Lin Shengsheng just held the phone in a daze.

Fang Lingyue talked for a while, and when she heard no response from the other side of the phone, she couldn't help asking: "Shengsheng, why don't you speak?"

Lin Shengsheng came back to her senses: "Sorry!"

"What do you mean?" Fang Lingyue's voice turned cold.

"I'm talking about the news..." Lin Shengsheng sighed.

Fang Lingyue looked at the torn newspapers on the table.

After seeing the news, she wished she could rush over and kill Lin Shengsheng directly, but she knew she couldn't do that.

Lin Shengsheng is a slut through and through, extremely hypocritical.

While promising her that he would leave, he kept seducing Leng Gongchen who belonged to her!
She really wished that Lin Shengsheng would die immediately!

"Sorry for what you said to me. Those people have bad intentions. Of course Gong Chen wants to protect you! I won't believe what the media say. They like to boast and say something that attracts attention!"

Fang Lingyue looked very calm when he spoke, as if he didn't care at all.

"Ling Yue, thank you so much, you can still trust me after these things, don't worry, I will never let you down!"

As Lin Shengsheng said that, she made up her mind in her heart that if she stopped, she would suffer from it. She couldn't go on like this.

The two chatted on the phone for a while before hanging up.

Fang Lingyue's face was so gloomy that she almost dripped water, and she slapped her phone on the table viciously.

The phone rang at this moment.

She picked up the phone impatiently, and was about to hang up, glanced at the number, but pressed the answer button backhanded.

Half an hour later, she dressed neatly and neatly, carrying a leather bag, and drove directly to the Blue Mountain Cafe.

Finding the person who called to ask her out, she walked over and sat down opposite him, and asked slowly, "You asked me over, what do you want to say?"

"What do you think?" The person opposite raised his eyebrows.

"Chen Xueying, did you ask me to play guessing cats with you?" Fang Lingyue looked at her amusedly.

Chen Xueying was a little anxious: "Fang Lingyue, what do you mean, Brother Gong Chen is taken away by someone else, I know you hate it too!"

Her voice was so loud that it immediately attracted the attention of the people around her.

Realizing this, she quickly restrained herself a little.

"Anyway, we are on the same boat now, and the common enemy is always that bitch, right? If it wasn't for her, you would have become Mrs. Leng long ago!"

Fang Lingyue snorted coldly in her heart, Lin Shengsheng is not a good person, so are you, Chen Xueying, a good person?
She smiled faintly, as if her contempt for the woman opposite her did not exist.

"Then Miss Chen wants to find me to fight Lin Shengsheng together? I'm afraid I can't do it. I'm not a person who can do everything. Besides, Shengsheng and I have been good sisters for many years. You can do it yourself."

Speaking of which, Fang Lingyue got up gracefully, planning to leave.

Chen Xueying stood up angrily: "Fang Lingyue, you..."

Fang Lingyue walked forward a few steps and then turned around: "Miss Chen, you haven't heard of it yet, have you? Uncle Leng brought his aunt back to China, and I should visit them. Goodbye, Miss Chen!"

"What do you mean!" Chen Xueying followed closely and took a step forward.

"I don't mean anything. Since I like Leng Gongchen, I should treat his parents better. After all, he has been very filial since he was a child." Fang Lingyue smiled softly and walked out.

"Leng Gongchen's parents are back?" Chen Xueying stood there for a while, then suddenly smiled silly.

The Chen family and the Leng family had a lot of contacts as early as the previous generations. It can be said that they are families connected from generation to generation. Her parents often said that they wanted her to marry Leng Gongchen, so that the relationship between the two families would be closer. .

Now, Uncle Leng's return is simply a great blessing.

The more she thought about it, the better her mood was. She took out a wad of money from her bag and threw it on the coffee table, and drove home quickly.

It is said that the Chen family has been with the Leng family for generations, but in comparison, they are not at the same level, and the Fang family is no worse than the Chen family, so Chen Xueying has not dared to deal with Fang Lingyue for such a long time.

But Lin Shengsheng, a lonely family with an illegitimate child, she will never let it go!
After returning home, Chen Xueying found her parents chatting in the living room.

She ran in and sat down next to her mother: "Mom, what are you talking about!"

Mother Chen saw her smile: "Talking about you, when will you have a boyfriend, little girl, and bring it back for me and your dad to see?"

As he spoke, he looked at Father Chen.

Father Chen's face was serious and rigid, and he also looked at Chen Xueying.

Chen Xueying couldn't help but blushed, lowering her head with a shy face.

Chen's mother understood at a glance, did her daughter have a sweetheart?
"Whose young man have you taken a fancy to? How old is it? How is the situation at home?"

Chen Xueying pinched the corner of her clothes: "Mom, I don't like others, I only like Brother Gongchen, didn't you say you would marry me to him since I was a child?"

As she spoke, she looked at her parents' expressions.

Father Chen's expression became ugly, and he just sat there without saying a word.

Mother Chen seemed a little surprised, and then she was in a dilemma: "But doesn't Leng Gongchen already have a girlfriend? It's Fang Lingyue, the daughter of the Fang family.

Although something went wrong during the wedding, they didn't publicly say they broke up, Xueying, don't be stubborn, your thoughts will be wasted by then. "

"Mom, I just went out to meet Sister Fang, I asked her, and the two of them have broken up.

Leng Gongchen now wants to be responsible for that woman from the past. Such a good man can't be found even with a lantern. Is he going to hand over to others like this? "Chen Xueying said unwillingly.

Chen's father and Chen's mother looked at each other with emotion.

Leng Gongchen has a successful career, looks outstanding, is not exaggerated at all, and has such a sense of responsibility, where can he find such a good young man?

Chen Xueying also saw what her parents were thinking, and simply said: "I have never seen a man who is better than Brother Gong Chen since I was a child, and I will not marry anyone except him.

I heard that Uncle Leng and Auntie Leng have already returned to China. Brother Gong Chen has been filial since he was a child. Mom and Dad, this is your daughter's lifelong happiness, you can't ignore it! "

Chen's father and Chen's mother looked at each other, seeing their daughter's resolute look, and finally nodded in agreement.

"We can promise you, but you can't be willful in the future, even if you marry Leng Gongchen, you still have to abide by the rules.

Besides, Uncle Leng and his wife, we also know what kind of girl we like, and we definitely want the kind of gentle and beautiful, not the crazy ones all day long. " Mother Chen warned.

"I got it, Mom!" Chen Xueying couldn't help being overjoyed when she saw her parents agree.

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