"I can't see this video clearly. Is there anything else? There are no other cameras?" Fu Xuan's face was gloomy.

The principal and the teacher looked at each other and shook their heads together.

"Although I can't see the person's appearance clearly, the child looked very happy when he left. You should all know him?"

The principal spoke carefully.

"Except at home, even in the company, I have never been anywhere at all, and I don't know such an adult man. This is impossible."

Not to mention the other teachers, Lin Shengsheng couldn't recognize who this man was.

"Then... the parent should go home and wait for the news, we will notify you when we have news.

This kid Junjun is so smart that nothing will happen, parents can rest assured. "

"That's right, we have called the police just now, and the police will deal with it soon!" The principal also comforted Lin Shengsheng.

Lin Shengsheng didn't want to go home alone, there was nothing in the house, no popularity, no warmth.

She wanted to wait here for Junjun, maybe he would come back soon.

"Let's go home first, maybe we can see Junjun when we go home.

I'll send you over here when there's news, okay? " Fu Xuan said in a gentle tone.

Lin Shengsheng's mind is now full of the handsome little figure, the figure of him leaving with others.

When she thought of this, her heart ached.

"It's all my fault. It's my fault. If I had known earlier, I would have come to pick him up earlier, so that such a thing would not have happened."

Lin Shengsheng regretted it immensely.

"It's fine, it's going to be fine." Fu Xuan could only try his best to comfort her, so at least it could make her feel better:
"He won't be abducted either, seeing how happy he looks, he should be someone he knows.

If it was really a kidnapping, the kidnappers would have already started calling to blackmail us, it's fine. "

"If it's an acquaintance, why don't I know him?
Who the hell is this kid? He didn't even know to call me after he went out. I was almost worried to death! "

"It's all my fault. I was so focused on my work that I didn't take his feelings into consideration. I forgot how old he is now.

It's my mother's fault. I didn't accompany him, didn't care about him, and didn't notice his changes. "

Lin Shengsheng was crying so hard that her eyes were already swollen.

"Let's go back." Fu Xuan didn't know what to say.

Back home, Lin Shengsheng couldn't sit still in a hurry, and kept walking around in the living room.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door!

It might be Junjun!

Lin Shengsheng jumped up and hurried to open the door.

It was Junjun outside the door, and he was still holding a small snack in his hand.

"Where did you go? Why don't you tell mom, I'm so worried." Lin Shengsheng hugged him tightly.

There is another person behind, that acquaintance.

Look at the figure is very familiar.

It turned out to be Leng Gongchen!

It turned out to be him, how did they meet together?
Seeing that the child returned safely, Lin Shengsheng had to teach him:

"Why are you so disobedient today? Without mother's consent, you just followed other people and left?

Do you know how worried I am, why don't you wait for your mother obediently, do you know how dangerous it is outside? "

Lin Shengsheng popped out words one after another.

Junjun had never seen his mother like this before, and he was so frightened that he burst into tears.

Fu Xuan was also very angry, but it was a good thing that the child came back. He looked at Leng Gongchen indifferently, without saying a word.

"Please, don't touch other people's children in the future, or you will be responsible for the consequences!" Lin Shengsheng scolded Leng Gongchen loudly.

Lin Shengsheng looked at Junjun crying pitifully, but was still worried:

"Junjun, mom isn't trying to hurt you, mom wants you to remember, you can't just go with someone you don't know, you know?

Mom likes you the most, why would she scold you!If there is anything going on in the future, remember to tell your mother, okay, good baby? "

Lin Shengsheng was terrified today.

Leng Gongchen looked at the two mother and son hugging each other, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He's a little sick, a little sour, and he's like an outsider right now.

"It's my fault. I don't blame the child. I just passed the kindergarten and took the child to eat."

Leng Gongchen said with apology and sincerity.

"Don't scold the child. The child feels uncomfortable. If you are really angry, just scold me."

"Of course it's your fault. If it wasn't for you, our Junjun would have followed you? I'm warning you again, you are not allowed to approach him!"

Fu Xuan didn't want Junjun to see them fighting each other, so he carried the child upstairs to rest.

"Junjun, don't be afraid, mom is too anxious today, isn't mom usually gentle?
Besides, it was Leng Gongchen who abandoned you first, you can't turn to him, or mother is too pitiful. "

Fu Xuan whispered to the child.

"Yeah, I know, thank you godfather. It's all because I'm too greedy, and I won't do that again next time."

Junjun said obediently.

"Okay, this matter has been turned over, go to sleep, and have class tomorrow."

The child can fall asleep without being coaxed, probably because he is too tired today.

Lin Shengsheng is already a little better, and there is no confrontation just now.

The way she looked at Leng Gongchen no longer had the love she had at the beginning, but now there was only hatred.

This man broke her heart and insulted her in every possible way, but she didn't care anymore.

But the child is her final bottom line, and she absolutely does not allow any problems with the child.

"You go, if you don't go, the police will take you away."

Leng Gongchen had never seen a woman like this before, and felt a dull pain in his heart, and he was a little speechless.

He wanted to explain, but he didn't know where to start. Maybe she didn't want to hear it. Also, he hurt her too much...

It's all so messy.


Before he could speak, Lin Shengsheng interrupted him:
"Okay, stop talking, I don't want to listen to you now, let's go..."

Holding a broom stick, she pointed at Leng Gongchen unceremoniously.

Leng Gongchen understood what she meant: "Okay, excuse me, we will talk when you are free."

"No, I'm not free, there's nothing to say between us, everything is over...I don't want to meet you!"

It wasn't until Leng Gongchen disappeared that Lin Shengsheng put down the broomstick in his hand.

Afterwards, she went upstairs to see her son, touched his chubby little face, and slept with him.

Early the next morning.

Lin Shengsheng sent Junjun to school, but he didn't expect this kid to get along so happily with Leng Gongchen and trust him so much.

She didn't want her child to have too much to do with that man.

"Leng Junsi, in addition to mother, there will be godfather in the future, who can't be trusted or contacted, okay? Promise to mother!"

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