"Hasegawa, I know you hate us. But the grievances between us adults should not involve children.

If you do this, you won't be afraid of thunder! Lin Shengsheng looked at him with hatred.

Hasegawa's complexion was twisted, he pinched Lin Shengsheng's chin with great strength, as if he wanted to crush her bones.

"Lightning?" He laughed loudly and said:
"I didn't do anything, but because of our past friendship, can't you invite your children to come and play?
If I really want to do something, is it your turn to negotiate terms in front of me?I've already tossed him to pieces and threw him out to feed the dogs! "

Lin Shengsheng's bones were cracking, as if they were dislocated, and her eyes were filled with tears.

Leng Gongchen immediately opened the back of Hasegawa's hand and protected Lin Shengsheng behind him.

"Hasegawa, what are you going to do, you can come to me openly, why make things difficult for children and women?"

Leng Gongchen's complexion was slightly gloomy, and there seemed to be turbulent waves in his eyes.

Lin Shengsheng almost went crazy when he heard that the corpse was broken into thousands of pieces.

She knew that Hasegawa had never been very human, and he might really do what he said.

Hasegawa stared at Lin Shengsheng fiercely: "Bitch, if you don't know what to do, I will help you.

If you talk again, I can go to the mass grave to find your son. At that time, I don't know how much money your son will have left. "

Lin Shengsheng took a deep breath, covered her mouth, not daring to continue speaking.

I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will stimulate the lunatic in front of me.

Leng Gongchen frowned, thinking that this kidnapping took place at the parent-child meeting, there was no such a coincidence.

He tentatively asked: "You have done so much to kidnap my son, do you think that kindergarten is under your control?"

Hasegawa glanced inexplicably, and laughed after realizing:
"You are so frightened, I do everything you see."

"How can I have such a great power to extend my hand to kindergartens in your country? It's just that I just happened to meet this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Hasegawa said mockingly.

Leng Gongchen heaved a sigh of relief, if the kindergarten is under the control of Hasegawa, then Junjun will definitely not be able to stay any longer in the future.

Now that Hasegawa has no contact with the kindergarten, this action must not be a rigorous plan.

There should be no one behind him to support him, so it will be much easier to deal with.

But now, how can Junjun be rescued unscathed?

He stared at Hasegawa's actions without blinking, and his tone slowed down:
"Since you kidnapped my son, now let's fight the mouse.

You can make a request, as long as we can do it, we will do it for you without saying a word. "

"But don't be delusional, the company is impossible." He said firmly.

There was a mocking smile on Hasegawa's face: "It seems that your son is nothing more than that in your eyes, and the company is reluctant."

He rolled his eyes and sneered: "But we also had friendship before, since that's the case, let's each take a step back.

As long as you give me one billion, I promise to return your son to you. "

His eyes fell on Lin Shengsheng, extremely presumptuous, as if he wanted to peel her off.

Lin Shengsheng's face was ugly, she couldn't stand Hasegawa's sticky eyes, and almost vomited.

She has never seen a more shameless person than Hasegawa, greedy, shameless, lustful and licentious!

Looking at her like this is the greatest insult to her, she can't wait to gouge Hasegawa's eyes out.

"Hasegawa, I advise you not to push yourself too far. You have walked too much at night, so go back to your wet shoes.

The evil deeds you are doing now will all be punished on you one day! "

Lin Shengsheng was extremely angry, and accused him unceremoniously.

Leng Gongchen reached out his hand to stop Hasegawa before she exploded, and said in a deep voice:

"I can agree to your condition, but I also have one condition."

Hasegawa suppressed his anger and was attracted by Leng Gongchen's words.

"What conditions do you have?" Hasegawa said with a frown.

"Before we hand over your billion, we must see the child and make sure he is safe.

If you don't agree, I will also refuse your request, otherwise what should we do if we lose both human resources and wealth? "

Leng Gongchen's voice was steady, but there was a sense of pressure in his eyes.

Hasegawa looked at Leng Gongchen disdainfully, and said casually: "I can think about it."

But he didn't move a step, and stood lazily in front.

Leng Gongchen continued to say patiently: "My request is not too much, right? If I can't see the child, how can I trust you?"

"Or, the child is not with you at all?" He said suspiciously on purpose.

Hasegawa glared at him angrily: "Then come with me, but you can't fly now, don't try to make trouble."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, motioning for the two to follow.

Another gangster watched them from the sidelines to prevent them from attacking.

Approaching the dilapidated factory, the black gate is like a lurking monster, waiting for strangers to break in.

Hasegawa walked to the door, stopped again, and said vigilantly:

"Stay here and don't move. I'll bring that brat down later."

Leng Gongchen and Lin Shengsheng had no choice but to nod.

Hasegawa snorted coldly, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

After a while, he reappeared, and he seemed to be carrying a heavy object in his hand.

The heavy object struggled unwillingly, and its limbs fluttered.Zhongwu suddenly opened his mouth and shouted: "Mommy!"

"Junjun, how are you? Are you injured?" Lin Shengsheng was distracted and couldn't help rushing forward.

Hasegawa pushed her away angrily: "Get out of here."

Lin Shengsheng was pushed staggeringly, so he had no choice but to take a few steps back, looking at Leng Junjun with tears in his eyes.

Although he was still in the hands of this vicious and vicious person, when Leng Junjun saw Mommy and Dad, he was determined.

He knew mommy and daddy would rescue him.

He cried out distressedly: "Mummy, don't cry, I have nothing to do now."

Leng Junjun was tied up heavily, and the rough rope rubbed on his delicate skin, leaving red marks, some of which were almost bleeding.

Seeing her son being tied up like this, Lin Shengsheng still didn't forget to comfort her, and couldn't help feeling a pang in her heart.

She cursed: "Hasegawa, why are you so inhumane? How old is Junjun, you use this method to deal with him!"

Hasegawa said in a bad tone: "I have fulfilled your request, so what about my request?"

Leng Gongchen took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart:

"I will naturally fulfill your request, but can you untie the child, he is still too young to bear such pain."

Hasegawa sneered: "Leng Gongchen, stop pretending. You are such a sinister person, do you think I will believe you?"

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