

Lin Qianqian felt a little embarrassed, and the atmosphere was too stiff. She looked around the room and said without words:

"Karen, since when did you like prickly pears? Why didn't I know that before?"

Inexplicably, several pots of prickly pears appeared in her room, but there were no such potted plants before.

She doesn't like this kind of thorny thing, and it's more troublesome, and it doesn't look good.

If it is more beautiful, it can be tolerated. It is so ugly and covered with thorns. It is really incomprehensible that there are still people who like to raise this kind of thing.

"It's about this time." Karen said slowly.

Lin Qianqian immediately smiled flatteringly and said, "Did you start liking prickly pears after eating it?"

"Do you know the usefulness of prickly pears?"

Karen seemed to suddenly become interested, and looked at Lin Qianqian with great interest, as if she wanted to discuss something interesting with him.

Lin Qianqian quickly said: "I heard that this can protect the eyes, and seeing more green things is good for the eyes.

And it can also prevent radiation, so it is generally used by people in the office to put it on the computer desk. "

That's all she knows about the usefulness of prickly pears.

"Actually, prickly pears are not that great for radiation protection. It can be said that there are some, but it is very small.

It just doesn't work for humans, so it's kind of a pseudoscience, you know? "

Karen touched her hair as she spoke, showing a smile, and looked at Lin Qianqian lightly.

Lin Qianqian's hairs stood on end when he saw her, and she always felt that his smile was a bit malicious and scary.

"Then if radiation protection is useless, why did you buy these things back? Is it to make the air in the room fresher?

Or do you think this thing is more beautiful in the room? "Lin Qianqian is still trying to find a topic.

"Of course not, do you think I have that kind of leisure? Especially after you've made such a big mistake?"

Karen raised her eyebrows, then said slowly: "I bought these things to punish those who made mistakes.

You probably don't know it yet, if someone who makes a mistake swallows this prickly pear, the thorns will go from the mouth to the throat.

Then go down the esophagus, if you are lucky, the esophagus is not pierced, you may not die, and you will digest the prickly pear..."

"If you're unlucky..." Karen deliberately slowed down her speech and looked at Lin Qianqian: "Do you want to know what the consequences will be?"

"It's... what?" Lin Qianqian shrank her neck in fright.

She didn't really want to ask, but since Karen said it, she must cooperate with him to ask, otherwise it will definitely not end well.

So, she could only bite the bullet and ask.

"If you're unlucky and the prickly pear punctures the esophagus, then there will be no good end. If you think about it, if the esophagus is broken..."

When Karen said this, she didn't continue talking, but left Lin Qianqian to imagine slowly.

Lin Qianqian's face turned pale little by little, becoming pale and bloodless.

If it is really broken, it will definitely die, and it will spurt a lot of blood.

The more Lin Qianqian thought about it, the more terrifying she felt. She even felt that her throat was uncomfortable, as if it was stuck by something.

She suddenly remembered the feeling of a fishbone stuck in her throat!

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