When Lin Shengsheng said this, he always felt that this person was a bit too scary.

Leng Gongchen nodded silently, Karen is indeed such a person, there is no doubt about it.

So ever since the person I provoked, from the beginning to now, never try to get rid of him.

Unless there is a winner between two people, and a fight to the death, unless Karen is really convinced.

But will Karen really be convinced?This seems unlikely.

"By the way, I remembered, we didn't know him at all before," Lin Shengsheng suddenly felt a little strange:
"Why is he pestering us like a mad dog and never letting go, biting us so hard and never letting go, what is it for?
Could it be, did we have any grievances with him before?I don't seem to have provoked him, how about you? "

Leng Gongchen thought for a while and said: "I never knew him, but after thinking about it carefully, I know.

Lin Qianqian's dead child didn't seem to belong to Zhou Zichuan, but now that she thinks about it, it should be Karen's child. "

Lin Shengsheng frowned tightly, feeling a little strange:
"In that case, did the two of them know each other a long time ago? I hear you say that, and I think it's possible."

The reason why Karen pesters them frequently, keeps making troubles for them, and finally finds all kinds of troubles for the company.

Lin Shengsheng always felt a little baffled, and didn't know when he forged a grudge against this man.

Now that Leng Gongchen is talking about the child, she really doesn't know anything about it.

But when Lin Qianqian wanted to use Mengmeng to save her child, and even wanted to kill Mengmeng, Lin Shengsheng would always remember it in her heart.

Leng Gongchen nodded, then guessed:

"At that time, the reason why Lin Qianqian snatched Zhou Zichuan may be because she wanted to anger you on the one hand, but more importantly, she already had a child in her stomach.

She couldn't just give birth to a child like this, so she desperately wanted to find a father for the child. She thought Zhou Zichuan was a good candidate, and the two of them got together. "

Lin Shengsheng also had doubts about this matter, but there was no conclusion.

After discussing it now, this matter should be settled. The reason why Karen came to China is because of Lin Qianqian.

And this Karen, who has a flirtatious nature, flirts with women outside. I don't know how many women there are.

If it is said that he has never changed his infatuation with Lin Qianqian and is single-minded, it is absolutely impossible, and anyone who knows him will not believe it.

Then why Karen targeted them, only because of the dead child, this is the only reasonable reason.

However, after the child was born, it seemed that he died without seeing Karen, so there should be no relationship with Karen, his biological father.

So why did Karen go out of her way to avenge that child?
Probably because he has never lost before, the spirit of not admitting defeat, right?Perhaps because of what belongs to him, he does not allow anyone to interfere.

He can kill that child, but no one else has such power.

Yes, Karen is such a pervert!
"So what purpose does this man have around us?" Lin Shengsheng felt his back go cold.

After anyone knows that there is such a terrifying person around him, he probably won't have any good feelings, right?

Lin Shengsheng felt extremely heavy in her heart, as if she was being pressed against a huge rock, and she was a little breathless.

This kind of day really doesn't know when it will be the end.

Leng Gongchen smiled indifferently, and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly:

"You don't have to worry too much, he is just a pervert."

"He's much scarier than ordinary perverts!" Lin Shengsheng retorted.

In all her life she had never seen a scarier person than Karen.

He is moody and murderous. He may be nice to you when he is happy, but he wants to kill you in a blink of an eye when he is unhappy.

"His retaliation methods are just the same. In fact, you don't need to be afraid." Leng Gongchen smiled confidently:
"If we let go now, he will never let us go, I can be sure of that.

And if we let go, he may bully us even more because he thinks we are easy to bully.

And he will feel from the bottom of his heart that we are vulnerable, he will only push forward, and then we will have no benefit at all.

Now, at least the initiative is still in our hands, so I absolutely cannot back down. "

"But..." Lin Shengsheng took a step forward, holding his arm:

"I'm really scared, Karen's pervert makes me feel really scary..."

Lin Shengsheng hugged Leng Gongchen tightly. Leng Gongchen's words gave her a sense of stability, but she still couldn't help being nervous.

No matter what, it is impossible to give up, Leng Gongchen must fight Karen to the end.

She also has to bear this tension and bear the danger that may come at any time.

This is really not something that ordinary people can bear, and it is even a kind of psychological torture.

In fact, it is not difficult for people to solve some difficulties and troubles, as long as they work patiently and communicate, they will always be resolved.

But meeting a pervert like Karen is different.

Lin Shengsheng didn't have to care about it himself, whether he would be hurt or whether he would die, those were all indifferent things.

She was worried about Leng Gongchen and the children, they were the people she cared about most, and she didn't want to see them get hurt.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. As long as I'm here, I won't let you suffer any harm. Trust me."

Leng Gongchen gently patted her on the back to comfort her:
"No matter what time it is, I will keep you safe and not let Karen get close to you, understand!"

Lin Shengsheng nodded quietly.

It seemed to be raining outside, and there was a slight sound of rain falling on the outside window.

Because of the water vapor, there was some misty halo on the window, and then it turned into a big drop of water, which slid down like someone's tears.

Can the weather understand people's mood?
Lin Shengsheng was a little sad, thinking faintly, she was really sad in her heart, and she didn't know what she was sad about.

Anyway, it's hard to feel better on a rainy day.

Leng Gongchen saw through this woman's thoughts at once, reached out his hand to cover her eyes, and felt that she closed them obediently.

Leng Gongchen then opened his mouth lightly and said slowly:
"Don't be afraid, I will solve all problems, you just need to stand behind me and hide in a secret corner..."

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