Lin Qianqian's scream pierced the sky.

The movements are clumsy, and there is no sense of beauty at all.

"Lin Qianqian, what the hell are you doing!" The director's face darkened.

What happened to the heroine and the second heroine?

Lin Shengsheng jumped directly from the top.

She looked at Lin Qianqian with concern: "What's the matter with you? Are you all right?
Why are you so careless?Didn't I tell you that when you turn around, you must be softer.

Have you forgotten all the movements Teacher Tan Anni taught us?I'll tell you again, you have to do this when you turn around.

Be sure to let the limbs look soft and full of beauty, and you should breathe gently. "

Lin Shengsheng seemed to want to move her with his actions.

Lin Qianqian just stared at her with hatred.

The director felt very uncomfortable seeing Lin Qianqian's reluctance to make progress, but he didn't say much.

"Learn it? What are you thinking?" Lin Shengsheng urged.

Lin Qianqian could also see the director's displeasure, so she could only follow along perfunctorily.

Lin Shengsheng corrected her very seriously: "The movements are correct, but your posture is too stiff.

And the facial expression is not good, if you really shoot such an expression, you will definitely not be able to pass. "

Lin Qianqian had no choice but to rehearse it again, with a stiff smile on her face.

"That's right, you have to practice hard, and you will be confident in your heart when you face the camera.

Your previous performance was better than mine, why are you afraid of the camera?
Now it's just practice, not real shooting, the camera is just symbolically looking at us without real shooting.

You just treat it as non-existent, just like air, and when you actually shoot, you think the same way, and there will be no tension. "

Lin Shengsheng talked a lot, the more he talked, the better his mood.

Lin Qianqian clenched her fists tightly, still not saying a word.

Lin Shengsheng leaned against her ear, with a smile on his face, as if he was saying something private, but what he said was extremely cold:

"Remember my words, don't try to mess with me again, or I will never let you go!

Lin Qianqian, you'd better keep my words firmly in your heart! "

Another quarter of an hour rested.

Training session 3 has begun.

This time everything went relatively smoothly, and the director's face finally looked much better.

We rehearsed three times in a row, and everyone performed very well.

The director was very satisfied. Seeing that the time was almost up, he clapped his hands:
"Everyone has worked hard, go back and have a good rest. When resting, remember to recall today's movements and key points, and continue training tomorrow."

at this time.

A big truck drove by outside.

The driver came over and bowed respectfully to Lin Shengsheng: "Miss Lin, the meal you ordered has arrived, where can I put it?"

Lin Shengsheng was stunned for a moment, then remembered Leng Gongchen, he must have made the decision.

She took out her mobile phone and planned to make a call to ask, but saw the message from Leng Gongchen.

"I invite you to have dinner with the crew, but in your name, how is my husband treating you?"

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help showing a sweet smile.

Leng Gongchen is helping her gain a sense of presence and recruit personnel.

Lin Shengsheng took the microphone from the side: "Don't go back, everyone, I ordered dinner and delivered it, please use it together."

The driver quickly delivered the meals to the designated place.

The smell of food soon wafted away.

Everyone has been busy all day without being lazy, and at this time they are all very hungry, and they all gather around when they see delicious food.

"Wow, there are so many dishes! Sister Shengsheng, this must have cost a lot of money! It cost you a lot!"

"Sister Shengsheng is the wife of the president of the Leng Group. Is this money still short? Thank you anyway!"

"Thank you, Mrs. President!"

"Sister Shengsheng, you are so kind!"

Lin Shengsheng greeted everyone with a smile, telling everyone not to be polite.

Lin Qianqian looked at all this with hatred in her heart.

These people are all snobbish, they just see Leng Gongchen is rich, so they all gather around to flatter him.

How much can this table dish cost?Not much more than tens of thousands of dollars.

She can take it out casually, what's the big deal?

Are these people so licking their faces to flatter them?

Lin Shengsheng walked over with a piece of food at this time: "Would you like to have a taste?"

Lin Qianqian snorted coldly and turned her head away from her.

She actually wanted to leave, but everyone didn't. If she left, she would seem a little out of group.

Lin Shengsheng suddenly withdrew his outstretched hand, showing a faint smile: "I forgot, I didn't prepare it for you at all."

"Lin Shengsheng!" Lin Qianqian gritted her teeth in hatred.

At this time the director came over: "Shengsheng, thank you for your dinner, it tastes really good, by the way, Lin Qianqian, why don't you eat it?"

Lin Qianqian smiled wryly: "I, I've been losing weight recently."


During the break at noon the next day, the director brought the two leading actors over for a separate training session.

Because they always do not cooperate well, the director must conduct strict individual training.

In fact, they are all doing very well in training individually, but as long as they get together, problems will definitely occur.

The director was also very helpless when he saw this situation.

He also knew about the bad relationship between these two people recently.

He regretted it a little now, he shouldn't hastily agreed to let Lin Qianqian join in.

Hanging Wia is very exhausting. After the two practiced a few times, the director asked them to come down and rest.

During the break, the director asked special maintenance personnel to check the safety of the equipment, which is very important.

Because the weather is too cold, everyone wears more clothes.

But one of them was particularly exaggerated, directly covering the whole body, leaving only two eyes exposed.

Lin Shengsheng thought that person looked familiar, but also a little strange, when he was about to take a few more glances, someone from the make-up team suddenly called her.

"Lin Shengsheng, the director asked you to go over and touch up your makeup."

"Here we come." Lin Shengsheng had no choice but to give up and walked over.

After finishing the makeup and returning, I plan to start again.

She found that Lin Qianqian had become a little strange. She was shivering secretly, but it didn't seem like she was shivering from cold, she seemed to be afraid.

"Are you nervous? Lin Qianqian, are you also nervous?" Lin Shengsheng showed a contemptuous smile.

Lin Qianqian just snorted coldly.

She didn't speak, nor did she respond to Lin Shengsheng's provocation.

In fact, Lin Shengsheng didn't mean to be provocative, but just said casually, this matter is over.

Followed the crowd to the high platform.

There was not much time left, and the director had to fight for every minute, so they were not allowed to train alone.

After he said the essentials again, the two finally started training, and the supporting actors followed behind.

At this time, a few reporters suddenly came...

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