It seemed that the woman was well prepared this time.

She must have been preparing for this matter all along, and she actually pretended to agree to his agreement, pretending really well.

Leng Gongchen raised his head and poured another glass of wine.


The sound of the wine bottle falling to the ground was loud and crisp.

The entire room is full of mess.

It was already dark, but the lights in the room were not turned on.

Not long ago, the three of them were talking here happily.

But now he was the only one left.

Leng Gongchen felt so cold and felt so uncomfortable, he staggered and found several bottles of red wine from the wine cabinet.

He unscrewed one of the bottles and took a sip into his mouth.

But the body couldn't take it anymore.


He spat it out.

He began to cough violently again, feeling uncomfortable and unable to control himself.

"I miss my grandson, I want to go and have a look, but I didn't expect people to go to Loukong, Lin Shengsheng probably left with Mengmeng!"

His mother's words kept spinning in his mind.

He really wanted to cry, wanted to vent.

Isn't it said that drinking can relieve thousands of worries? Why does the more he drinks, the more sad he becomes?

At this moment, the door behind him opened silently.


The overhead lights were turned on.

Fang Lingyue was wearing a black suspender, which was very short. When walking, the scenery was endless, and the inside of the skirt was almost vacuum.

The makeup on her face is very delicate, with a faint smile.


Bending down to lift up Leng Gongchen who was sitting on the ground, let him lean on her shoulder, even though her nose was filled with the pungent smell of alcohol, she didn't feel disgusted at all.

Leng Gongchen ignored her and just drank wine to himself.

"You can't be so disrespectful to your body, don't drink it, okay!" Fang Lingyue tried to persuade him, and grabbed the bottle in his hand:

"No matter what time I will stand behind you!"

She put the bottle on the ground and took his hand.

"Get lost!" Leng Gongchen scolded irritably.

He struggled to get up, going to get another bottle of wine, only wine can make him not in pain.

"Gong Chen, don't be like this, okay, I am the one who loves you, I love you the most. Since Lin Shengsheng doesn't like you, then you can stay with me.
We have so many good memories, we travel together again, we did so many interesting things together, have you forgotten all of them?

Before our wedding, we were so happy and took so many wedding photos.You have been ignoring me all this time, do you know how sad I am?
Gong Chen, just treat everything before as a dream, can we start again? "Fang Lingyue was almost begging after talking about it, the humbleness made people heartbroken.

As early as when she decided to impersonate Lin Shengsheng, she was already mentally prepared. It didn't matter if Leng Gongchen didn't love her, as long as she could be with him, that would be the greatest satisfaction in her life.

And the feeling of being supported by everyone is something she can't stop.

As for feelings, that's not the most important thing.

She leaned over and wanted to kiss Leng Gongchen eagerly.

"Get away!" Leng Gongchen pushed her away with disgust on his face.

Then he started vomiting again.

Fang Lingyue didn't dislike him at all, and rushed up to hug him:

"I know that I was wrong at the beginning, maybe because I love you so much, that's why I chose to lie to you. Gong Chen, stop struggling, we are the most suitable, aren't we?
The person my uncle and aunt like the most is me. From now on, we will be together day and night, and you will have feelings for me too!You just give me one last chance, okay? Uncles and aunts are not in good health, so are you really going to piss them off?
You actually don't know what you think in your heart, because of Mengmeng's relationship, you feel that you treat Lin Shengsheng differently from other women, but in fact, it's really just guilt! "

Leng Gongchen was completely irritated by her last words: "I tell you to get out!"

He pushed her away hard.

Fang Lingyue staggered and bumped her head against the table beside her, staring at her eyes, and it took a while for her to recover.


Fang Lingyue called out helplessly, tears streaming down her face.

The clothes on her body were originally very little. Sitting on the ground, she was happy, and she was crying pitifully. No man could not be tempted by it.

But Leng Gongchen just didn't feel it at all.

It was all Lin Shengsheng's fault!If it wasn't for her, she would have been the young wife of the Leng family half a year ago, and she might even be pregnant with a child now.

But because of that slut, Leng Gongchen was indifferent to her even when she was dressed like this.

She was really desperate and didn't know what to do!
Leng Gongchen took another sip of wine, and looked down at the woman sitting on the ground.

"Fang Lingyue, don't try to seduce me, even if you lie naked on the ground, I won't have the slightest interest in you.

I have never had feelings for you. I was with you because you pretended to be her.Comparing you and Lin Shengsheng, it's like heaven and earth.

She is a principled person, how about you?Use whatever means to achieve your goals.On the surface, you have a deep relationship with her sister, but you have done so many nasty things behind your back, I know you wish she could die in your heart.

Do you stand in front of me dressed like this, thinking that I will be interested in you?dirty!Fang Lingyue, let me tell you today, even if all the women in the world are dead, I will not have the slightest interest in you, a cruel woman! "

He bent down and picked up Fang Lingyue:

"Do you think you can fool me if you cheated my parents? It's a pity that the person who married you is not my parents. If I don't agree, you can never stand by my side.

Did my parents agree to let you in?Then you can go to them and let them hold a wedding with you. "

After he finished speaking, he threw her to the ground mercilessly: "Go as far as I can!"

With that said, he slammed the door and left.

Fang Lingyue sat on the ground and wailed loudly, how could this happen, how could things have turned into this?

Auntie clearly said that Gong Chen was drunk, as long as she talked more about her original feelings, Gong Chen would definitely accept her.

At the beginning, my aunt used this trick to get my uncle. My aunt said a lot to my uncle, saying that she would always support him.

So they go together.

Later, a wedding was held soon.

But how did it become like this when she came here?
Standing not far away, Li Qingzhen sighed as she watched Leng Gongchen leave angrily.

She thought that this matter could be settled, and she really hoped that Fang Lingyue could be her daughter-in-law.

But I didn't expect that her son had already resented Fang Lingyue to such an extent. If she went to stop him now, she might be scolded by him too.

It's really a big deal.

Li Qingzhen sighed again, opened the door and walked in, looking at Fang Lingyue in a mess, she didn't know what to say...

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