Lin Shengsheng didn't have a good idea for a while.

She hadn't taken the initiative in such a big matter yet.

If it's about her own company, she can decide at will.

But the affairs of Leng's Group have always been decided by Leng Gongchen. Now that the matter is so important, she really dare not make a decision for a while.

"I already know the situation, I will give you an answer after thinking about it." Lin Shengsheng had a headache: "By the way, is Lin Qianqian awake yet?"

"It was claimed to the outside world that she did not wake up." Wang Kang said: "But, I asked, she is not as badly injured as our young master, so she should have woken up."

"Send the news that she woke up first." Lin Shengsheng ordered.

After Wang Kang left, Lin Shengsheng carefully thought about the ins and outs of the matter.

After all, the company is only a private enterprise. Although it has become very large, it must not be done right.

Because there is no chance of winning.

And it will also affect the cooperation between other companies and the Leng Group. The reputation of the company is gone, and it will be very difficult to develop in the future.

So the most important thing now is to investigate the truth of the matter.

She sent a message to the director.

After a while, the director sent over the surveillance video at that time.

Lin Shengsheng doubled the speed, not missing any details in the video.

What she watched were the scenes where she and Lin Qianqian were together.

At this time, the screen in front of her jumped to the scene of Lin Qianqian ten minutes before the accident.

There are staff members maintaining Wia.

"This person..." Lin Shengsheng pressed the pause button all of a sudden.

She remembered that she looked at this man twice more at that time.

Because this person was wearing very tight clothes, only two eyes were exposed.

She zoomed in on the video and found the scar at the corner of the man's eye.

Lin Shengsheng was shocked.

She didn't pay attention then, but now she recognizes it!
This person is actually Chen Junkai!
Yes, he is Chen Junkai!

She was too familiar with this terrible look.

Chen Junkai obviously wanted to seek revenge from her, why did he move that rope?

Does he have a greater purpose?

It's not aimed at her at all, but at the entire Leng Group!

The more Lin Shengsheng thought about it, the more likely it was.

He finally took measures.

Lin Shengsheng watched all of Chen Junkai's video images.

However, Chen Junkai is very capable of anti-reconnaissance.

He can hide every time, making it unclear what he is doing behind the surveillance camera.

It has been a full week, and Lin Shengsheng has not been able to find any evidence to prove that he did not frame Lin Qianqian.

Because she suspected that she pushed Lin Qianqian, she was taken to the police station for investigation and questioning many times
Today is the day of court.

Lin Shengsheng has been resting very badly these days, and her face is covered with big dark circles.

She didn't want to show weakness to the enemy, so she cleaned up deliberately, put on a light makeup, and then went out.

After the hearing, lawyers from both sides argued fiercely.

This time the hearing was open to the public.

There were quite a few people sitting below, including reporters and fans, and there were endless discussions.

Some even brought eggs to hit her on purpose.

Lin Shengsheng was hit on the head by an egg, and the juice flowed on her body.

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help but get annoyed.

Does the so-called justice of the court mean turning a blind eye to the harm she suffered?

She looked angrily at those people in the audience.

"I've said it many times, I didn't push that woman with my hands, she jumped on purpose, and she is best at using tricks.

If you don't believe me, you can break into his ward and take a good look to see if she is awake.

Lin Qianqian's injury was not serious at all, how could she have been in a coma until now! "

How could these people treat her like this without any evidence?There is no reason at all!

And their words are so ugly, even if she doesn't care much about these words, she will still feel disgusted if she hears them too much.


The judge knocked down the hammer: "Defendant, please keep quiet!"

"Judge, I respect you, please respect me, don't tell me you can't see these people keep throwing things at me when you sit on it!" Lin Shengsheng was very angry.

The judge's voice became colder: "Lin Shengsheng, if you continue to make trouble here without any reason, then you can go out!"

Lin Shengsheng had no choice but to sit down again, now was not the time to leave.

Seeing her being reprimanded, those people immediately became happier.

"Lin Shengsheng is such a vicious woman, she caused her sister to be in a coma until now, and she is talking nonsense here. I heard that she has never even visited her sister!"

"Why is Leng Gongchen so blind that he would fall in love with such a vicious woman?"

"This thing, that's not sure! How can a woman have the ability to do such a big thing? It must be her husband who is helping her behind the scenes. Both of them are the same!"

Lin Shengsheng had a dull pain in her stomach.

She regretted that she was too anxious to go out today and didn't take painkillers.

If I came to my aunt before and the pain was severe, I had to take a painkiller.

Recently, because there are too many things, she has forgotten them.

She gritted her teeth and endured it, hoping that it wouldn't hurt too much today.

Seeing that something was wrong with her situation, her lawyer couldn't help asking her with concern:
"Miss Lin, how are you? If it's hard, I can apply for an adjournment."

"No, let's continue." Lin Shengsheng shook his head.

"Defendant, now please repeat what happened that day." The judge said coldly.

Lin Shengsheng stood up: "On that day, Lin Qianqian and I..."

She felt dizzy as she spoke, and her eyes couldn't focus at all.

The judge frowned suddenly.

The people in the audience exploded.

"Why is this woman silent!"

"I think I'm guilty, I can't say it!"

"This kind of woman is very vicious, and she pretends to be pitiful. Vicious people can't find any excuses to defend themselves!"

"Seeing that pitiful look, I'm here to deceive sympathy!"

Lin Shengsheng really wanted to refute their words, but couldn't say a word.

In the end, his eyes went dark, and he passed out completely, and everything around him seemed to disappear...

Just when her body was falling limply, a man who looked like Leng Gongchen suddenly rushed out and supported her:
"Judge, the defendant's health is too much to bear, and he requests to postpone the hearing."

"Dismiss the defendant's request." The judge disagreed.

He smiled coldly: "Then the judge can ask a doctor to come over for an appraisal. Is there a forensic doctor here? Or ask the judge to come down and have a look."

Is he really Leng Gongchen?Is he finally sober?

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