"This is our business, there is no need to explain to you." Lin Shengsheng said disapprovingly:
"Don't think I'm so easy to deceive, don't you just want those shares? Don't say it's for his own good!"

"You nonsense! You bitch!"

The next moment, Li Xinxin took a step forward, as if to slap her.

Lin Shengsheng blocked her with a cold face, pushed her away and said:

"Even if he has forgotten those things now, if he knows your purpose, do you think you will be better off?

I advise you to stop early, it is impossible to take those things from me! "

As she spoke, she stood up, ready to drag and drag him away.

Li Xinxin grabbed her hand and pushed her onto the sofa:
"You'd better be sensible! I'm not easy to mess with. If you don't hand over those things now, I have plenty of ways to make things difficult for you!"

"It doesn't matter." Lin Shengsheng pushed her hard, Li Xinxin was unprepared, and was pushed to the ground all at once.

"If you really want me to hand over the shares and property, let Leng Gongchen come here by himself, I won't believe you."

As she spoke, she threw Li Xinxin's bag beside her.

Li Xinxin was annoyed for a while, picked up her bag and walked out, turned her head and gave her a hard look and said, "Let's see!"

The door was slammed shut with a "bang" just like when he came, and Lin Shengsheng sat back on the sofa as if discouraged.

But 10 minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Lin Shengsheng was afraid that Li Xinxin would go and come back again. She didn't have the energy to deal with her now, so she looked out through the cat's eyes and asked:

"who is it?"

Then he opened the door in surprise.

"It's actually Mr. Hasegawa. It's been a long time, but why are you here?" She asked with a smile.

Hasegawa came to visit, brought some fruits, and said with a slight smile:

"I haven't waited until your visit. I was worried that Mr. Leng Gongchen's operation would not go well, so I simply came here by myself. What about others?"

Hearing this, Lin Shengsheng's eyes darkened slightly, he shook his head and said:
"Fortunately, the operation was successful, but unfortunately, he has forgotten many things and many people, including you and me."

Hasegawa frowned.

"Now, there is a woman next to him who prevents me from communicating with him and provokes me. I am really angry and helpless."

Lin Shengsheng invited him into the room and made him a cup of coffee.

Hasegawa noticed her lost expression, and pondered for a moment:
"So that's the case, I remember that your relationship is so enviable, but I didn't expect him to forget you.

So, are you planning to ignore him?I can see that your complexion is not very good. "

"He doesn't care about me at all now." Lin Shengsheng sighed, his face full of despair:
"You may not know that I am his assistant now. I planned to help him retrieve his memory, but..."

The results speak for themselves.

Hasegawa expressed his understanding, nodded and said:
"It's a pity. Then who is the woman next to him now? You just said that she is sociating? "

Lin Shengsheng's face turned into anger: "Her name is Li Xinxin. You didn't know or met her on the way here just now. She just left from me."

"She coveted the shares and properties that Leng Gongchen transferred to me before, and tried to cheat me away, but she failed. I have already seen through her tricks."

"What about Leng Gongchen?" Hasegawa asked.

Lin Shengsheng shook her head and said, "I've decided to leave him, but if he wants those things back, I will give them back to him."

"Don't be discouraged, why don't we ask Leng Gongchen out and see how he behaves?" Hasegawa suggested.

Lin Shengsheng had a glimmer of hope in his heart, maybe Hasegawa's appearance could make Leng Gongchen believe in him.

After all, it was Dr. Jakes who Hasegawa introduced to him.

"He doesn't have any feelings for me now, so maybe if you come forward, it will arouse his curiosity."

Lin Shengsheng sighed, the hope in his heart was actually not great.

"But Mr. Hasegawa, won't this waste your time?"

Hasegawa obviously still remembers his previous kindness, and said with a smile:
"It's okay, you helped me before, I won't stand by and do nothing."

Lin Shengsheng nodded gratefully.

"I'll ask him out, you give me his mobile phone number." Hasegawa took out his mobile phone and said.

Lin Shengsheng followed suit and couldn't help reminding:
"The woman next to him is very scheming, you must be careful. If he can really think of something through you, I will really thank you."

Hasegawa smiled lightly and said, "I will try my best."

As he said that, the phone call in his hand went through.

Leng Gongchen's voice came, faintly exhausted: "Hello, I'm Leng Gongchen."

Hasegawa smiled slightly and said, "Why are you so foreign? Did you forget about me? I am your friend Hasegawa in Japan."

Leng Gongchen frowned suspiciously, his mind was blank, and he had no impression of him at all.

"Sorry." He said helplessly, "Are you someone I've known in the last five years? I forgot about the past five years, so you are included."

"That's right." Hearing this, Hasegawa sighed:

"We just met not long ago, remember Dr. Jakes who operated on you?
It was I who introduced it to you, but I didn’t expect that after the operation, there would still be sequelae. "

"Sorry, I forgot." Leng Gongchen apologized.

Hasegawa smiled in relief: "It's okay, it will get better gradually. I have survived such a difficult operation, and it is already very good."

As he said that, he glanced at Lin Shengsheng, and saw the look of expectation in her eyes.

Only then did Hasegawa get straight to the point: "I haven't seen you for a long time. I came here specially this time. Why don't we make an appointment to meet?"

Leng Gongchen thought of something, frowned and asked, "Is Lin Shengsheng by your side right now?"

Hasegawa didn't hide it: "That's right, I just heard her say that you lost your memory.

And I forgot about her, what a pity, you were such an enviable couple. "

Leng Gongchen's eyes darkened, and he said lightly, "I promise to meet you, and I have some questions to ask you."

Seeing that he agreed, Lin Shengsheng almost wept with joy, she raised her hand to wipe the corner of her eyes and said:

"You remember to tell him about our previous affairs, including that I have a really good relationship with him, so that he can change his mind."

Hasegawa nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Leng Gongchen casually moved and sent a text message.

After Hasegawa received it, he also replied, and then looked at Lin Shengsheng with some doubts and said:

"By the way, Li Xinxin you mentioned, why does she want Leng Gongchen's shares and property? I think her purpose is not simple."

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