"If it's too late to call security or the police, it will let my dad know. I don't want my dad to worry.

Besides, if he knows about this, he will definitely say that I didn't take good care of him, and my hope of returning to the position of president is slim. "

After finishing speaking, Leng Gongchen turned and left.

Yun Xinrou's face was distorted, filled with jealousy and hatred:
"Men are all liars! How annoying you used to be, but you panic when you meet her!"

The assistant looked at her ferocious expression, and felt extremely refreshed:
"You know that it's good that our vice president has the president in his heart. If you want to be in the top position, it's just a waste of effort!

No matter how much you sow discord, it's just ridiculous to jump up and down like a monkey. "

Yun Xinrou stared at her fiercely, the whites of her eyes took up most of her eyes, and she looked unexpectedly eerie:
"No matter what I do, it's not your turn to mock me like a lackey!"

The assistant felt a chill in her heart when she saw it.

After Leng Gongchen left, this woman unscrupulously revealed her true colors, extremely sinister and vicious.

Like a crow in the twilight, giving the breath of death.

The assistant's heart was flustered, and his momentum suddenly weakened.

But she still stuck her neck and said: "I just want you to see the reality clearly and stop playing those dirty tricks.

If you don't accumulate virtue for yourself, you will see who the heaven will spare, and you will regret it later. "

She didn't dare to look directly into Yun Xinrou's eyes, as if she looked at it a few more times, she would feel like going to hell.

"Hehe, only the weak will pray for protection from heaven.

It's not interesting to get good things right away. I enjoy the process of grabbing them step by step. "

Yun Xinrou walked to the assistant and whispered in her ear.

The breath blew past the assistant's ears, it was chilly.

The assistant couldn't help but take a few steps back, this woman is really scary!

Yun Xinrou smiled secretly: "You can tell Lin Shengsheng what I said today, and let her protect you, a poor lackey."

The assistant's face was pale and cold sweat broke out on his body.

She hugged her bag tightly, as if she could draw strength from it:

"No matter what, I always believe that the vice president has our president in his heart."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and urged her colleagues, now that it was getting late, it was time to prepare for the night camping.


Leng Gongchen strode forward, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number over and over again.

However, the mechanical female voice on the opposite side repeated it over and over again.

The red fire in his heart was burning, almost burning out his reason.

"Lin Shengsheng, Leng Junjun, where are you?" Leng Gongchen shouted loudly.

He hurried and hurried, and finally reached the top of the mountain.

There was only a child standing there, but no sign of Lin Shengsheng.

He relaxed halfway, but Lin Shengsheng's disappearance made his heart ache again: "Junjun, where's your mommy?"

Leng Junjun looked at him with disgust, as if his anxiety was all faking. -
Leng Gongchen has been poured with cold water, has their current relationship reached the point where fire and water cannot be tolerated?

Leng Junjun's eyes were like frost, exuding a slight chill:

"Why are you looking for your mother? Didn't you abandon her a long time ago and find another new love?
Stop pretending to be anxious, you have no heart at all! "

He approached Leng Gongchen step by step, his small body exuded a forceful aura.

"Why did you come back? I thought we would have a happy life when you came back.

Yet you hurt Mommy time and time again, if you've been abroad.

My mommy, my godfather, and I can live in peace forever.

Your arrival has disrupted our peaceful life. What is your purpose for coming back?
Could it be that you are unwilling to hand over the company to my mommy and want to get back the position and shares of the president? "

Leng Gongchen was stunned.

He didn't expect that this little guy was not as innocent as other children, but at this moment, he was as calm as an adult.

He was in a trance for a while, this character really resembled himself.

"What do you know? Those things belonged to me in the first place, and I just took back what belonged to me." Leng Gongchen frowned and said:
"But at such a young age, you are so courageous. You dare to question me. It seems that your mommy didn't blindly pamper you and raised you very well."

He looked tired looking at people with his neck up, and it also affected his momentum. Leng Junjun climbed up the big rock with his hands on his hips.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be so shameless and take everything for granted.

Do you know that after you left, it was Mommy who supported the company?Or is it yours?

If the company goes bankrupt, I see what you will inherit when you come back, will you inherit the ruins?
You don't understand Mommy's hard work at all, you cross the river and tear down the bridge when you come back, trying to kick my mommy out of the company.

What did you bring that woman back for?Do you want my mommy to make way for her, and let you love me?Do you still have a conscience? "

Leng Junjun questioned like a storm, with hatred surging in his eyes.

Leng Gongchen's face turned livid: "What right do you have to question me? I'm sorry for her, and it has nothing to do with you!
It is your luck that you can enjoy the material conditions that should not belong to you. "

The immature face in front of him was full of evil spirits, and there was a strong contrast.

He had an illusion, as if he was looking in a mirror, and the person in front of him was as cold as he was before.

However, as soon as he saw those hateful eyes, his thoughts collapsed again.

Leng Junjun sneered and said: "Okay, I remember, I am not in the same family as you, and I don't want to be.

Sooner or later, I will take Mommy and escape from your clutches, so as not to let her get angry. "

He clenched his fists tightly, sniffed his nose, and tried hard to hold back the tears swirling in his eyes.

He turned around and walked away quickly, walking towards the location of the cable car.

Seeing that Leng Junjun didn't bother him anymore, Leng Gongchen shouted, "Lin Shengsheng, where are you?"

"Didn't we already agree, don't you care about my mommy? Put away your hypocrisy!" Leng Junjun sternly shouted.

There was hatred in his deep eyes, and shadows appeared on his face, which looked even more gloomy under the twilight.

Leng Gongchen knew that he had completely offended this child, and he was already at odds with himself.

"Are you ashamed to ask me? If you didn't make up your own mind and run around, your mommy wouldn't think you were missing and look for you anxiously.

I know you are a big kid, you think you are an adult, you know everything.

But when you act, can you think about how anxious your mommy will be when she sees you missing? " Leng Gongchen reprimanded.

"You said you wanted to protect your mommy, but now you put her in danger because of your impulsiveness.

Do you know how many phone calls I made?None of her connected! "

Leng Gongchen was a little irritable after wasting too much time with this little guy.

Leng Junjun's eyes flickered in panic, could it be that Mommy is missing?

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