"Didn't I tell you that I will pick you up at the church later, but I haven't seen you come out after waiting for a long time.

If you don't answer the call, you will come directly according to the location of your mobile phone. "

Lin Shengsheng nodded, calmed down at this moment, and suddenly remembered that she gave Leng Gongchen a knife.

He looks a little serious.

Did you go to the hospital already?
Then why come here?

It seemed that the knife was not fatal, but looking at his pain, it should be very bad.

Lin Shengsheng, you can't sympathize with him, and don't shed tears for him.

He is a beast!
He has done so many things that should not have been done.

Damn him!
Lin Shengsheng covered her face and cried.

Dill cried with her.

"Shengsheng, what's wrong with you?" Chen Junkai frowned.

"It's nothing." Lin Shengsheng wiped away her tears, "It's just to let off steam."

Go home.

Chen Junkai asked the newly hired nanny Gera to bathe Dill.

Let Lin Shengsheng also take a bath and relax.

After taking a bath, Chen Junkai gave her another cup of hot milk and forced her to drink it.

Lin Shengsheng's mood finally stabilized.

Tears could not stop falling down again.

"Senior, I almost killed someone today." She said.

"What the hell did you do? Are you telling me the truth?" Chen Junkai looked at her seriously.

"I went to see him. He made the child like this. I hate him. He also prevented the child from undergoing surgery, so I stabbed him with a fruit knife."

Lin Shengsheng lowered her head and shed tears again as she spoke.

"Then where is he now? Why didn't you tell me until now!" Chen Junkai was a little anxious.

"I think he should be fine, he went to that crappy house!" Lin Shengsheng wiped away tears.

"What! If you really killed him, do you think you can still live?

If you really want to kill him, you can tell me and I will help you do it. "

Chen Junkai's voice became fierce.

Lin Shengsheng's tears fell drop by drop: "I will never do such a thing again."

Not for myself, but for my children.

If both she and Leng Gongchen died, Mengmeng would be an orphan without father or mother.

Regarding the situation of the teacher's wife, Lin Shengsheng communicated with Chen Junkai.

Chen Junkai had been looking for her secretly before, but he didn't find any news.

Tom is now terminally ill. It should be a good thing for him to be reunited with his wife at this time, right?
"How is Dill doing now?" Lin Shengsheng wiped away tears:
"I think she's mentally abnormal after being imprisoned. Do you want to find a doctor to come over and have a look?"

"Just take care of yourself, and leave other things to me." Chen Junkai sighed.

"I still want to see my teacher first." Lin Shengsheng insisted.

Chen Junkai refused: "Do you want the child to open his eyes tomorrow and see your red eyes and tired look?"

Lin Shengsheng felt that what he said made sense.

He nodded in agreement.

But she still told her worriedly: "Senior, now the teacher's wife is not mentally normal, you have to be patient with her, don't scare her.

If the teacher sees her like this, she will definitely not feel good.

You tell the teacher slowly, you can't tell the teacher all at once, the teacher's current physical condition is completely unbearable to any stimulation. "

Looking at her serious look, Chen Junkai couldn't help being a little amused:

"You can't even take care of yourself, and you still tell me to take care of others. If you have the time, you might as well take care of yourself. Don't make me worry about you so much."

"I see." Lin Shengsheng nodded obediently.

"Be obedient." Chen Junkai patted her head, turned around, closed the door, and walked out.

Looking back at the closed door, Chen Junkai showed a satisfied smile.

I really didn't expect that Lin Shengsheng would do such an extreme thing, he really has a strong temper.

Leng Gongchen was lucky enough not to die because of it.

But he is having a hard time now. Not only has he been stabbed, but the misunderstanding has deepened.

If Leng Gongchen knew the whole truth of the matter one day, would he be so angry that he vomited blood?



Leng Gongchen half leaned on the hospital bed, with a faint sadness on his face.

The wound on his body has been stitched up, and painkillers have been administered, but the pain doesn't seem to stop for a moment.

"Sir, this is an intentional homicide. You should report it to the police. You should remember the gangster's appearance, right?" the nurse asked him kindly.

Leng Gongchen drove to the hospital, walked to the doctor's office, exhausted his last strength, and then fainted on the ground.

Based on the location and shape of the incision, the doctor judged that someone must have committed a deliberate murder.

"I'm fine, thank you, I'm leaving first." Leng Gongchen pulled out the needle in his hand.

"Sir, don't go!" The nurse was a little anxious:

"Although this knife is not critical, I don't know if this knife will be infected with any rust or bacteria.

We suggest that you stay in the hospital for a full day and night for observation, and then leave if you have nothing to do. By the way, you will also be given a tetanus shot. "

"No need." Leng Gongchen turned and walked out.


The nurse can't wait to catch up.

She had been in this hospital for several years, and it was the first time she saw such a handsome man, but he left just like that.

Leng Gongchen was driving the car, and not long after leaving the hospital, he received a text message on his mobile phone, and the calling number was unknown.

is a voice.

"I just want him to die. I am happy when he dies. This time he escaped. Next time I will definitely let him die!"

The voice belonged to Lin Shengsheng.

Leng Gongchen paused, then turned on the voice again and listened again.

After playback ends.

As if Leng Gongchen hadn't heard enough, he listened to it again, and then the corners of his lips curled up, revealing a mocking smile.

"Think this little trick can fool me?"

Indeed, the woman's voice in this speech is almost exactly the same as Lin Shengsheng's.

But careful identification can still be distinguished.

Lin Shengsheng's voice was much softer than this.

She must be extremely angry today, she would do such a thing on impulse.

She must have been terrified when she went back, and she would never make such an announcement, let alone be so angry.

Someone deliberately found someone with a voice similar to hers, recorded such a voice and sent it to him, with a very clear purpose.

Who it is, he already knows in his heart.

Although the analysis came out, Leng Gongchen was still very sad.

After all, Lin Shengsheng really stabbed him!

Does she really hate him that much?Can't wait for him to die?

What if the stabbing was unlucky and really hit the vital point, and he died?
He really can't bear it anymore!

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