Lin Qianqian almost tried her best.

She doesn't want to die at all, she has no other extravagances, and no other wishes, she just wants to live a good life.

However, such a simple requirement was not met.

Lin Qianqian knew that Karen would not let her go. Only when she won the attention of the public would that man not dare to make a move easily.

After all, this is not his country, here is the rule of law.

Although his status is different, maybe the country will treat him preferentially, but it is absolutely impossible to kill people here openly.

Lin Qianqian knew that if she didn't win the attention of the public, Karen, that devilish man, would definitely try to kill her.

These days, that man has changed a lot of tricks, and began to pursue and kill her.

Lin Qianqian glanced at the middle-aged man, and she suddenly remembered.

She remembered this middle-aged man.

At least she has been with Karen for a long time, and she still has a little impression of these people around him.

She had really seen this person before, and he was indeed someone close to Karen.

The more Lin Qianqian thought about it, the more frightened she became.

Did Karen not want her to live for 1 minute?

Just like this, in front of the public and reporters, you have to kill her recklessly?

This lunatic is simply a devil!


Downstairs came the sound of a police car.

"Get out of the way, policeman!"

The police quickly got out of the car.

He rushed to where the three of them were.

Seeing that something was wrong, the man in the camouflage uniform immediately turned around and was about to run away.

As soon as Zhang Wenwu grabbed Lin Qianqian's hand, he chased after the middle-aged man: "Go, let's not let him run away!"

Lin Qianqian shook off his hand.

At this moment, she didn't know why, she felt a little bit reluctant.

But she still hardened her heart and said: "Let go of me, I don't want to go with you, if you want to go, go by yourself!"

Zhang Wenwu held her hand again: "Follow me, you must follow me!"

Lin Qianqian tried hard to break free from his hand, but when she couldn't, she uttered extremely vicious words.

"You let me go, I tell you to let me go, do you hear that!
Do you think that because I slept with you, I have feelings for you?Think I'll like you?

Do you think I said those things to you because I understand you!You are so stupid and easy to deceive. How many people have I deceived in my life? Isn't it easy to deceive you?
I told you those things and slept with you to take advantage of you, so I made up some random words, but I didn't expect you to believe that.

My first half of my life has been quite comfortable, who wants to be so miserable like you? "

Zhang Wenwu let go of her hand and looked back at her as if looking at a stranger.

He watched it for a long time.

Lin Qianqian said something very good, didn't she just sleep?

In today's society, what's so strange about this kind of thing happening between men and women?

How could he have such a woman?
Besides, he didn't have any special feelings for this woman, nor any particularly deep friendship.

In this world, all kinds of one-night stands happen every day.

So there is no need to protect this woman just because she slept, and don't have the idea of ​​protecting this woman.

Zhang Wenwu persuaded himself like this, then he turned around and left without looking back, walking so decisively and mercilessly.

Lin Qianqian froze there, she didn't expect this man to leave so simply.

But at this time, there was no time for her to be in a daze.

Medical staff and police rushed up, as well as reporters and onlookers also ran over to join in the fun.

Lin Qianqian knew that her chance had come, so she stopped thinking about it and began to squat on the ground.

Covering his face with both hands, he let the tears pour out from between his fingers, dripping one after another onto the ground.

"Miss Lin, stop crying and tell us what happened!"

Someone spoke up. This person was probably her fan, and he really had some distressed tone when he spoke.

Lin Shengsheng choked up and cried, "I beg you, please help me, I really don't know what to do, please help me, I don't want to die!"

A policeman came over and looked at her suspiciously: "Miss Lin Qianqian? Are you really Miss Lin Qianqian!"

Lin Qianqian nodded quickly: "I am Lin Qianqian!"

At this time, the reporter quickly asked: "Miss Lin, can you briefly tell us why you pretended to be dead!

What the hell happened when you disappeared for such a long time!And what caused you to want to commit suicide?

And what are the identities of the two men just now?Why does one protect you and the other wants to hurt you?do you know them "

Lin Qianqian couldn't say a word, she just covered her face and cried bitterly.


She seemed very sad.

Seeing that she was just crying and not speaking, the reporter couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Miss Lin Qianqian, we know you need help now, but you have to tell us what kind of help you need, otherwise how can we help you?"

The reporter said anxiously.


Lin Qianqian cried so aggrieved that she said after a while:

"It's because of my elder sister, Lin Shengsheng. I've already pretended to be dead. She still doesn't want to let me go, and someone found me, woo woo woo...

In fact, I have always regarded her as my own sister. I have never calculated her, and I have never bothered with her.

I don't know why Lin Shengsheng treats me like this, even if she hates me, I can hide away and not disturb her life!

She doesn't need to treat me as a younger sister, but what I want now is that she treats me as a stranger.

Because even strangers won't kill me, I really want to live, I really don't want to play hide and seek with her anymore..."

Lin Qianqian was in excruciating pain, as if she was in endless pain, she cried so hard every time that she almost passed out, and almost fell into a coma.

Outsiders looked really pitiful.

A policeman came up to her and asked:
"Miss Lin Qianqian, according to what you said, Lin Shengsheng is behind all this, right! It's because of her that you become what you are today?"

This incident can be characterized as attempted murder.

If Lin Qianqian knew what was going on, it would actually be beneficial to solve the case by telling her.

The reporters are chasing after this, wanting to dig out bigger news.

But the police were unwilling to wait any longer:
"Miss Lin Qianqian, please come with us to the bureau and tell me the details, it will be more helpful to solve the case."

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