"I won't. I won't leave..." Mr. Lin's expression gradually became clearer, and his speech was much more coherent than before:

"I won't...leave here, my hard-working family business can only be given to you, not to these two bastards..."

"Grandpa," Lin Shengsheng was moved to tears: "As long as you are well, these things are worthless compared to you, as long as you live happily in the future!"

"I'm so old, I'm still so partial!" Lin Qianqian gritted her teeth: "Why! It's also your granddaughter, why are you so partial!"

"Are you embarrassed to ask?" Mr. Lin looked at her contemptuously: "An illegitimate daughter, do you deserve this!

The slut who ruined other people's families, leaving behind such a shameless daughter, with a wrong name and bad words, why should she get things from our Lin family?

I will never allow my things to fall into the hands of a shameless person like you! "

Mr. Lin is an upright man. He will never admit Lin Qianqian's mother. In her heart, there will always be only one daughter-in-law, and that is Lin Shengsheng's biological mother.

She is dignified and well-educated, and Mr. Lin admired her very much, so at that time he decided to let his son marry her.

But the son didn't cherish such a good woman, and was entangled with those messy women outside all day, which caused Lin Shengsheng's mother to cry all day long.

Forget about these things, he actually took care of a young lady, who was Lin Qianqian's mother, and left the evil Lin Qianqian, and even brought this illegitimate daughter home.

Lin Shengsheng's mother suffered a devastating blow, she couldn't bear the humiliation, and committed suicide by taking poison, even ignoring her young daughter at that time.

Mr. Lin was very dissatisfied with his son's behavior, but he didn't know how to solve it.

Later, I even went to meet the mistress in person.

He has done business with countless people all his life, and he knew at a glance that this woman was not simple, and that she was getting together with his son, but he was just playing with their company and property.

Fortunately, that mistress died soon, otherwise that woman would be even more difficult to deal with than Lin Qianqian.

And Lin Qianqian was just as vicious as her mother. They all said that adopting a daughter to follow their mother is not wrong at all.

How could Mr. Lin like such a vicious granddaughter? He simply refused to recognize her and only favored Lin Shengsheng.

"Grandpa, your body is more important!" Lin Shengsheng still wanted to take grandpa to the hospital as soon as possible, and forget about signing the agreement.

"No," Mr. Lin said firmly, "Even if I die, I can't give them my things!"

He is very stubborn, very firm.

"Old man, if we hadn't spared your old life, you would have gone to heaven long ago, and now you have turned your face and denied anyone!" Zhou Zifeng jumped up and cursed.

"This is a matter of our Lin family, you, an outsider, don't interrupt!" Mr. Lin was merciless.

"Old and immortal," Lin Qianqian became angry with embarrassment: "Believe it or not, if she doesn't sign this letter, I will let you live and die in the future! If you are not afraid of death, continue to stop it!"

Mr. Lin smiled, and looked at Lin Shengsheng beside him:
"Shengsheng, look at this bastard, do you really have the heart to give this white-eyed wolf all of your grandfather's hard work? If you don't listen to me, even if I die, I will never forgive you!"

Lin Shengsheng was also in a dilemma, she was really unwilling to hand over the company to Lin Qianqian like this.

But Grandpa's body...

"Grandpa, I don't want you to be abused by them..." Lin Shengsheng cried again as she spoke.

"Fool, grandpa is not far from death anyway. Even if they don't harm me, I won't live for a few years. Why should I give up my whole life's hard work because of my old life? I know you are filial, so you just You should listen to me and don't let me down!"

As Mr. Lin spoke, he burst into tears.

Lin Shengsheng lost her voice in pain, and nodded vigorously: "Grandpa, don't worry, I will listen to you."

Lin Qianqian was so angry that she was going crazy. Lin Shengsheng was about to sign the contract, and it was all because of this old man.

Without saying a word, she rushed over directly, intending to repeat the old trick and overthrow Mr. Lin to the ground.

Lin Shengsheng was prepared this time, so he grabbed her and prevented her from getting close to grandpa.

Lin Qianqian couldn't let go, she gritted her teeth and said, "Lin Shengsheng, don't let me go! Don't think that you are great after learning some martial arts!"

"Let me tell you, if you dare to hurt grandpa again, I'll break your arm!" Lin Shengsheng said fiercely, and then threw Lin Qianqian away.

Lin Qianqian's arm hurt, and she didn't react for a while.

Lin Shengsheng walked away like this.


Wang Cheng had never been in contact with children before, so he was a little nervous looking at the young master.

Taking him around the workshop, he didn't know what to do next. After thinking about it, he squatted down to discuss with Lin Mengmeng.

"Young master, how about I take you to the amusement park?"

Don't kids love those things?

Lin Mengmeng doesn't want to go to the amusement park now, now that he has found his daddy, he can go to the amusement park whenever he wants.

But the company can't just come here.

"I want to play in Daddy's company, not to the amusement park!" Lin Mengmeng's little head shook like a rattle.

Wang Cheng looked at him with difficulty: "But there is nothing interesting in the company. The uncles and aunts there are all at work, and no one has time to play with you."

"I don't care, I'm going!" Lin Mengmeng insisted.

There is a reason why he is so determined. He wants to let those people in Daddy's company know that Daddy already has a mommy, so they don't want to make up their minds.

"That's fine." Wang Cheng had no choice but to agree.

Soon they returned to the company, Lin Mengmeng appeared in the company holding Wang Cheng's hand, and immediately became the focus of the whole company.

Every time you reach a floor, it will attract everyone's attention.

Those women boldly looked at Lin Mengmeng.

There were even bold openings to speak to him.

"Young master is so cute, what's your name?"

"My name is Mengmeng, and my mommy's name is Lin Shengsheng!" Lin Mengmeng answered a question and sent an answer.

"Then young master, where is your mommy now? Why didn't she come with you?"

Their gossip is too strong, and they really want to see what the woman behind their president looks like. She is definitely a very powerful woman who can give birth to a child and raise her so big without anyone noticing.

"My mommy is a bit busy, so I don't have time to come here today, but my daddy and my mommy have a very good relationship, so don't try to trick my daddy, you know!" Lin Mengmeng announced in a childish voice.

Everyone was amused by him, such a cute and cute young master, with such a delicate appearance, is almost loved by everyone.

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