After Karen answered the phone, she slammed the teacup on the ground.

Glass shards splashed on Lin Qianqian's legs.

Blood gushed out immediately.

Lin Qianqian didn't dare to say anything, she just covered her mouth and wept.

She regretted it very much in her heart, she shouldn't have messed with this murderer, he is just a pervert.

This man is so perverted and crazy that he can even murder his own father.

His hands were covered with countless blood.

How could she provoke such a pervert?
To this man, I am like an ant.

"What the hell are you talking about!" Karen yelled angrily: "When I debugged it, it was obviously fine! Are you kidding me!
And those technicians, what do I keep them for!Go to the relevant person in charge and say, I will give you the last 10 minutes!

If within 10 minutes, no problem can be found and the plane can't take off, I will kill you! "

Karen said angrily and hung up the phone.

He dropped the phone on the ground again.

"damn it!"

Why do things like this always happen at critical moments?

His head is so dizzy.

He suddenly felt that this feeling was like being drugged!
He suddenly took out the small dagger hidden in his body, and stabbed it in his thigh.

Blood gushed out, and his mind seemed to clear up a lot.

Seeing him like this, Lin Qianqian screamed loudly and wanted to run away in fear.

Karen grabbed her hair and said mercilessly, "Bitch, did you drug me!"

"No, I didn't!" Lin Qianqian burst into tears in pain: "Why... I didn't... Let me go, I hurt so much, I really hurt..."

Karen suddenly pulled vigorously.

Lin Qianqian was pulled in front of him.

"How dare you lie to me! Then why are you so nervous when you come in? I think you have a guilty conscience!" Karen said viciously.

Lin Qianqian was too scared to speak.

"If you don't tell me the truth again, I'll paint your face right now!" Karen raised the dagger in his hand high.

At this time, his mind was dizzy again, and he involuntarily loosened his hands.

Lin Qianqian was terrified and said quickly: "Don't hurt me, I'll tell you the truth! I'm obsessed, I really want that child.

I don't want the child to die, I want to save the child, I don't want to harm you, I just want you to sleep, and don't let me rescue the child.

I just need a little time. I really don't want to harm you. He is our child, and it is also because he is your child.

I just want that child to live, I beg you, don't kill me, I'm thinking of you, I'm afraid you will regret it after that child dies..."

Lin Qianqian burst into tears as she spoke.

Karen was running out of strength.

Sensing his weakness, Lin Qianqian immediately stood up and pushed him away forcefully.

"You bitch, I'm going to kill you!" Karen yelled loudly.

Lin Qianqian pushed him even harder onto the armchair.

Karen suddenly passed out.

Lin Qianqian stood there in shock.

She thought for a while and ran for her life. When the man woke up, she would definitely not be able to survive...

Thinking about this, she knew exactly what she should do, but she didn't have any strength in her body, so she couldn't get up at all.

She slapped herself hard.

"Where can I escape to..."

Now that she has no money and no power to escape to, it seems that she can't escape this pervert.

This metamorphosis is really scary!

She sat there crying in despair, crying and crying, she suddenly thought of someone.

"Leng Gongchen!"

Her eyes lit up all of a sudden, this man is the only one who can contend with this pervert.

If she saved her child and Lin Shengsheng, Leng Gongchen would definitely protect her.

She got up immediately and wanted to go out in a hurry. If it was any later, it might be too late.

She walked to the door, turned around and took the ring from Karen's finger.

With this ring, those bodyguards in black will obey her orders.

After putting away the ring, she went to the dressing table to wipe away the tears on her face.

Then he simply put on a little powder before going out, so that it is easier to do things in disguise.

Those bodyguards in black were standing 100 meters away.

Lin Qianqian walked over like a normal person.

"Karen ordered that you are not allowed to enter his house from now on.

He has very important things to deal with alone now, this is his ring, you should know it? "

Lin Qianqian put the ring away as she spoke.

"We have known each other for a long time now, and let me remind you again, he is in a very bad mood today.

You'd better not provoke him, otherwise the consequences will be very serious, and you may even die. "

The bodyguards looked at her gratefully: "Thank you, Miss Lin, for reminding me!"

Karen is always unpredictable, and he will kill someone every now and then.

But he also gave a lot of money, so the people under his hands were desperate for money.

If he didn't have enough money, no one would be willing to come here to be his bodyguard.

"You don't need to be so polite with me, as long as you remember my kindness, and give me convenience when the time is right!" Lin Qianqian smiled.

"no problem!"

The bodyguard subconsciously thought that Lin Qianqian was in the same class as them.

At the beach, Lin Qianqian walked towards the two bodyguards again.

Bodyguards sit on board.

Lin Qianqian said to them:
"Hurry up and guard the door of the cabin, Karen has very important things to do today, so just stay with those two and guard.

Remember, he is in a very bad mood today, don't bother him if there is nothing to do, he will definitely get angry.

He ordered me to do this, here is his ring, look here. "

Lin Qianqian took out the ring as she spoke.

After seeing the ring, the two bodyguards believed her and walked towards the cabin.

After Lin Qianqian watched them disappear, she waited for a few more minutes and found that no one came back, so she took the boat to Lin Shengsheng's side.

"Lin Shengsheng, in return for raising my son, I saved your life today!"

Lin Qianqian's tone was very bad, but she still cut the rope on Lin Shengsheng's body with a knife.

Lin Shengsheng shivered coldly.

"Lin Qianqian, it's you..."

She was a little puzzled, she really didn't expect that Lin Qianqian would save her at this time.

"It's really a joke to say all of this. I'm afraid I wish you were dead the most in this world, but I just saved you again. It's ironic!"

Lin Qianqian said with a mocking face.

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