"Director, I'm sorry, it's my fault this time, I'll pay attention next time." Lin Shengsheng was very sorry for delaying so many people.

Although she knew who was doing the tricks, she didn't say much.

She blamed herself for not being careful and not paying attention to guarding against that woman.

"Drink a glass of water." The director handed her a glass of water: "It's okay, don't be nervous, there are still opportunities later."

"Thank you." Lin Shengsheng took the glass of water and went to the side to rest, then watched the rest of the people jump off the top one by one.

She stared at them intently, studying silently in her heart.

Thinking about what to do when I dance again, how to put on the shape, it looks more elegant.

Lin Qianqian sat down beside her with a glass of water, never treating herself as an outsider.

"Lin Shengsheng, you are not as courageous as before."

"People will always change." Lin Shengsheng showed a mocking smile: "You are much smarter than before."

In the past, Lin Qianqian was indeed a person with no brains, and she was not intimidating.

Now this woman has grown a little bit more discerning.

Lin Qianqian showed a smile: "After suffering so much, if I haven't improved, do you think I'm a fool?

If you don't learn to be smarter in prison, you probably won't be able to come out alive.

Compared with me, you are much worse. Your brain is not as good as before. Are all women in love so stupid? "

Lin Shengsheng glanced at her and said nothing, she was too lazy to talk to this woman.

"Lin Shengsheng, have you ever doubted whether Leng Gongchen really loves you?

Now that you are young and pretty, and you gave birth to his son, that's why he dotes on you so much.

When you get old and look bad in the future, if he kicks you, what should you do?
You will have children, and women outside will also have children, and then he..." Lin Qianqian tried to sow discord.

Lin Shengsheng interrupted her directly: "Thank you for your concern, but I don't need you to worry about it."

"Be kind as a donkey's liver and lungs." Lin Qianqian was furious.

Lin Shengsheng smiled softly: "By the way, I also want to thank you for your compliment. You praised me for being good-looking."

Lin Qianqian has some eyesight, but she is not much smarter than before.

She thought that a few words would be enough to sow discord. Is there a solid relationship between the two of them?

How stupid!

Lin Qianqian seems to have changed a little on the surface, but in fact she still looks stupid in essence.

Lin Qianqian looked at her speechlessly.

Lin Shengsheng looked forward.

After that, all the extras have completed the skydiving action.

But the director was very dissatisfied, because everyone did not achieve the desired effect.

However, this is not bad. After all, it is the first time for everyone to do this. It is actually the result of everyone's hard work.

"Okay, you can take a break now, and we will continue after 15 minutes."

The director clapped his hands for everyone to rest.

Lin Qianqian still wanted to say something.

Lin Shengsheng stood up impatiently, she really didn't want to talk nonsense with this woman.

"Director, when I was jumping down, I think we should add a little more..." She simply went to discuss the plot with the director.

Lin Qianqian gritted her teeth angrily.

Later in training, she will definitely embarrass Lin Shengsheng.

Lin Shengsheng stood there and said to the director: "I think female No. 2 should be like waking up from a dream, she rushed to jump down, but the heroine refused.

Then the two held hands and jumped down together, I think the movement needs to be improved to this..."

Lin Shengsheng showed the director while doing actions while talking.

She simply expressed her thoughts.

The director looked at it and was quite satisfied: "This still adds some aesthetic feeling, and it is more feasible.

After a while you follow this plan, I will see how it works, and if possible, I will adopt this plan. "

Lin Qianqian sat far away and couldn't hear what they were talking about, but seeing the director smiling, she felt very uncomfortable.

Why did Lin Shengsheng get this kind of treatment everywhere?

Does she have that much charm?
Lin Shengsheng left after finishing speaking.

The director waved at Lin Qianqian: "Come here!"

Lin Qianqian walked over and heard the director said that she wanted to change the action, she couldn't help being a little reluctant, but finally agreed.

After all, the director had the final say, and she dared not disobey the director.

This director is very principled in his work.

The man approached the director several times before finally inserting himself. He also paid a lot for this matter.

She didn't dare to mess up this matter, otherwise she would definitely go around without food.

Lin Qianqian couldn't help but shudder when she wanted to see that man's terrifying appearance.

He's just a super pervert, it's scary!

A quarter of an hour of rest time passed quickly.

The second training session officially started.

Same as last time.

Just changed one place, when Lin Qianqian was about to dance, Lin Shengsheng stopped her.

All the action and dialogue is done.

Lin Shengsheng also followed Lin Qianqian's method to herself just now, and then stretched out her foot to trip Lin Qianqian without anyone noticing.

Lin Qianqian screamed unpreparedly, her neck shrank tightly, and she was about to fall.

The director's face became more and more ugly, what the hell are the heroine and the second heroine doing?Want to screw up this workout?
And at this critical moment, Lin Shengsheng grabbed Lin Qianqian: "Director, don't worry, we can start over!"

As she spoke, she looked at Lin Qianqian at the side: "How are you? Can you still hold on? If you can't hold on, you can take a break first and then start again."

Lin Qianqian tightly covered her chest with both hands, feeling like her heart was about to jump out.

After she calmed down her breathing, she glared at Lin Shengsheng viciously: "You meant to hurt me, didn't you!
You deliberately asked the director to change the action, just to deal with me like this!I see through you! "

"Intentionally hurt you?" Lin Shengsheng showed a smile:
"I'm just retaliation, don't you like this gift I gave you?
I advise you to be more honest next time, let me tell you, I am not an easy-going lamp, if you dare to mess with me again, I will definitely get you down.

Why are you making your debut?Why I entered the entertainment industry has nothing to do with me, but this promotional video must be shot well.

If something goes wrong, if you continue to mess up the filming here, I will never let you go! "

As she spoke, she exuded a threatening aura, and approached Lin Qianqian straight.

Lin Qianqian had never seen such a terrifying Lin Shengsheng before, so she backed away in fear.

"Do you hear clearly?" Lin Shengsheng looked at him warningly.

"You..." Lin Qianqian was frightened, she turned around and wanted to run away.

As a result, he fell straight down under his feet.


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