Lin Shengsheng looked at the steps going up, and there were all his employees along the way.

She nodded: "Yes, but you are not allowed to run around. If there is anything, remember to call Mommy, or I will be worried. "

Leng Junjun raised the child's watch obediently: "I know Mommy, I won't run around."

He bounced forward, and the female employee who teased him just now couldn't help but beckoned him over.

The steps seem to lead straight to the sky, with no end in sight.

Halfway up the mountain, Lin Shengsheng panted like a cow, her face flushed red.

She couldn't help but stop, and sat on the steps to recover her strength.

She took out a piece of candy from her pocket, and the sweet taste restored her rapidly lost energy.

She looked at the road, and against the backdrop of the rolling mountains, the city in the distance looked like a miniature model.

She looked up again, and Junjun was hugged by those male colleagues, almost disappearing at the bend of the steps.

Lin Shengsheng was startled, and immediately stood up and continued walking.

It's just that she walked with difficulty, panting three times with each step.

She finally arrived at their next rest area, but she didn't see Leng Junjun.

"Where's Junjun, have you seen him?" She asked in a panic.

"I just heard that he said he was going to find you. Didn't the president see him?" the employee asked suspiciously.

Lin Shengsheng froze in place with a pale face as if being bombarded by five thunders!
She was always behind. If Junjun went down to find her, there was only one way here, so how could she not see it?
There is no backward, is it forward?Did he go to Leng Gongchen to question him?

Her body seemed to be bursting with infinite power, and she quickened her pace and climbed the mountain quickly.

Leng Gongchen looked at Lin Shengsheng's hand grabbing the hem of his clothes in astonishment.

It was found that her face was as white as a sheet of paper, she was sweating profusely, and she was extremely anxious, as if she was on the verge of collapse.

"Have you seen Junjun?" Lin Shengsheng asked anxiously.

Leng Gongchen thought for a while, and pointed to the top of the mountain. He seemed to have seen Leng Junjun running past just now.

Yun Xinrou said with a smile:
"Children are full of energy. You don't have to be as careful as you were at the beginning. He may have already reached the top of the mountain by now."

Lin Shengsheng felt that her smile was dazzling.

But now is not the time to worry about this, she said: "Then I will go first."

She kept walking and climbed to the top of the mountain.

However, the top of the mountain was empty, and she looked around, but couldn't find Leng Junjun.

She was on the verge of tears, and she made a trumpet with her hands, and cried out:

"Junjun, where are you, hurry up and say yes!"

But there was no sound, only her echo echoed in the mountains, and the dense trees silently watched her go mad.

Lin Shengsheng finally couldn't hold back the tears, she kept screaming loudly, as if she was about to bleed.

"Junjun, where are you, please answer mom!"

She looked around, but without paying attention, her feet were empty and she rolled down a small slope.

The tangled weeds were so sharp that they hurt her skin.

She lay on the ground for a while, struggled to get up, and opened her trouser legs. It was really red and swollen, no wonder it hurt so much.

She took out her mobile phone, but there was no signal, and she couldn't even make a call.

Even if she wanted Fu Xuan to help, there was nothing she could do.

The sky gradually darkened, and the tired birds returned to the forest.

From time to time, there were terrifying bird calls, which seemed unexpectedly terrifying in the gloomy woods.

"Is anyone here?"

She cried out in despair, and her remorse flooded her like a tide.

She slammed the ground with all her strength, and her tears fell like rain curtains uncontrollably.

She can completely ignore herself, but where is Junjun?

Will Leng Gongchen help her find Junjun?
However, when she thought of his indifferent attitude just now, she became desperate again.

Leng Gongchen looked in the direction Lin Shengsheng was leaving from time to time.

Seeing Lin Shengsheng's anxious look just now, he decided to quicken his pace.

However, Yun Xinrou showed a delicate appearance, walked a few steps, and then stopped to rest.

"Are you worried about the president?" Yun Xinrou raised her innocent face, "I'm really sorry, I can't walk anymore, and I've dragged you down."

"It's okay." Leng Gongchen said with a suppressed temper, but he was actually very anxious.

The two went for a long time without any news. He couldn't help but think of all kinds of accidents, and his face couldn't help but look ugly.

Yun Xinrou observed Leng Gongchen calmly, and said with a smile:

"Now the president has probably found the children, and they probably don't want to have fun on it with our employees."

She thought of Lin Shengsheng's anxious look just now, and vaguely felt that something must have happened to that brat.

She thought happily, if she fell off the cliff, there would be a good show.

She took Leng Gongchen by her arms, put most of her weight on him, and urged:

"Brother, let's go quickly, don't keep the CEO waiting for a long time."

She evoked a smile, she couldn't wait to see Lin Shengsheng's pained expression.

The assistant pulled Yun Xinrou away and staggered her:
"Yun Xinrou, why are you so shameless, pestering our vice president all the time?

I have never seen a more disgusting person than you. Not only did you meddle in them as mistresses, but you also brazenly belittled your original partner. "

The assistant pierced her waist and said, "Why do you speak ill of the president? Said she doesn't like being with us?
The president is obviously very approachable, and he always eats with us in the canteen in the company, and never engages in specialization.

I never cry bitterness or tiredness when I work and do things, but I am not as delicate as you, this will not be that. "

Excited, the assistant stretched out his hand and pushed Yun Xinrou, wanting to keep this bitch away from Leng Gongchen.

Lin Shengsheng was her bole, she was naturally grateful, and she must have sneered at this mistress who ruined the CEO's happiness.

Yun Xinrou let out an "oops", twisted her body, and pretended to be pushed into Leng Gongchen's arms.

Her eyes were watery, and she wept:
"Brother, she actually pushed me! If it weren't for you, I would have fallen down the steps and smashed my head!
It seems that the president hates me very much, otherwise her assistant wouldn't have hit me so hard. "

Unexpectedly, the assistant was so impulsive, so Leng Gongchen had no choice but to pull Yun Xinrou away and comfort him:

"Okay, don't care about her like that, it ruins your mood."

He turned to everyone and said:
"I haven't seen the president and Leng Junjun for so long, I'll look for them, and you can make arrangements yourself later."

Yun Xinrou grabbed Leng Gongchen's sleeve and refused to let go, crying:

"Brother, you go now, I'm afraid she will kill me, you promised to stay with me all the time.

The president is gone, we can call security or the police. "

Leng Gongchen frowned irritably, and lightly reprimanded:

"Don't talk nonsense, how could she be so bold? You are with other colleagues, she dare not do anything to you!"

He was very anxious, where is Junjun?

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