"Okay." Lin Shengsheng smiled, pretending to be very pleased.

Lin Mengmeng began to speak vividly...

Lin Shengsheng remained silent.

After Lin Mengmeng finished telling the story, she still didn't hear Mommy's voice.

He couldn't help reminding: "Mum, my story is over, what do you think!"

But there was no response on the phone.

"Mum, are you asleep?" Lin Mengmeng thought of this possibility.

Lin Shengsheng still didn't make any sound.

Like an obedient little white rabbit, Lin Mengmeng said obediently:

"Good night, Mommy, I hope Mommy can have a good dream!"

Lin Mengmeng hung up the phone while speaking.

Lin Shengsheng watched the phone screen go dark, and immediately couldn't help but burst into tears.

Tears fell down big and big.

Lin Shengsheng held Leng Gongchen's hand, looked at his face:
"Gong Chen, you must have heard your son's voice just now! The son is telling a story, he hopes you sleep well, and also hopes you have good dreams!

I hope you get up quickly after you sleep well, I hope you quickly return to your previous appearance, you definitely don't want Mengmeng to see your current appearance!

So Gong Chen, you must work hard, I only have you to rely on, if something happens to you, I don't even know what to do.

You agreed, we are married, you will take care of me for the rest of my life, you can't lie to me!If you don't wake up all the time, how can you take care of me?
Gong Chen, I beg you, please, wake up! "Lin Shengsheng's tears couldn't stop rolling down.

She walked to the door of the ward and cried a lot, and when her emotions stabilized, she re-entered the ward.

At this time, the phone rang, and she saw that it was the director calling, but she didn't answer the phone, so she hung up directly.

The director didn't give up and hit it again.

Lin Shengsheng immediately turned off the phone after hanging up the phone.

She doesn't want to worry about anything now, she just wants to guard the man in the ward and let him wake up early.

And the director looked at the hung up call on his mobile phone, his face became more and more ugly.

He opened the video again.

There were only Lin Shengsheng and Lin Qianqian in the video.

Lin Shengsheng's face was fierce: "Lin Qianqian, what do you think you are?
Just like the roles the two of us are playing now, you can only be my foil no matter what.

If I hadn't been pregnant by accident, did you think you would have the opportunity to control our family property?

And these years, if I hadn't devoted myself to my children, do you think you would have been able to be proud for so long?

Just like this promotional video, as long as I am there, you can never be the protagonist.

You are an illegitimate daughter, no matter when you are, you will always be invisible and can only be a supporting role! "

Lin Qianqian cried very sadly: "No matter what, the blood that is bleeding from my body belongs to the Lin family. Do you just look down on me like that?"

"An illegitimate daughter has the nerve to say that she is from our family? Don't you know that you can't see the light!"

Lin Shengsheng slapped her as soon as she spoke.

"But grandpa..." Lin Qianqian wanted to argue.

Lin Shengsheng slapped her again: "You are not qualified to mention grandpa, if you mention grandpa to me again, I will definitely make you regret it!"


The amount of information contained in this less than 1-minute video is even more explosive than this unfinished commercial.

The filming scene has been thoroughly investigated.

Someone tampered with Lin Qianqian's wire hanging from Wia.

Lin Shengsheng just pushed her, as if to prove that everything was done on purpose by Lin Shengsheng.

Combined with this video, it can be explained better, Lin Shengsheng has always wanted to kill his sister.

However, if you really have this idea, why do you let yourself do it yourself?

Isn't it easier to reveal stuffing like this?

The director felt that he was a smart person and caught the loophole.

However, the general public is not so sensible.

Although Lin Qianqian has just debuted, but he looks sweet and is packaged by a powerful company. He is full of publicity everywhere and has participated in many variety shows.

At present, it is considered to be a little popular, and many people have become fans of her.

Since there are fans, there must be brainless fans, and someone is stirring up the situation behind, Lin Shengsheng was immediately pushed into the wind and waves.

I don't even know who revealed the hospital where Lin Shengsheng is currently staying.

The entrance of the hospital was quickly filled with reporters and fans, making it impossible to get in and out.

Some patients even jointly asked Leng Gongchen to be transferred to another hospital, which would affect their medical treatment too much.

Under the protection of security and bodyguards, Lin Shengsheng took Leng Gongchen into the car with some difficulty.

This time, I changed to a hospital with better security measures, and it was also a high-end VIP ward. I finally got rid of those crazy reporters and fans.

The hospital was very quiet, but Lin Shengsheng couldn't calm down, only feeling flustered.

It's been a whole day and night.

Leng Gongchen showed no sign of waking up.

However, his complexion was much better than at the beginning.

If he ignores the tubes on his body, he seems to be asleep.

However, the more this is the more terrifying.

Lin Shengsheng was really uneasy, afraid that Leng Gongchen would not wake up if he lay down like this.

Wang Kang came in a hurry.

"Miss Lin, is the young master still awake?" Wang Kang asked with concern.

"It should be soon." Lin Shengsheng no longer had any trust in others at this time, and dared not tell the truth to anyone, so he could only perfunctory like this.

Wang Kang seemed relieved.

"What's the matter?" Lin Shengsheng looked at his expression: "Could it be that there is something wrong with the drone?"

"There is no problem with the machine." Wang Kang shook his head: "However, there is one problem that is very serious.

It is our partner who asked us to terminate the contract with them and pay 10 times the liquidated damages on the contract. "

"Is it because of this incident!" Lin Shengsheng knew why without thinking.

Wang Kang nodded: "The impact on this incident is relatively bad, and even the government has been scolded.

If this kind of thing is not related to the government in normal times, just open up contacts casually, and then buy some sailors to suppress it.

But this time it involves the opening ceremony of my country's Winter Olympics, things are a bit bigger, and things have become very complicated.

Moreover, most of the partners in hand may want to terminate cooperation with us and demand compensation. "

"If we go to court, do we have a chance of winning?" Lin Shengsheng asked.

"I have sent people to investigate the real cause of that incident, but so far no clues have been found.

If the culprit is not caught before the trial, we have no chance of winning. "Wang Kang shook his head:
"Now the young master is in a coma, Miss Lin, what should you instruct us to do?"

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