Lin Shengsheng shook his head: "I want to know that too."

"Leng Gongchen doesn't know why he chose to be the vice president under Li Xinxin."

She frowned, "He never likes to be inferior to others."

"Then how did you get close to him?" Hasegawa asked.

Lin Shengsheng sighed:
"I went to apply for his assistant. Li Xinxin found out that Leng Gongchen's shares and property belonged to me, so he wanted to take it for himself. What can you do now?"

Hasegawa shook his head: "I'll meet him first, and then call him later.

Leng Gongchen has forgotten everything now, I won't let him go on like this, just pretend that I also do my part. "

Lin Shengsheng nodded: "Thank you very much."

Hasegawa and Leng Gongchen sat down in a cafe.

Leng Gongchen narrowed his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, his mind was blank, and he had no impression of him at all.

He used to ask first: "Who are you?"

As he spoke, he gently stirred the coffee in his hand, his movements were familiar and elegant, like a prince who came out of a fairy tale.

Seeing his recovery, Hasegawa felt a little relieved in his heart, this handsome face finally returned to life.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I now know that you have lost your memory.

And because of these two women, Lin Shengsheng and Li Xinxin, you are a little confused about who you should trust. "

Hasegawa spoke directly, without answering his words directly.

Leng Gongchen put down his coffee, and the embarrassed figure of Lin Shengsheng who had just left appeared in his mind, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"You were with Lin Shengsheng just now, did she ask you to come to me?"

He won't admit that he actually feels a little sorry for Lin Shengsheng, even if he has forgotten everything.

It should be better to let her go, at least she won't be sad because she forgot everything.

"Yes, as a mutual friend of the two of you, I only came here after listening to her cry."

Hasegawa looked at his expression and said indifferently.

Leng Gongchen frowned subconsciously:
"I have forgotten everything now, and I am not alone at all. She insisted on pestering me and said she would help me recover my memory, but..."


Hasegawa suddenly slapped the table vigorously and glared at him angrily.

Leng Gongchen raised his eyes in surprise, and heard him say angrily:

"Leng Gongchen, listen to what you are saying now, are you still a man?"

"Do you know that before you left without permission, Lin Shengsheng was almost killed to find you.

She can almost give up her life for you, similarly, you can do the same for her. "

"Now that you have lost your memory, you are going to abandon her? Why are you so arbitrary?"

Hearing this, Leng Gongchen frowned in distress, stretched out his hands and rubbed his aching temples, there was almost no other way to do it.

He didn't know what to do either.

Hasegawa knew that he would get a headache when he thought about the past, seeing his pain, his voice gradually stopped.

"You must have been very painful during this period, but Lin Shengsheng did not give up, and you must not give up either."

"When you were in Japan before, I sent someone to investigate your affairs because I was very curious about you."

As Hasegawa said, he put down a document on the table.

There are many photos in the file, Leng Gongchen sees himself and Lin Shengsheng being very close, very affectionate.

He stared at Lin Shengsheng very affectionately, and it was obvious that he was not pretending.

Leng Gongchen squeezed the information tightly, pointed to Chen Junkai on it and asked, "Then what is the relationship between this person and me?"

He actually cared that he stayed with Lin Shengsheng.

"His name is Chen Junkai. You were seriously ill before and thought that you would not live long, so you asked Chen Junkai to take care of Lin Shengsheng."

Hasegawa's voice paused, "Then he disappeared and let Lin Shengsheng chase you to Japan."

Leng Gongchen sighed, feeling that he was really kind to Lin Shengsheng before.

"I listened to what you just said, and now I regret it a little, I should be with her.

Do you think my memory will come back faster if I'm with her? "

He knew that even if he lost his memory, he still had feelings for Lin Shengsheng, but it was just because of his pride, he felt that the current self was not good enough for her.

Seeing him change his mind, Hasegawa nodded and said:
"Naturally, you have to communicate with her more, but with your heart disease, I have helped you twice, and you have to find an opportunity to repay me in the future."

Leng Gongchen smiled lightly: "If I think of the past, you will be my friend, of course."

Lin Shengsheng heard their conversation on the mobile phone, and couldn't help but ignited bits and pieces of hope and joy in his heart.

She changed into Leng Gongchen's favorite long dress, and hurried to the coffee shop.

Seeing a familiar figure, Hasegawa stood up from his seat:
"Since you have figured it out, I will leave the rest of the time for you to communicate, and I will wait for you outside."

After finishing speaking, Leng Gongchen saw Lin Shengsheng's beautiful figure at a glance.

As if nothing happened, she smiled slightly and said:

"I'm very glad that you want to communicate with me. In fact, my original intention of staying by your side is to prevent you from forgetting everything in the past five years and being used by others."

"I can't let go of going back to China alone."

Leng Gongchen nodded lightly when he heard the words: "If I can gradually recover my memory when I'm with you, let's try."

Lin Shengsheng nodded:
"Of course I hope you can recover your memory. Don't worry, I will be by your side until you remember. You trust me completely this time, okay?"

As she spoke, she took out the red marriage certificate and put it on the table.

"Look, I'm not lying, we are indeed a legally recognized couple, and we have two children, one son and one daughter.

However, we have experienced a lot of things, and there were misunderstandings, but they were all resolved in the end, but you forgot about me. "

The corners of Lin Shengsheng's lips were bitter, looking helpless.

Leng Gongchen opened the marriage certificate and frowned: "Did I like you very much when we got married?"

Lin Shengsheng took a look, and a trace of nostalgia appeared in his eyes.

She nodded slightly and said: "Yes, you liked me very much at that time, and you also liked our children very much. Mengmeng is ten years old now, and my youngest daughter is almost three years old."

"If you have any questions, you can ask me. But it will be fine if you go back to China with me. You should be more familiar with the environment there."

Leng Gongchen didn't reply, and listened to her quietly, it turned out that he had a son and a daughter.

Lin Shengsheng was talking, keenly aware that someone passed by the door, as if a pair of eyes were watching them...

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