On the edge of the pond, several adults caught the snails from the river and put them into a big tank.

Then there is some water in the big tank, and there are some white filamentous worms swimming in it.

Look carefully, that's a parasite!
Those parasites were densely packed, wandering inside the snail, and soon many parasites squeezed into the inner shell of the snail.

Looking at the whole picture carefully, it is always easy to make people feel chills.

Just then, a man in a black raincoat walked over.

Those people were immediately alert.

"It's me." Chen Junkai revealed his identity.

"It's Mr. Chen." Those people breathed a sigh of relief: "Come over and have a look, we've done what you said."

"Let me see, have you cut corners?" Chen Junkai leaned over.

Those big men looked at each other anxiously.

They didn't feel at ease with the money they earned, and they kept dealing with this Chen Junkai.

If it wasn't for the fact that he gave a lot of money, they would have quit long ago.

The big man in the lead immediately said, "We did everything according to the requirements, you should take a closer look and you'll know.

We do things properly and never dare to cut corners. We fish up these snails every week and put them down after we are full. "

"Then why, someone ate it for more than a month, and nothing happened!" Chen Junkai asked dissatisfied.

For such a long time, although Lin Shengsheng and Lin Mengmeng have never eaten, the nanny at home has eaten for a long time.

Even if they don't eat it every day, they eat it often, but nothing happened in their family. So, according to this, breeding this snail has no effect at all.

Those big men were also a little confused, they were just exchanging effort for money.

"Boss Chen, we don't know what you said. Anyway, we worked hard to feed these snails according to your request. We don't know anything else."

"Yes, Mr. Chen, you are an educated person, you should understand the reason behind it, this kind of thing doesn't work if you feed it all the time, it depends on your physical condition.

If people are weak, they are definitely more likely to be infected, but if they are strong, they are not easy to be infected, but these are beyond our control. "

Another person opened his mouth to explain.

Chen Junkai also knew that what they said was reasonable, otherwise he wouldn't have talked to them in such a pleasant manner.

Children are most likely to be infected by this kind of thing. Children's immunity and physical condition are no match for adults.

For the same germ, the prevalence rate of children is much higher than that of adults, of course he understands this truth.

"Or, I think they finished eating, and then the parasite was digested by them, and it didn't stay in the body at all."

Another person spoke up.

Chen Junkai tried hard to think back, but these words reminded him.

These days, he sent people to change the snails sent by Leng Gongchen every day, and replaced them with his cultivated snails that were contaminated by parasites.

He thought about it and insisted that one day Lin Shengsheng would make something for the children.

But I didn't expect Lin Shengsheng to be so stubborn, insisting on it for such a long time, and he just never gave it to the child once.

If he hadn't brought it up, Lin Shengsheng might still insist on not giving the child food.

How can this plan continue to be implemented?

Several days passed.

Lin Shengsheng had just picked up the children and came back from school. Instead of seeing the nanny coming up to talk to her as usual, she saw Chen Junkai coming out of the kitchen wearing an apron.

She asked a little puzzled, "Where did the nanny go? Why isn't she here today?"

"She has something to do at home today. I asked her to take a vacation. I will prepare meals for you in person." Chen Junkai said with a smile on his face.

"Is it that good?" Lin Shengsheng walked into the kitchen with a smile.

I saw the snails in the pool at a glance.

She couldn't help thinking of the delicacy of snails, but her brows frowned slightly: "If you have eaten snails before, why do you cook them again?"

In fact, she no longer rejects these snails in her heart. She knows that these snails are artificially raised and there are no parasites.

"My child likes to eat, so I ask for it every day." Chen Junkai said with a smile.

"Mengmeng, how could you..." Lin Shengsheng was about to start chattering as soon as he heard it.

Chen Junkai interrupted her: "It's okay, don't worry, if it's made with my skills, it won't taste very good.

He didn't like it after eating it, so he was not so enthusiastic in the future. "

"Stop coming." Lin Shengsheng didn't believe what he said.

When the two of them went to school abroad together, Chen Junkai cooked very well, at least it was better than her cooking.

"The food will be cooked in a while, you should wait outside first, the kitchen smells too heavy, you better not stay inside, go to the living room.

"Chen Junkai urged them.

"That's fine, thank you for your hard work, senior." Lin Shengsheng nodded and led Mengmeng to the living room.

"Mum, I want to play with toys upstairs." Mengmeng said.

"You go, I'll call you during dinner." Lin Shengsheng smiled and nodded in agreement.

Seeing the little guy running upstairs, before she could sit down, she heard the doorbell ring.

She is a little strange, they don't have any friends here, their teacher is lying on the bed and doesn't come down very often, could it be Alpha?
She walked over strangely and opened the door.

But they saw Li Qingzhen and Leng Xuri standing outside the door!

Lin Shengsheng was taken aback. How did they find this place?


Lin Shengsheng didn't know what to say for a moment, she wanted to call her "uncle and aunt" but she couldn't say it out loud. The humiliation Li Qingzhen gave her that day was still vivid in her memory.

She wasn't so quick to let go of the past.

"Lin Shengsheng, you are capable now, do you see that we don't even have names?" Li Qingzhen sneered.

"May I ask you what's the matter?" Lin Shengsheng really didn't want to face them.

"We have something to do here. If it's okay, we wouldn't come to you by plane so far away, so can you let us go in first?"

Leng Xuri's tone of voice was much better than that of Li Qingzhen.

"Excuse me, come in and have a seat." Lin Shengsheng had no objection to Leng Xuri, and it was not polite to treat guests like this, so he welcomed them in.

She was a little thankful that Mengmeng went upstairs.

She didn't intend to let her children see these two people, and she was going to send them away as soon as possible.

Mengmeng is no longer dependent on the members of the Leng family, and she doesn't want to bring back his memories.

After sitting down, Li Qingzhen directly took out a contract: "Let's have a look at the content."

Lin Shengsheng took it and glanced at it, then put the contract on the coffee table.

"What do you think?" Li Qingzhen asked her.

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