Seeing Li Qingzhen coming, Fang Lingyue cried even worse, almost shedding tears of her whole life: "Auntie..."

"It's not your fault." Li Qingzhen said softly.

"Don't cry, go take a shower and go back. Don't let others see it, otherwise there will be gossip." Li Qingzhen said.

Originally, I thought this matter was safe and secure, but I didn't expect Fang Lingyue to be so useless, and a good thing was messed up.

It will not be easy to get such an opportunity in the future.

It may be difficult for Fang Lingyue to enter her son's heart.

After all, today has been ugly enough.

Fang Lingyue still couldn't stop crying.

Li Qingzhen was a little irritable: "I told you not to cry!"

Fang Lingyue was taken aback, quickly wiped away her tears, and stopped crying.

At this moment, she looked no longer as elegant as usual, and her delicate makeup was already in tears, and her face was in a mess.

She quickly stood up and straightened her clothes.

"Auntie, what should Gong Chen do?"

"What can we do now, let's wait and see." Li Qingzhen also lost her mind.

She was still worried that if her son found out the truth, he would probably have trouble with her again.

"Auntie, are you going to give up on me?" Fang Lingyue asked immediately.

She tried her best to force Lin Shengsheng away, how could she choose to let go at this time?

"You don't have any skills yourself, can you blame me? I don't think you have any confidence, can you handle Ding Gongchen?" Li Qingzhen was a little angry when she spoke.

If this continues, the son will probably start to hate her as a mother. She can't just bite the bullet at this time.

But looking at Fang Lingyue's heartbroken look, she still couldn't bear it after all:
"Just wait patiently. There may be opportunities in the future. I will arrange them as long as it is suitable. Since you are the person I like, of course I will help you if you have the opportunity."

So far, she has not found a better candidate than Fang Lingyue to be the daughter-in-law of the Leng family.

After a while, when Gong Chen's anger dissipated, his thoughts on Lin Shengsheng also faded, and there was still time to plan slowly.

Fang Lingyue couldn't wait any longer: "Auntie, you can't..."

Li Qingzhen's patience was completely exhausted, and she interrupted directly: "Stop talking, I don't like people who talk nonsense."

Fang Lingyue was resentful in her heart, but she still lowered her head obediently: "Auntie, I'll go clean up."

"Go." Li Qingzhen felt more comfortable now.


Lin Shengsheng has been abroad for more than half a month.

Holding a bouquet of carnations, she entered the door of the ward and put the flowers on the bedside table.

After half a month, all kinds of medical equipment on Mr. Lin's body have almost been pulled out.

When he was in China, the hospital adopted conservative treatment, which could only ensure that the old man's condition would not worsen.

However, foreign doctors have formulated the latest plan, and they are already very experienced in this area, but they have to take certain risks, which depends on luck.

And when Mr. Lin came abroad, because Li Qingzhen forcibly stopped the medicine, his health was already very weak.

Lin Shengsheng was desperate and chose this treatment plan.

Fortunately, their luck was good. Grandpa recovered very well, and there was no such thing as postoperative infection.

Now Mr. Lin seems to be in a much better mental state than when he was in China.

"I got up early enough today." Old Master Lin smiled when he saw Lin Shengsheng.

"Grandpa, you look very energetic, much better than before. It seems that getting out of bed and walking is not a problem." Lin Shengsheng also smiled, and sat down beside the bed.

"Grandpa, it looks like you will be able to take me out to play soon!" Lin Mengmeng said with a smile beside him.

"When grandpa can leave, I will take you out to play." Seeing the little guy, the smile on Mr. Lin's face became wider.

When the old man is in good health, it means that his face looks radiant.

"Shengsheng, it's thanks to you that Grandpa is getting better!" Old Master Lin looked at her with relief.

"Whatever grandpa said, I should do it." Lin Shengsheng smiled:
"Now the company's profits are still in my hands. Grandpa, your health has recovered, and I have found a job again. Our life will get better and better. As long as grandpa's health recovers, we will be able to survive. "

Due to work reasons, Lin Shengsheng found a nurse for Mr. Lin, and Lin Mengmeng School has already made arrangements, and classes will resume next week.

The fees of foreign schools are not low, and Lin Shengsheng already needs to start paying the fees.

She has been restless dealing with work matters.

The school has repeatedly urged her to pay the tuition fee.

She didn't want to procrastinate, either.

But grandpa's operation is expensive, and the money in her hand has been used up, so she really can't afford the money.

At work, because I am a new colleague, there is also a certain degree of ostracism. I often need to work overtime for free, and I am exhausted when I come back from get off work.

It doesn't matter if you are tired, the key is that the salary is not much.

She is really exhausted now.

But I have to face the tiredness, so I reluctantly picked up the documents on the table and continued to process them.

I'm afraid I'm going to stay up all night today. I stopped the pen in my hand and thought about it. I plan to find a part-time job tomorrow. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't even be able to eat in a few days.

It was almost eleven o'clock when the file was processed less than halfway.

If things go well, she'll get about four hours of sleep.

Just then, the phone rang suddenly.

Lin Shengsheng took a look at the note that it was from the school, and then he answered the phone nervously.

"Hello, teacher."

"Well, are you Lin Mengmeng's parent?" the teacher asked.

"Yes." Lin Shengsheng didn't ask the other party what's the matter, she knew what it was in her heart.

"It's like this. If Lin Mengmeng doesn't pay the tuition fee anymore, we will have the following students come over to pay the tuition fee. Because there has been an email notification before, this call is the last notification."

After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lin Shengsheng was at a loss as to what to do, holding his mobile phone and thinking about it.

I originally wanted to delay it for a while and then add it.

But depending on what the school means, if you don't pay the tuition fee, I'm afraid there will be no places for this school.

She attaches great importance to children's education, and it is impossible for her children to stay at home instead of going to school.

But what should I do if I really can't get the money in my hand?
Thinking of the card Li Qingzhen gave her, if she had taken it back then, it would not be so difficult now.

In fact, she has experienced a lot, and she has long known that self-esteem is a worthless thing.

But she doesn't want to be that kind of person, she is always a principled person, if she takes that card, she will feel sorry for herself.

If Grandpa and Mengmeng find out about it in the future, they will definitely be very disappointed.

"What should I do?" She scratched her head, she was really devastated, and she couldn't find anyone to borrow money from.

Just then the doorbell rang outside the door.

Lin Shengsheng felt a little strange, this house was rented not long ago, who would knock on the door so late?

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