The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 497 Even More Exciting Than Movies

After getting into the police car, Lin Qianqian was still sobbing softly.

The police felt sorry for her and gave her a tissue and a bottle of mineral water.

Lin Qianqian wiped away her tears, drank a few sips of water, and finally calmed down.

The police then spoke to her:
"Miss Lin, what's the situation today? You can explain to us and tell us everything you know. This will be more beneficial to solve the case."

Only then did Lin Qianqian speak:

"Actually, there is no other special situation, I just miss my son very much, very special, so I came to find my sister.

In the past few months, I have been hiding and hiding, avoiding the killer my sister found, I have escaped countless times, and I really have no other way, so I came here.

Because I heard that the child was sick and hospitalized, and the child's condition was very serious, I was very worried, so I ran over to take a look.

But my sister won't let me see the child, I'm really sad, really sad.That child stayed in my stomach for a full 8 months, and that was my own son.

I have feelings for him, and I miss my child all the time. I really have no choice but to feel helpless.

I thought about the fact that my child was sick, and I couldn't even be with him. I was really desperate. I felt that such a life of escape was meaningless, so I really wanted to die.

But I didn't expect that when I was in such a difficult time, my sister actually wanted to kill me. She really wanted to kill me all the time, and I really couldn't accept it.

I don't know why my own sister treated me like this, although I am not the same mother as her, but our father is the same person, why did she treat me like this! "

Lin Qianqian was very sad and desperate when she said that.

The policeman was silent for a while and did not speak.

In fact, he didn't fully believe what this woman said.

There was a lot of trouble before, and he had heard about it. Lin Qianqian, a woman, couldn't just listen to one side of the story.

Almost the whole world knows about the things about the Lin family, and it has caused a lot of trouble in China.

And the woman in front of her has been in prison, and it will take a few years before she will be released.

But now it has been released long in advance.

The problem is that even if the sentence is reduced, it is impossible to reduce it so much.

And this woman still stole the limelight in the entertainment industry, and then hid it and became pregnant again.

Then it broke out that he died, and now he came back from the dead. This scene is even more exciting than the movie.

In just a few years, there have been so many ups and downs.

The police felt that what the woman said was not so credible, at least it was just one side of the story.

And what is the identity of the person who was going to kill the person inside in public just now?
There was another person who saved her, so who was it?
The policeman in charge is quite young, his name is Lin Jiejun.

Lin Jiejun said in a business-like manner: "Miss Lin Qianqian, you can freely talk about your own thoughts or doubts.

But I want to say in advance that you are responsible for what you said. Is there any evidence for what you said, and is there anything to prove that what you said is true? "

Lin Qianqian nodded quickly, and began to cry again, as if she was extremely sad, as if she had suffered all the grievances in the world.

She didn't speak at first, as if she was sorting out her thoughts, and after a while, she began to talk in a decent manner.

"I know one of the two men who were with me just now, and that is the person next to Leng Gongchen.

You should have seen the one who ran away later, that person has been with Leng Gongchen for a long time.

The media should have filmed it. I can confirm that he is the person next to Leng Gongchen, that's for sure.

By the way, he told me his name is Zhang Wenwu, but I think this name should be a fake name, you can look it up.

It is this Zhang Wenwu who has been imprisoning me these days. I am imprisoned by him every day, and I cannot be separated from him even when I eat or drink.

I really can't produce evidence, but the evidence of this matter depends on you police to investigate. I beg you, you must make the decision for me.

I can't get in the door of the Lin family anymore. Lin Shengsheng is now married to Leng Gongchen. The two of them are powerful and powerful.

Trying to kill me is as easy as killing an ant. I really can't live anymore. I beg you, you must help me!
I don't ask much, I just want to live, I just want to live, really!Comrade police, you must help me! "

Lin Jiejun listened carefully to her words, frowning and staring at her, as if he didn't want to miss her.

"Miss Lin, according to what you said, this Zhang Wenwu has imprisoned you for a long time.

So I want to ask what is the purpose of this man?Didn't you say that Leng Gongchen and the others have always wanted to kill you?
So why didn't Zhang Wenwu just kill you?And according to the public witnesses at the scene, that man just tried his best to save you.

Is there something in you that is worth his life to save you?Or that you held his secret in your hand and you didn't tell him!
Can you be honest with us?Explain this situation? "

Lin Qianqian couldn't help being stunned, she didn't expect the policeman's words to be so sharp, and he immediately asked the key point.

But looking at the young policeman in front of him, he stared at her sharply.

She knew that if she didn't speak at this time, the police would be even more suspicious.

She immediately squeezed out two lines of tears, and looked at the young policeman pitifully:
"Then I don't know, Comrade Policeman, how could I know what bad idea is going on in that bad guy's stomach?
Comrade police, I am a victim, I am about to commit suicide, why do you still doubt me here?
Although you didn't doubt me directly, I know that you are doubting what I said by asking me these questions in a roundabout way.

You can ask me any questions and I will not hide anything, I will answer you all, and I will never hide anything from you.

I just ask you to be the masters for me and let me live a good life! "

Lin Jiejun nodded, and did not continue to ask further questions.

Lin Qianqian's current situation is not suitable for further questioning.

He said with relief: "Miss Lin, don't worry too much, the place you belong to now is our police station, we will protect your personal safety, please rest assured.

As long as what you said is true, we will definitely make the decision for you. Our police have always paid attention to justice. In this regard, please rest assured. "

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