Lin Shengsheng shook her head: "It's impossible for me to do this. I will not give up Mengmeng's custody rights."

Li Qingzhen seemed to have expected that she would say this a long time ago, and unhurriedly took out another contract: "Then you should look at this again."

The content of this contract is obviously more than the previous one, as if it was made with a lot of thought.

Obviously, what Li Qingzhen wanted her to sign was this contract.

Lin Shengsheng took a look at the content inside, but couldn't believe it: "You really decided to give me the custody rights?"

Although there are many contents in the contract, a simple summary is that the custody of Lin Mengmeng belongs to her completely, and the Leng family will give a certain amount of maintenance money every month until the child grows up.

Li Qingzhen frowned slightly: "This matter has been more than a year, and it has been entangled, and now I can see it clearly.

As long as this child is still involved, Leng Gongchen will never find another woman, so the two of us discussed it at home, and we should just make a clean break, so that everyone will be quiet. "

As long as Leng Gongchen marries a child, are you afraid that the child will not be born?

Do you want to delay your son's life for your grandson?
Lin Shengsheng smiled, Li Qingzhen really could speak, and she spoke in a high-sounding way, as if she was so reasonable in doing so.

Mengmeng's custody was originally hers.

Lin Shengsheng didn't care, and didn't expose her.

"So this contract also stipulates that after the custody is transferred to me, you only bring up the child until it is over, and then it has nothing to do with you.

In terms of property division in the future, Mengmeng will not have any chance to compete. I think this is the purpose of your coming here today, right? "

Lin Shengsheng raised her head and looked directly at Li Qingzhen.

Li Qingzhen didn't expect that she would find the most important point after just a glance. She was a little shocked at first, and then became indifferent:
"I will give you 10 yuan a month as alimony, which is already a very high price."

"If you come to talk, I won't ask for a penny." Lin Shengsheng put down the contract:

"Let Leng Gongchen come over and talk, if it's not because I'm afraid of hurting the child, or worrying about the child's sadness, I don't want to contact your son.

But I can't just make this decision for my child because of my own selfishness. If your son comes to me in person, I will sign it immediately.

I agree to all the treaties, and I don't need your family's support. The family property and other things you care about are worthless in my eyes. "

Li Qingzhen's expression turned ugly. If Leng Gongchen could be persuaded, would she still run over by herself?

"Lin Shengsheng, can't you be more open-minded at a young age? Why are you so stubborn?" Li Qingzhen said in a very bad tone.

"You are not young, so you can crack your abacus and count me in? Afraid that I will take my son to divide your family's property in the future?"

Lin Shengsheng sneered.

Li Qingzhen was immediately annoyed: "I think your purpose is to have property in the family, if not, then you can just sign it to save too much entanglement in the future.

Next time, if my son comes over to talk, what if you go back on your word? "

Disappearing when there is nothing to do, causing her son to run around the world without any thoughts.

Isn't she unwilling to be with Leng Gongchen? Now that she is given a bright and righteous path and the child is raised by her, she is unwilling on the contrary.

Let Leng Gongchen come, can that still work?
Don't talk in a few words, you will be confused by this woman again!

Their Leng family can't stand this woman's repeated torment!

"I won't regret it, I'm different from you." Lin Shengsheng said lightly.

Li Qingzhen blushed with anger: "As long as you sign, I will give you an extra 1000 million. You are content, don't test our bottom line anymore 1"

Their family is not short of money, but their desires are hard to fill, and people's hearts are not enough. No matter how rich they are, they can't give it to others for nothing.

But what she didn't expect was that Lin Shengsheng didn't seem to care about money at all.

Money is not important to her at all, as long as they can feed and clothe the mother and son, it is enough.

"I know I have no money, I am a very poor person, but I still have the ability to support me and my children.

I don’t take money that seriously, as long as it’s enough to spend, there’s no need to keep piles of money around, I’m not interested in that kind of life. "

Lin Shengsheng raised her head slightly.

"Okay, okay." Li Qingzhen stood up:

"Do you think my son can't live without you? I want to see, does he want you, a dishonest woman, or me, a mother?"

Angrily, she picked up her bag and shouted: "Lin Shengsheng, as long as I'm in Leng's house, you won't even want to enter our house!"

"Go back!" Li Qingzhen yelled at Leng Xuri.

"Wait, I still have a few words to say." Leng Xuri said.

Li Qingzhen stood still.

Leng Xuri looked at Lin Shengsheng: "My child, can you listen to me a few words?"

At this time Li Qingzhen sat down beside him angrily.

The atmosphere in the living room was always tense.

Because Leng Xuri had never offended her, Lin Shengsheng didn't want to turn against him.

After all, Leng Xuri has never done anything wrong, and he is also a peaceful person.

"If, Uncle, what you want to say is what you said just now, then there is no need, my original intention will not change.

I don't want to waste any more words on this matter. You can ask your son to come and talk to me about this matter in person.

If his thoughts are the same as yours, I will definitely sign it without saying a word. "

Lin Shengsheng's tone also became better again.

Leng Xuri pondered for a while, not knowing how to speak again.

"If you still don't believe me, I can swear to God that I have never thought about your family's property.

Although I don't have any skills, I have brought Mengmeng up from a young age by myself. I have never asked you for money, have I?

I can work by myself and my salary is enough to feed my kids. " Lin Shengsheng said very sincerely.

"Who knows if you are holding back some big moves!" Li Qingzhen couldn't help it: "You hold on, if you don't open your mouth these few years, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life!"

She looks like a shrew!
"Shut up!" Leng Xuri said angrily.

Li Qingzhen looked at him incredulously: "Leng Xuri, how dare you talk to me like that?"

"I told you to shut up!" Leng Xuri's face was livid.

It was hard for him to calm down the atmosphere. What's going on with this woman?

It provoked the conflict again, and it couldn't help at all, but spoiled the situation here.

What's the use of her being calm?Is it resolved?

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