Chen Junkai said solemnly:
"That bastard Hasegawa not only replaced Leng Gongchen with a bad heart, it also caused the failure of other organs, and most of the organs were diseased."

He clenched his fists angrily: "He should have been shot at the beginning!"

Lin Shengsheng couldn't listen to anything else, she just felt dizzy, and her whole mind was shocked by Leng Gongchen's condition.

She held Chen Junkai tightly and begged:

"Is there any way to save him? Please, save him, I'm willing to pay any price!"

Then, she muttered to herself as if awakened:
"Bad heart, can you replace my heart with Leng Gongchen? My heart has always been healthy."

Chen Junkai couldn't bear to look at Lin Shengsheng's hopeful eyes, and shook his head resolutely:
"No, I can't agree. Leng Gongchen's life is life, and your life is also life. I can't ignore your life to save Leng Gongchen.

What's more, the heart transplant still depends on the rejection reaction. An unsuitable heart will only hasten his death. "

While talking, Leng Gongchen was pushed out from the operating room.

His face had lost all color, and he lay on the cart as pale as paper.

Lin Shengsheng collapsed powerlessly on the ground, her heart pierced like a knife.

Things in the world are changing so fast, and the last moment they were at home happily looking forward to the future.

The next moment he was lying on the hospital bed, as if he was going to be separated from her life and death.

"Shengsheng, don't worry, I will definitely help him find a matching heart.

You have to believe me, you will definitely find someone to cure Leng Gongchen. "Chen Junkai vowed.

Back in the ward, Leng Gongchen woke up from the coma.

The soft sunset streamed in through the glass window, outlining his handsome and three-dimensional face, with a touch of sadness.

Hearing the sound of pushing the door, Leng Gongchen turned around.

He looked at Lin Shengsheng's pale face with a complex expression, sighed, and stroked her smooth black long hair:

"I'm sorry to make you sad again."

Leng Gongchen sighed, "These half a year seems to be stolen from me, happy but short.

This time I am afraid that I will never be able to escape the call of death again. Please forgive me for missing the appointment. I will never be able to accompany you through the ups and downs in the future. "

His dark eyes are like dim stars that have lost their light, silently waiting for destruction.

"If there is anything in the future, you can go to my parents and Yuanyuan, I believe they will help me take care of you and the child..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Shengsheng gagged him.

She closed her eyes tightly, and clasped her hands tightly around Leng Gongchen's neck, as if only such intimacy could make her feel his freshness.

She opened her eyes and said firmly:
"Stop talking nonsense, Chen Junkai said he has a way to save you, and I won't give up.

How can you not count what you said?We will always be together.

If you can't keep it, I will keep this promise for you, I will never live alone! "

Leng Gongchen stared blankly at the petite but resolute woman in his arms, a bright light seemed to burst out from that frail body.

Before he could refute, Lin Shengsheng reached out to stop his next words.

"You don't need to say much now, the most important thing is to take a good rest. I believe there must be a way."

She held Leng Gongchen's hand tightly.

Since she was able to heal for the first time, she should be able to do it now, even if the hope is slim, she will not give up.

Chen Junkai came over to check his condition, Leng Gongchen asked hoarsely: "What's the matter with me now? I want to hear the truth."

He seems to have returned to the time when he was desperate again.

The heartbeat is obviously faster, the throat is a little dry and tingly, and sometimes there is a feeling of suffocation because of being unable to breathe.

"The situation is relatively stable now, and there will be sudden accidents in a while.

Your replaced heart is still working, although its function has declined, and your other organs have shrunk along with it. "

Chen Junkai originally wanted to explain the situation as lightly as possible, but when he met Leng Gongchen's eyes, he struggled a bit, and he still told the truth.

He knew that Leng Gongchen didn't need comfort, he had always been a strong and calm person, telling him the truth was a respect for him.

The current situation of Leng Gongchen is actually not optimistic. This bad heart has increased the burden on his body and caused premature failure of other organs.

With the current domestic medical skills, there is no means to solve his situation.

Now they can only try their best to find a way, delay the time, and look forward to finding a way to completely solve the problem.

Fortunately, he knew some doctors with excellent medical skills, so he could know the specific situation of Leng Gongchen in the first place.

"Don't worry too much, I will definitely not let you have an accident." Chen Junkai encouraged him.

With regard to Leng Gongchen's condition, the hospital has organized a group of highly skilled medical teams to study a solution.

The only way that can be thought of now is to give Leng Gongchen a new heart transplant, and then replace and cure the diseased organs of the whole body.

It's just that the heart still needs to be matched, and things can't be rushed, so we can only screen the suitable heart intensively.

And there will probably be a period of time later when I need to go abroad to recuperate.

After Chen Junkai and Leng Gongchen communicated well, they carefully told Lin Shengsheng outside:
"Now Leng Gongchen needs a good rest, you look at him, follow him as much as possible, don't make him emotional."

Lin Shengsheng nodded silently, she was already familiar with taking care of this matter.

She pushed open the door, and Leng Gongchen suddenly put down his hand covering his nose, holding back the discomfort in his throat.

He raised a smiling face, and the little stars danced in his deep eyes:

"Don't worry, I won't give up. How could I die so easily?

Maybe the god of death still dislikes me and refuses to take my life away. "

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he curled up in pain, his palms pressed his heart tightly, and his lips were as pale as paper.

Lin Shengsheng was so frightened that he called the doctor. After the examination, there was no effective treatment.

When everyone retreated, she hugged Leng Gongchen tightly, warming his cold body.

Looking at the fine cold sweat on Leng Gongchen's forehead, it seemed that a knife was cutting Lin Shengsheng's heart inch by inch.

"I believe there must be a way, the current pain is only temporary.

The experts stayed up all night discussing the solution, and Chen Junkai also said that he was contacting a heart donor, and you will definitely get better. "

She kissed Leng Gongchen's forehead distressedly, repeatedly expressing her confidence.

Talking it to Leng Gongchen is like telling it to myself.

"We have made an oath to be with the prime minister for the rest of our lives. Seeing that we love each other so much, God will never be willing to take you away from me."

Lin Shengsheng smiled sweetly, tapped Leng Gongchen's forehead with one hand, and muttered:
"You can't give up, you have to work hard to take care of yourself. If something happens, I will definitely not live alone!"

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