Instead, Hasegawa grabbed the rope with one hand and strode aside to hide.

Leng Junjun was caught off guard, unable to stand steadily, and was dragged forward.

The coarse-grained rope rubbed against his body, as if some burrs had penetrated into the flesh.

Leng Gongchen yelled sharply: "I have already agreed to your terms, why do you still torture my son like this?"

Leng Junjun bit his lips stubbornly and remained silent.

Thin cold sweat oozes from his forehead, and his face is twisted because of the pain.

Leng Gongchen looked at Leng Junjun in front of him, feeling extremely distressed.

This kid really resembles his character.

Lin Shengsheng screamed and rushed up.

But another gangster stepped in her path and shoved her unceremoniously.

Lin Shengsheng was pushed backward by the huge force, and the back of her head hit the ground.

Her head was a little dizzy, but she didn't care about it, and hammered the ground like crazy:

"Hasegawa, you continue to torture my son. I swear, even if I risk my life, I will cut you into pieces!"

Seeing Lin Shengsheng fell on the ground, her hair disheveled and frantic, Leng Gongchen hurried forward.

He picked up Lin Shengsheng who was on the ground, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, as fierce as a flood.

But he turned around and regained his composure: "I will do what I said, I promise you, I will give you a billion.

As long as you spare my son.And after this incident, I will not pursue you again. "

Hasegawa looked Leng Gongchen's expression up and down, and snorted lightly, obviously not believing it.

"No matter how much you say, it's better to take some practical actions and prepare a billion.

Anyway, your son is of no use to me, all I want is money. "

talking.He tugged impatiently at the rope.

Lin Shengsheng stared at him fiercely, digging her nails into her palm, but she couldn't feel the pain.

"We agree to all your requests, but why can't you treat him better? What good does it do you if he gets hurt?"

Hasegawa said with great interest: "But it doesn't do me any harm, anyway, it's not me who is anxious.

If you are worried about him, act quickly.I only promised to let him go, but I didn't guarantee that he would return to you unscathed. "

He yelled again threateningly.

Seeing Lin Shengsheng's grief-stricken look, Leng Gongchen suddenly exploded, his face clouded over.

There was tension in the air, and it was on the verge of breaking out.

Leng Gongchen's voice was low and full of killing intent: "You have enough time, don't challenge my patience, stop your hand!"

Hasegawa smiled wildly: "Are you confused about the situation? If you send the money, I will naturally let your son go.

But if you can't do it, don't blame me for being cruel. "

With Leng Junjun in his hand, he is confident.

Leng Gongchen clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes flickered indistinctly.

He punched the wall angrily, and large chunks of lime fell off the dilapidated wall.

Although their Leng Group is not short of money, a billion is nothing, but liquidity is a little tight.

Now which company will put one billion in its account instead of investing it?
Lin Shengsheng was startled, and grabbed his hand distressedly.

Seeing that his fist was bloody and bloody, and mixed with fallen dust, he couldn't help but annoyed:
"What's the use of hurting yourself like this?"

Leng Gongchen didn't even look at her, but fixed his eyes on Hasegawa, full of provocation.

"Let me tell you the truth, you asked me to spend a billion now, and now I can't get that much out of the company's liquidity.

But if you are not afraid, you can arrest me and exchange for my son. Junjun is just one of my sons.

But I am the president of the company.Do you think the Leng Group is willing to spend one billion to redeem me, or to redeem a child? "

Hasegawa became angry from embarrassment: "You want to exchange it with yourself?"

He has been fighting with Leng Gongchen for so many years, how can he willingly admit that he has no guts?
Now that they are all vulnerable, Leng Gongchen dares to provoke him so presumptuously?

On the one hand, reason told him that Leng Junjun, a child, was easy to control and had little risk.

On the other hand, it is the provocation of the opponent for a long time. Conquering a strong man is naturally more exciting than a cowardly child.

Leng Gongchen's eyes flickered, fearing that Hasegawa would not be fooled, so he continued to add oil and vinegar.

"Of course, Leng Junjun is just a child, what's the point of you tying him up?
I am the president of the Leng Group, if you take me back, I will naturally be killed by you. "

He walked in a leisurely manner, walking forward confidently:

"I'm the president of the Leng Group. All the shares are in my hands. In order to keep me, the Leng Group will definitely not be stingy."

Hasegawa watched him approaching like an enemy, took out a gun from his bulging pocket, and pointed it at his temple.

"Okay, I agree to what you said, you'd better not play me by chance." Hasegawa sneered.

Lin Shengsheng kept shaking her head with tears in her eyes, choked up with sobs.

Leng Gongchen looked at her tenderly, and stretched out his hand to tie her messy hair behind her ears.

"Why did you do this?" She covered her mouth, tears rolled down her lips, and the taste was very bitter.

"Fool." Leng Gongchen flicked her forehead angrily, "I'm fine, you go back and prepare a billion to save me."

His tone was sincere, as if he really expected Lin Shengsheng to save him with a billion dollars.

Leng Junjun's face flushed red, there were bean-sized teardrops in his eyes, and the tip of his nose was sore.

Hasegawa Zhi smiled complacently, and kicked Leng Junjun impatiently:
"What are you doing, thank you for having a good father."

With a wave of his hand, another gangster obediently untied Leng Junjun.

Leng Junjun had just been liberated from the shackles, and his hands and feet were still sore.

He staggered forward, and tears kept falling like rain.

Leng Gongchen smiled at the corners of his eyes, watching Lin Shengsheng lead Leng Junjun away.

Then he turned his head slowly, with a mocking smile on his lips.

He quickly took something out of his pocket and slammed it on the ground.

When the thing touched the ground, it exploded instantly, making a deafening sound, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

A few men in black suddenly jumped out of the field ridge, and Lin Shengsheng recognized them as their bodyguards.

They quickly removed the two from the scene.

Lin Shengsheng shook her head, asked the bodyguards to take Junjun away, and she walked back.

"Leng Gongchen, hurry up and leave too, Hasegawa has gone crazy!" Lin Shengsheng cried out worriedly.

Hasegawa was startled by the sound, and subconsciously rolled on the ground to avoid the source of the explosion.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, seeing Leng Junjun being protected by a group of bodyguards, Hasegawa immediately understood that he had been tricked.

He had a fierce look in his eyes, full of murderous aura, and his backhand was a shuttle of bullets.

Leng Gongchen reacted quickly and retreated quickly.

A string of aggressive bullets shot towards Leng Gongchen's body!

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