"Don't think I'm joking!"

Not daring to underestimate the determination of the woman in front of him, Leng Gongchen hastily stopped him:

"Don't be stupid, what about our children? Are you going to raise two little guys after you let my parents have white hair and black hair?"

He pressed his chest in pain, never hating his sick body so much.

He was not willing to let the woman in front of him wither with him, nor was he willing to part with his two little treasures.

"I don't care, I just want you to get better. Since you know there are two children waiting for you to go home, you must not give up, okay?"

Lin Shengsheng said stubbornly.

She remembered that when Leng Gongchen was plotted against by Hasegawa while abroad, she lost five years of memory.

Even in Leng Gongchen's memory, she has become a stranger, but he still fell in love with her in the end.

Nothing can stop them from being together, and she doesn't regret it!
Chen Junkai entered the room carrying the food.

Leng Gongchen and Lin Shengsheng's emotions had calmed down, and they cuddled each other silently.

"Let's eat, you must be hungry. If there is anything, please let me know immediately, and I will deal with it." Chen Junkai said.

Lin Shengsheng nodded, now that Chen Junkai is in full charge of Leng Gongchen's surgery, I believe there will never be any collusion between foreign doctors and Hasegawa.

She can only believe that what Chen Junkai said must have a way, this is to support her belief.

However, Leng Gongchen felt a little disgusted, he shook his head: "I'm not hungry, you guys eat."

"That won't work, how can you maintain your body functions if you don't eat?" Lin Shengsheng asked coldly:

"How long can you last on those glucose alone? This battle is a protracted one, and you can't give up now."

Chen Junkai also frowned, and said sharply:

"You need to eat to preserve your strength now, can you really let go of everything?

If you don't eat, I'll call dad right now.He is not in good health now, if you insist on being an unfilial son, I will help you. "

Looking at the stern look on Chen Junkai's face, Leng Gongchen was not angry, but a little guilty.

Because he knew that he cared about himself, and because of his illness, his eye circles are now black.

He picked up the vegetables in the lunch box and took a bite with the rice: "If you want me to eat, then I will eat."

He smiled helplessly, regardless of whether he needed it or not, he had to work hard for the hope of living.

He was afraid that if he really died, the woman next to him would really be like a fool, and let him go like a moth to a flame.

He is also afraid that his elderly parents, who are gray-haired and black-haired, will not be able to bear the blow, and their already bad health will be even worse.

"Don't be afraid, drink some soup. I will always be by your side. Didn't you say you want to protect me? You must get better soon."

Lin Shengsheng took a spoonful of bone soup and handed it to Leng Gongchen.

Watching him finish the soup in the bowl with some effort, his heart ached uncontrollably.

Not long ago, Kong Wu was powerful enough to hit Hasegawa with a single punch, but he lost weight rapidly in the past few days.

As his body became weaker, his appetite also shrank. The previous amount was not enough for him to stuff his teeth.

But now he can only eat a little at a time, so in addition to forcing him to eat, physical assistance is also essential.

Leng Gongchen finished most of the food silently, and couldn't eat any more.

He dried his mouth with a napkin, pondered for a while, and asked:

"Can you tell me about my situation in detail now? I just said it briefly last time, so you don't have to hide it from me.

The last time I got sick, was it because I was too emotional and couldn't bear the ups and downs, so my heart couldn't bear it? "

Leng Gongchen guessed.

He tried his best to adjust his mood and suppress his depression.

It's just that he thought that he had changed his heart and he was fine.

After returning to China, seeing relatives who had been away for a long time, under great grief and joy, my heart was beyond its ability to bear.

He now wants to know how long his body can last.

Lin Shengsheng also stared at Chen Junkai without blinking, except that Chen Junkai occasionally told her some details, but he didn't fully explain the specific situation.

Chen Junkai said slowly:

"It's not the worst time yet. You have some problems with your heart. If you can have a new transplant, you can still live for another year."

If Lin Shengsheng was struck by lightning, he could only live for one year if his heart was replaced. If he couldn't be replaced, wouldn't he?
Heart transplant surgery can be done whenever you want?

Not only because of the risks, but also because it is difficult to find a heart source, and it is necessary to find a suitable match among thousands of people.

Every match is a gift from God.

"If you can't do the transplant, then you only have one month." In the end, Chen Junkai gritted his teeth and said it.

Looking at the crumbling Lin Shengsheng, Chen Junkai felt gloomy in his heart.

He didn't want Lin Shengsheng to be sad, but he didn't want to deceive them.

"But during this month, you will be relatively stable, and I will give you special medicine.

This medicine allows you to do whatever you want for a month without worrying about heart problems, but after a month..."

Chen Junkai couldn't continue, but everyone knew the unfinished meaning.

"Just tell me, I'm not afraid." Leng Gongchen asked in a deep voice, he wanted to know everything clearly.

"One month after the effect of the medicine wears off, you will go into cardiac arrest unknowingly." Chen Junkai directly stated the result.

Although the reality is cruel, but in the long time with Leng Gongchen, he knows how powerful the man in front of him is.

Telling the worst result may be the best way for him to stimulate him to be positive.

Lin Shengsheng tightly covered her mouth, tears flickered at the corners of her eyes.

She thought that after returning to China, they could start a new life and live in peace.

However, they didn't expect that happiness and misfortune depend on each other, and that there is darkness hidden under the happiness, and the illness gave them a heavy blow!
Now Leng Gongchen only has one year, no, if it doesn't go well, maybe they will be separated forever in a month.

Why did she have to suffer such blows several times, watching the man she loves lose his heartbeat again and again, waiting for the verdict of life and death?
She would rather replace her man herself than let her have to wait helplessly outside the operating room.

Leng Gongchen silently stroked Lin Shengsheng's back, and pressed her into his arms.

Feeling her tears wet his clothes little by little, he felt extremely painful.

"We still underestimated that bastard Hasegawa, I thought everything would end abroad, but I didn't expect him to make some preparations at the beginning.

However, perhaps I should also be grateful for his vicious means, although this heart is bad, but..."

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