Lin Mengmeng had been staring at his own mommy for a while, but she blushed, and then she always smiled silly, he could only come to the conclusion of Sichun.

Lin Shengsheng was speechless for a while, and smiled awkwardly: "I just remembered the fun things from the past..."

She intends to perfunctory the past.

"Are you thinking about my daddy?" Lin Mengmeng asked seriously.

"How is it possible!" Lin Shengsheng blurted out in denial, was she that obvious?

"Then who do you miss?" Lin Mengmeng's face immediately became serious, and Mommy Sichun could only miss Daddy.

Lin Shengsheng looked at the little guy's serious look, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty: "What do kids know, don't worry about it so much."

"Cut!" Lin Mengmeng pouted.

"Mengmeng, you said why your daddy is so slow, did something unexpected happen down there?" Lin Shengsheng looked at the green below and was worried.

"No, Daddy will be fine." Lin Mengmeng was full of confidence in Leng Gongchen.

"Why do you have so much confidence in him?" Lin Shengsheng was still very worried.

"Mommy, hold on to the vines and take care of yourself!" Lin Mengmeng hurriedly reminded her, "Don't keep looking down."

Lin Shengsheng became more and more worried. Looking down, there was nothing but green.

You won't encounter the snake like last night again, will you?
The more Lin Shengsheng thought about it, the more frightened she became.

If something happened to Leng Gongchen, what should she do?She herself is so stupid, and she also hurt others!She even hated herself a little bit.

"You are so powerful, nothing will happen to you!" Lin Shengsheng couldn't help but muttered to himself, praying nonstop in her heart.

Lin Mengmeng didn't care on the surface, but in fact he was praying secretly in his heart, extremely anxious.

He looked down at Lin Shengsheng, just in time to meet her gaze, he couldn't help it anymore, the two of them cried at the same time.

And at this time there was finally movement below.

The two looked down in surprise.

Just watch Leng Gongchen pluck the vines and climb up.

"You're back!" Lin Shengsheng finally let go of his worries.

"I found a cave, we can go there to rest, stay and rest for a while, and wait for my people to come." Leng Gongchen said a little tiredly.

"Great!" Lin Mengmeng cheered immediately.

"I'll send Mengmeng down and pick you up again, you wait here for me!"

Leng Gongchen gave a warning, crawled over and let Lin Mengmeng lie on his back, hugged him tightly and began to slide down.

After all, Lin Mengmeng is a child, and it is very rare to be able to hang here for such a long time. If he is allowed to slide down by himself, it may not be possible.

Leng Gongchen returned soon.

"Come on my back!" Leng Gongchen stopped beside her.

"No, you'll be tired too, just slide down slowly and just wait for me to order." Lin Shengsheng shook her head.

He had already worked hard all night, and he crawled back and forth twice, carrying her on his back again, she was afraid that his body would not be able to take it anymore.

"You usually don't exercise much, and your arms are weak, come up quickly." Leng Gongchen urged.

"Okay." Lin Shengsheng couldn't continue to be hypocritical.

Hearing this man's tone, he was already a little impatient.

Obediently climbed onto his back and hugged his neck.

There is a big difference between the feeling of being carried and the feeling of being hugged.

When she was held in her arms, she was really a princess, and when she was carried on her back, she became a daughter.

Thinking of this, Lin Shengsheng couldn't help laughing, Leng Gongchen is so young, how can he be so old?

"What's so funny?" Leng Gongchen asked.

"No, yes." Lin Shengsheng quickly stopped laughing.

Hold her neck obediently, not to distract him anymore.

Leng Gongchen led him to give him a final kick, and finally fell into the pit.

Both of them fell to the ground, but fortunately they were both young and the pit was not very deep, so they did not suffer any injuries.

Among the cliffs, there is no way for wild beasts to reach here, so there are only a few small ants here.

In the evening, Leng Gongchen's people finally came over.

The terrain of this place is too steep to use any tools.

In the end, the helicopter could only be transferred, drove to the top of the pit, and then dropped the rope ladder, allowing several people to climb up.

A full 24 hours passed, and the two life-and-death trials passed like this.

After boarding the plane, the three of them finally completely relaxed and fell into sleep.

After arriving home, Leng Gongchen woke up first.

The bodyguards at home carried Mengmeng into the house.

Leng Gongchen also bent down to pick up Lin Shengsheng and went back to the castle.

The next day, two explosive pieces of news appeared on the headlines.

Bishan Power went bankrupt!
Although the development of Bishan Electric Power has not been very good in recent years, it was still a dark horse at the beginning. Now that it has closed down, many people still find it inconceivable.

In addition, Tiantian's parents are well-known in the business world. Although there is no way to compare with Leng Gongchen, they can still be regarded as big bosses.

That's how it is...

Moreover, behind the revelation of the news are speculations, both explicit and implicit. These two things are inseparable from Leng Gongchen.

Many parents who went together broke the news, saying that these two incidents happened because of the disappearance of Lin Mengmeng and Lin Shengsheng.

So there was a lot of speculation about the relationship between Lin Shengsheng and Leng Gongchen.

Lin Shengsheng didn't care much about gossip and gossip before, but now that she has gone through life and death several times, she doesn't care much about what the outside world says.

She has already figured it out, what others say is not important at all, what is important is that she feels comfortable in her heart, as long as she has a clear conscience, she doesn't want to care about anything else.

But one day, she dreamed of Fang Lingyue in her sleep, and when she woke up, she was in a daze for a long time, what should she do?
Fang Lingyue refused to let her be with Leng Gongchen.

She wondered if she could promise Fang Lingyue again?She found that it didn't seem to work, she was no longer as innocent to Leng Gongchen as before.

She picked up the cold water in the cup beside the bed and downed it in one gulp, feeling a lot better in her heart.

Just then, the phone suddenly rang.

Picking up the phone and seeing the name displayed on it, I felt a little guilty.

She hesitated for a moment, but still connected the phone: "Ling Yue!"

What is Ling Yue calling at this time?Is it Xingshi asking for guilt?

That's right, if you think about it in another way, she won't be reconciled to becoming Fang Lingyue.

After all, it was Fang Lingyue who was with Leng Gongchen first.

But then again, the person Leng Gongchen wanted to find was obviously her, and it was Fang Lingyue who first impersonated her.

If Mengmeng and Leng Gongchen hadn't looked exactly the same, she might have been kept in the dark for the rest of her life.

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