"In view of your past methods, I still have to wait until the opening ceremony is over before releasing your wife. Let's play a game of life and death."

Karen said with a smile: "Don't worry, although I like to do bad things, I still mean what I say, but you have to do what I want.

Don't mess around behind your back, otherwise I won't be responsible if your wife is drowned. You are obedient and not only saved your wife.

You also saved our two sons. Speaking of which, I have to thank you very much. Thank you for raising my son so well, so beautiful, and so smart.

Spending so much energy and thought on raising other people's children, Leng Gongchen, you are such a rare kind person! "Karen's words were full of sarcasm.

But Leng Gongchen didn't take it seriously: "You'd better do what you say!"

After hanging up the phone, he quickly drove towards the stadium.

in the reception room.

Leng Gongchen directly told the person in charge: "I want to replace all the planes that appeared today with those made by Karen's company.

His company and our company are now partners, so it is also possible according to the contract, and it is not a violation. "

"Yes." The person in charge nodded in agreement.

"It seems that you have already received the news in advance?" asked Leng Gongchen, the person in charge in front of the examiner.

The person in charge didn't deny it either: "Let me tell you the truth, Mr. Leng, some time ago because of your company's troubles, I was also scolded bloody by them.

The higher-ups are very dissatisfied with this matter, and now if they switch to the aircraft manufactured by Karen Company, they can save the face of the higher-ups, and I can easily explain it.

And it can also let country C know the sincerity of our country, which is also a good start from above, and the two countries can reach better cooperation in the future. "

"Such an opening ceremony with national jubilation should show our country's own strength, right?
You turn your elbows outward like this, what are you talking about saving the face of the country?

What is it about for the good of the country and wanting friendly cooperation? " Leng Gongchen smiled sarcastically.

"Mr. Leng, you don't know something." The person in charge explained:
"Although Karen's father is of noble blood in country C, his mother is from our country, so when it comes to blood, half of his blood belongs to our country."

"You guys are well prepared." Leng Gongchen smiled coldly:

"My mobile phone is always on. If you need it, you can contact me. If you have any other requirements, first rescue my wife and son, and we can talk about it later."

As he spoke, he forwarded the video sent by Karen to the person in charge.

As soon as he walked out of the stadium, Leng Gongchen received a call.

He hesitated for a moment, but still connected:

"Hello, Mr. Leng, I am the manager of the milk powder store, just now Miss Lin Shengsheng took another brand of milk powder from us.

I want to confirm now, is your family not drinking the original brand?If you change the milk powder rashly like this, it will not be very good for the child.

Originally, Ms. Lin should be consulted about this matter, but Ms. Lin's mobile phone has been turned off.

We had to call our backup contact, sorry to bother you! "The store manager said very politely.

Leng Gongchen couldn't help being taken aback: "You mean Lin Shengsheng visited your shop today?"

Is this a signal from his wife?
The milk powder of their family is fixed every month, and it is delivered by this store.

"Miss Lin herself didn't come here, it was a lady I don't know who came here, and it seems that her surname is also Lin.

Ms. Lin told us on the phone, and we gave the milk powder to that lady to take away! "

The store manager explained.

"Send me the monitoring at that time immediately, hurry up!" Leng Gongchen ordered excitedly.

"Okay, I'll send it right away!" The store manager didn't know what happened, but he still agreed.

Leng Gongchen immediately had someone investigate the surveillance over there, and soon determined Lin Shengsheng's approximate current location.

He drove the car towards the suburbs.

Cabins by the sea.

Lin Qianqian made a steaming cup of coffee and brought it over.

"This is what I brewed for you. Try it." Lin Qianqian walked over and put the coffee in front of him:
"Before you seemed very tired, you had dark circles under your eyes, you should have a good rest, I feel so distressed to see you so tired."

After serving the coffee, Karen looked at her impatiently: "You seem to talk too much today."

Lin Qianqian was too scared to speak anymore.

Karen suddenly smiled: "But you are very feminine like this, and you look pretty good."

He drank more than half of his coffee while talking.

Then, the phone rang.

"Leng Gongchen is here, you don't have to be polite, just hack him to death in the sea.

Create the illusion that he rescued a woman in the sea, but was accidentally hacked to death by a knife! "

"What's so fake, there are so many fake things in this world, can't they all be false!

As long as you have money and power, what can't be solved?No matter how fake it is, they will believe it! "

Lin Qianqian listened to his phone and knew that this man planned to choose revenge today.

But if she chooses to stun this man at this time, will it ruin his event?
Lin Qianqian was a little flustered.

But the coffee has already been drunk, and the medicine has also been drunk, and it is too late to change anything.

Karen yawned, seeming a little sleepy.

"Bring me the coffee, why am I so sleepy all of a sudden?" Karen ordered.

Lin Qianqian was extremely nervous, and walked over with a cup of coffee, but because she was so nervous, her hand slipped, and the coffee spilled on him.

The cup also fell to the ground.


Karen slapped her unceremoniously.

"You damn bitch, what else can you do! Stupid!" he cursed angrily.

Lin Qianqian was so frightened that she knelt down to him: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I was careless..."

She was trembling slightly all over.

Karen felt like she was a little too irritated, she was wet, she just needed a change of clothes, there was no need for that.

He was about to wake this woman up.

But it felt like something was wrong.

If it was normal, this woman would definitely stick up to please him and entangle him like a water snake.

Not today, which is very wrong!
"There's been something wrong with you since you came in. You're very nervous. Did you do something behind my back?" He asked with a frown.

Lin Qianqian beat her head and said nothing.

"Say!" Kevin roared angrily.

"I didn't...I didn't..." Lin Qianqian was so frightened that she couldn't even speak clearly.

Karen just felt dizzy.

I wanted to say something more, but my mind was too full.

He covered his head with both hands, trying to make this dizzy feeling go away...

And at this moment, his cell phone rang!

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