"Zhou Zifeng, it's the first time I've seen someone who is so righteous while eating soft rice!" Lin Shengsheng looked at Zhou Zifeng mockingly.

Zhou Zifeng suddenly became angry from embarrassment: "Lin Shengsheng, you are a good slut, get out of my house!"

"Lin Shengsheng, did Leng Gongchen get tired of playing and just kicked you?" Lin Qianqian also sneered at the side.

"I advise you to accumulate more virtues," Lin Shengsheng replied unceremoniously:
"You two dogs and men will never end well in the future. Zhou Zifeng will treat me like that at the beginning, and he will treat you like that in the future.

He got money from you and got tired of playing with you, so he will kick you when the time comes.I'm just waiting to see the excitement! "

"Bitch!" Lin Qianqian angrily rushed over to beat her.

Lin Shengsheng grabbed her wrist.

Lin Qianqian quickly took a few steps back and withdrew her hand, she was afraid that Lin Shengsheng would take the opportunity to slap her.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you now that you've learned a few fake moves? Don't forget that this old bastard is still here with me!
I suffered a loss in your hands, so I will take out my anger on this old bastard! "Lin Qianqian's face was both proud and vicious.

"Lin Qianqian, you are a beast. If you do such a rebellious thing, you will be struck to death by lightning sooner or later!"

Lin Shengsheng was so angry that his hands began to tremble.

"Then let's talk about it when Lei really comes to kill me!" Lin Qianqian shrugged indifferently:

"People don't do it for themselves, and heaven and earth will destroy it. You see, I'm so selfish now. Didn't I get what I wanted? God didn't punish me."

Looking at this shameless woman, Lin Shengsheng felt extremely disgusted.

"Sure enough, she is an illegitimate daughter with no family education, whoever she is, an illegitimate daughter is an illegitimate daughter, no different from a beast!"

For this kind of beast, she did not hesitate to scold her with vicious words.

"Lin Shengsheng, if you have the ability, say it again!"

Lin Qianqian grew up surrounded by the ridicule of others, the most taboo is "illegitimate daughter" and "wild species"!
Lin Shengsheng dared to humiliate her like this in front of her face, she was so angry that she lost her mind.

"See if I don't tear your mouth apart!" Lin Qianqian jumped over.

Lin Shengsheng dodged in a slight dodge, Lin Qianqian couldn't stop, and fell like a dog eating shit.

She was so angry that she went crazy, instead of chasing Lin Shengsheng, she rushed towards Mr. Lin, overturning Mr. Lin's wheelchair.

"Stop!" Lin Shengsheng turned pale with shock, and hurried over.

But it was too late, Mr. Lin's head hit the ground heavily.

"Grandpa, how are you!" Lin Shengsheng rushed over to hug Grandpa and helped him up.

Looking carefully at grandpa, he found that grandpa had passed out.

"Grandpa, you must hold on, let's go to the hospital, we will definitely get better!"

Lin Shengsheng helped Mr. Lin to sit in the wheelchair, and pushed him outside.

"Don't let this bitch get away!" Lin Qianqian roared.

Zhou Zifeng blocked Lin Shengsheng's way: "Stop!"

"Bastard, get the hell out of here!" Lin Shengsheng was angry and anxious.

"Lin Shengsheng, you can go, but the old things must stay!" Lin Qianqian walked to Zhou Zifeng's side.

"Lin Qianqian, are you going to kill grandpa? If something happens to grandpa, can you bear the responsibility!"

Lin Shengsheng was so anxious that she was about to cry, she didn't want to be in any danger.

"Do you think I'm that stupid? Let you take the old man away, then cure his illness, and come back to take the company back?" Lin Qianqian basically looked at her.

"I will take grandpa abroad, and I will never come back again, so you don't have to worry."

Lin Shengsheng was telling the truth, she didn't want any company or property, as long as her grandfather was safe and sound.

"I believe you ghost! In short, the old man must not leave!" Lin Qianqian didn't believe what Lin Shengsheng said.

"Lin Qianqian!" Lin Shengsheng was about to collapse.

"If you really want to take this old man away, it's not impossible, you have to agree to one condition!" Lin Qianqian said slowly.

"Say it!" She would do anything as long as she could take grandpa to the hospital.

"This old man left a will, which says that you will inherit the entire leave property. I don't know where he hid that will." Lin Qianqian took two steps forward:
"As long as you make a written statement, indicating that you give up the inheritance, everything in the Lin family is mine, and I will let you take him away. Now, it depends on whether you are really filial!"

Lin Shengsheng did not immediately agree.

In fact, she does not care about these properties and companies. She has experienced so many ups and downs, and she knows what is most important to herself.

But the company is the painstaking effort of grandpa's life, so he handed it over to these two white-eyed wolves. When grandpa recovers, he will definitely feel extremely regretful.

"Why, it seems that you are not really filial, you just came here to pretend. You are still reluctant to give up those interests. When you think of the company and those properties, you don't care about the life of the old man?"

Lin Qianqian used the aggressive method.

"I promise you!" Lin Shengsheng had already thought about it, and now everything is less important than grandpa's life.

"Refreshing," Lin Qianqian looked at Zhou Zifeng: "Hurry up and get the agreement!"

Zhou Zichu came out soon after entering the villa.

Lin Shengsheng looked at the two of them mockingly: "It seems that you are very sure that I will sign this agreement, and it has already been drawn up."

"Of course." Lin Qianqian didn't take it seriously, handed the pen and agreement to Lin Shengsheng, and pointed to the lower right corner: "Sign your name here, and you can take it away if you don't die!"

Just as Lin Shengsheng was about to sign, a faint voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Sheng... Sheng..."

Lin Shengsheng was overjoyed and quickly turned around, only to find that it was really grandpa.

"Grandpa, you're awake! Great, great! It's best that you're okay!"

Lin Shengsheng burst into tears of joy, and she threw the pen and paper on the ground.

"Don't...don't sign!" Mr. Lin said with difficulty.

"You old bastard!" Lin Qianqian wished she could pounce on him and tear him apart.

This old immortal is so immortal that he woke up at this time.

"Lin Shengsheng, hurry up and sign it, otherwise even if this old man wakes up, he won't have a good life!"

Lin Qianqian repeatedly urged and threatened.

"No!" Mr. Lin continued to stop it with difficulty.

"Grandpa, I can take you away as long as I sign, and no one will bully us when we go abroad!" Lin Shengsheng looked at her grandfather with distress.

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