Lin Shengsheng ran for a long time, she didn't know how many tears she shed, and she didn't know how long she had been running.

When she stopped, there was already a white world around her.

She didn't even know how many somersaults she fell, and there was no one on the road. Every time she fell, she just stood up and continued to run.

She didn't know where she was going, and she ran for a long time.

She finally couldn't run anymore.

She wanted to find a place to sit down and rest, when she suddenly felt as if she was being watched.

She looked around, but there was no one there.

But when he turned around, that look seemed to appear again.

She turned her head abruptly, but there was still no one.

She clutched her head in pain and almost collapsed.

Will Leng Gongchen die?
She thought about the question again.

She started walking again, completely ignoring the mess she was in.

After she ran away, a person walked out from behind the corner.

Because of the snow, his face looked very pale.

He was wearing a hat with a big brim, a thick coat, and a mask, and there were almost only two eyes left on his face looking out.

He followed in Lin Shengsheng's footsteps.

Lin Shengsheng walked forward like this.

A brightly lit room appeared in front of him.

This street is very dilapidated and depressed. It looks like it is about to be demolished, and the iron gates are already rusty.

Standing in this place, time seems to go back several decades, everything looks so simple and old.

She saw a woman lying on the window, looking out desperately.

Lin Shengsheng ran back in fright.

The woman finally saw someone, but she ran away like this, and immediately roared loudly.

"Help, save me! Don't run, please, save me!

They locked me here, they are illegally imprisoned, I am about to be tortured to death by them!
Miss, please do me a favor, please help me..."

The sound drifted on the wind.

Lin Shengsheng ran several hundred meters, and suddenly stopped.

She seemed to hear someone calling for help.

At this time, the voice for help came again.

Her heart beat violently, and after a moment of hesitation, she walked towards the house.

"Please save me!"

The woman slammed on the window.

Lin Shengsheng was so frightened that her legs gave way and she fell to the ground.

She asked nervously, "Who are you?"

"My name is Dill!"

The woman's voice was very excited: "I was imprisoned by them, I didn't know them at all, I just went out to buy things, and they kidnapped me here...

By the way, there is also my son, my son is missing, since I arrived here, I have never seen my son... woo woo woo..."

The woman suddenly burst into tears.

"My son doesn't know what's going on now..."

Lin Shengsheng sensed that this person was illegally imprisoned.

"Did some gangster kidnap you?" Lin Shengsheng asked again.

But the woman just cried.

Sitting on the ground, crying broke down.

Lin Shengsheng stood up and seemed to see the woman on the ground through the dilapidated window.

"Is the person who kidnapped you inside?" Lin Shengsheng asked her.

"They only come once a few days!" The woman stood up excitedly.

Lin Shengsheng was taken aback again.

"It's been three days now, and they haven't brought me food. I'm really hungry!" The woman spread on the window.

Lin Shengsheng stretched out his hand and tightly covered his chest: "I'll save you right now!"

She turned around and found a hard stone, and began to pound the door lock heavily.

"Bang bang bang-"

It sounded very loud in the night.

Lin Shengsheng moved very quickly, for fear of attracting the kidnappers.

Not long after, the lock was broken.

As soon as the door was opened, the woman rushed out like crazy.

But before she ran far, she lost her strength and fell to the ground.

Lin Shengsheng hurried over to support her: "Come with me, I'll take you to a safer place."

That woman didn't have any strength at all, and she relied on supporting Lin Shengsheng to move forward.

"How are you?" Lin Shengsheng asked her while struggling to move forward.

But the woman kept silent.

Suddenly passing by a garbage room, the woman pushed her away, ran to the side, picked up a dirty bread and put it in her mouth.

Her legs were weak and she had no strength, and she sat on the ground trembling.

Lin Shengsheng wanted to say that the bread was dirty.

But this woman hasn't eaten for three days, so it's understandable.

Compared with health and life, life is more important.

Just then footsteps were heard.

When Lin Shengsheng came back to his senses, he saw the bent figure.

She was suddenly shocked.

How did Leng Gongchen come here?
She quickly pulled the woman into hiding.

I saw Leng Gongchen approaching the dilapidated house.

Lin Shengsheng was extremely puzzled, could it be that Leng Gongchen was the one who kidnapped this woman?
Lin Shengsheng suddenly remembered something, she firmly held the woman's arm: "What's your name?"

"I'm so cold, I'm so hungry..." The woman hugged herself tightly and didn't answer her.

"I asked what your name is!" Lin Shengsheng repeated.

"My name is Dill." Only then did the woman come to her senses.

Lin Shengsheng vaguely remembered that Teacher Tom's wife was called Dill!

"I'm dying, I'm so hungry... give me something to eat..."

Dill was in a bad state of mind.

Lin Shengsheng was afraid that she would alarm Leng Gongchen, so he covered her mouth and said:

"Don't be afraid, I will take you out of here, don't make any noise now, and alarm that person."

Dill stared at her, then nodded.

Lin Shengsheng quickly pulled her and ran in the opposite direction to Leng Gongchen.

Lin Shengsheng usually doesn't know the way, she is a road idiot, and it snowed in this place.

The footprints when we came here were all covered with snow, and the two of us couldn't find the way when we walked.

"Now I don't know how to go, let's find a corner to rest." Lin Shengsheng could only make such a decision.

Just then, someone patted her on the shoulder.

"Who?" She jumped up reflexively.

"Shengsheng, it's me." Chen Junkai opened his mouth and quickly hid.

Because Lin Shengsheng had already punched him in the face.

"It's the senior!" Lin Shengsheng was both surprised and happy, and then lowered his voice:

"Where is your car parked? Let's take this woman back quickly. This is Mrs. Tom's wife."

"It's right there!" Chen Junkai pointed to his car.

After getting in the car, he turned on the heater.

Lin Shengsheng and Dill finally calmed down.

"Senior, how did you find this place?" Lin Shengsheng wrapped Dill in the coat that Chen Junkai gave her.

She rubbed her hands together and let out a sigh of relief. She felt that all this was miraculous!

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