"No, brother Leng, you have to trust me, it's not me, it must be the president and her assistant who designed me!

I am wronged, this video must have been edited, I have never done such a thing. "

Yun Xinrou stubbornly resisted.

Xiao Li said disdainfully:

"I already knew that you would use this trick to get away. If you don't believe me, everyone in the monitoring room can testify for me."

The people waiting outside came in one after another. They were the people working in the monitoring room!

That's all right, there's nothing more to say.

Those people proved one by one that the video had not been tampered with.

Yun Xinrou fell down this time, and could only hug her last thigh tightly:

"Brother, you can't be fooled by their rhetoric!

Xinrou is really being bullied, Brother Leng! "

Yun Xinrou acted coquettishly in a coquettish voice.

Leng Gongchen still doesn't know this woman's final purpose, so he can only restrain her first:

"The current evidence is insufficient, and we cannot easily draw conclusions. We still have to investigate slowly and wait for the truth to come out."

Lin Shengsheng snorted, with such obvious evidence, he was able to escape.

For this woman, Leng Gongchen really spent all his money.

"Okay, that's all for today, let's leave first." Leng Gongchen came to the final conclusion and walked out of the office first.

Yun Xinrou proudly said to Lin Shengsheng: "Heh, if you want to frame me, in your next life, you can't beat me."


Leng Gongchen only felt that there was a heavy burden on his body, and he was oppressed every day, unable to breathe.

He just wants to walk around.

I walked to the kindergarten without knowing it, and saw Junjun looking at the distant figure at the door.

"What's wrong? Your mother didn't come to pick you up?" Leng Gongchen asked.

"That's right." Junjun didn't expect to see him, and his tone was a little surprised: "Can we talk alone?"

Junjun stretched out his hand to him naturally.

The two of them sat down on a stool not far away. Leng Gongchen didn't know why today, but this child was particularly pleasing to the eye.

"I want to talk about my mother and godfather, I know you have always had a knot in your heart, but I live among them.

I can see clearly that my mother doesn't like him at all. Junjun said with his big eyes open.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be quite innocent." Leng Gongchen said casually.

Junjun also knows that if this kind of thing is rushed, it will be counterproductive, and some things cannot be emphasized all the time.

"I'm hungry, can you take me to eat?"

Junjun opened his black and white eyes, and began to act like a baby to Leng Gongchen.

My mother used to be overwhelmed when she saw herself like this.

Leng Gongchen still couldn't stand it anymore, he touched the child's cheek, and said a little dotingly: "I promise you whatever you want to eat."

"Really?" The child blinked his big bright eyes.

"Really." Leng Gongchen also slowly relaxed.

Normally, Lin Shengsheng should be very strict with him, even controlling what the children eat, no wonder the children have lost weight.

"Well... I want to eat KFC, okay?"

"Okay, you can say whatever you want, then let's go now."

"Oh, I've eaten chicken wings, yeah!" Junjun jumped up and down happily.

The two left the gate of the kindergarten together and gradually moved away.

Lin Shengsheng rushed to the kindergarten in a hurry, but she didn't see any familiar figure at the door.

So, she called Uncle Security: "Please ask Junjun to come out, thank you."

The teacher on duty came out: "Are you Leng Junsi's mother? He has already left. Would you like to call and see?"

Listening to what the teacher said, Lin Shengsheng remembered that Fu Xuan didn't come to pick up the child today.

But there was no one else besides him.

Who is it?Gotta make sure.

Lin Shengsheng took out her mobile phone and quickly contacted Fu Xuan: "Is Junjun at home?"

"Ah? I didn't pick up Junjun at all? What's the matter, what happened?"

"I told Junjun today that my mother is busy today and will pick him up later.

But when I got to the school gate, I didn't see him at all, and her teacher also said that he was picked up.

I thought it was you, and there is no sign of him at home now. "Lin Shengsheng was in a hurry.

"Teacher, do you know who the person who took Junjun away? What does that person look like?"

The teacher also panicked, she lost the child, she is responsible:

"Mother Junjun, why don't you look around first, the child may have gone out to play with other children.

I will also call the principal, please don't worry, I will ask the whole kindergarten to help you find it. "

With that said, the teacher also went out to look for the child.

Lin Shengsheng was so anxious that she couldn't help but her heart twitched.

At this time, Fu Xuan also hurried over.

Seeing Lin Shengsheng anxious, Fu Xuan's heart was about to break.

"Don't worry, maybe you will find it later, Junjun is such a smart kid, don't worry."

Fu Xuan comforted her every now and then.

"But it's so late now, why hasn't the child come back? I'm about to die of anxiety!
He didn't tell us where he went, he promised me, but now..."

Lin Shengsheng kept crying.

"Don't worry, let's go out and look for it now. This kid has been weird since he was a child. I don't think anything will happen to him."

Fu Xuan's lips were almost worn out: "You don't have to worry, that kid Junjun is so smart and flexible, he will be fine."

"What should we do now?" Lin Shengsheng anxiously squatted on the ground covering his face and crying.

Fu Xuan had an idea: "Hey, by the way, we can check the monitoring.

I was in a hurry just now, if we go to check the surveillance at the school gate, won't the truth be revealed? "

"Yes, deal, look, I was so focused on crying that I forgot about it." Lin Shengsheng stopped crying.

They walked to the principal's office.

The teachers are all overwhelmed and huddled together, and a child is missing, which is a very important thing in the kindergarten.

If it really disappeared, the kindergarten probably wouldn't be able to continue.

"There were so many kindergartens back then, but I chose yours because I felt at ease with you.

Look, what's going on, the child actually left with someone else!
Don't you kindergartens know that you can't hand over your children to strangers casually! "Fu Xuan was very angry.

If the kindergarten was not too negligent, this kind of thing would not have happened today.

"Sir, don't worry, let's check the surveillance." The director came out to control the situation.

"Found it!" A teacher pointed to the computer screen and said to the crowd.

A tall man on the screen, Jun Jun happily took his hand and walked away.

It was very dark, which just blurred the man's face, so he couldn't see clearly at all!

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