She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 12 Look at her aggressive eyes!

"The doctor is already resuscitating, and Liu Yu has already given me the operation fee, which is enough." Shen Jiamian lowered her head, her voice was very low.

After all, the money was obtained by selling her body. In front of Song Yiheng, who is the buyer, she always feels inferior.

Song Yiheng didn't speak any more.

As soon as he calmed down, Shen Jiamian felt that the atmosphere was very awkward, but it seemed that Song Yiheng was here to divert her attention, and her heart was not as frightened and flustered as before.

She looked at Song Yiheng and asked, "Aren't you going back?"

"You chase me away?"

Shen Jiamian: "...I dare not."

"Shut up if you don't dare." Song Yiheng dropped this sentence lightly, then took out his phone and swiped it with his head down.

Shen Jiamian saw that he seemed to be using his mobile phone for work, so he said, "If you are busy, you can go back. I can do it by myself with my sister..."

"Don't be noisy."

Shen Jiamian: "..."

She didn't dare to speak anymore, she couldn't control Song Yiheng's thoughts, and her attitude was repeated again and again. Could it be that he was really weird and unpredictable like what the outside world said?

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor.

Shen Jiamian looked up, Liu Yu was walking towards them with a kraft paper bag in his hand.

"Master, here are the clothes."

Song Yiheng looked up at Shen Jiamian, and ordered: "Go and change."

Shen Jiamian was a little dazed, after hesitating for a moment, she obediently finished the bag in Liu Yu's hand. "Thanks!"

Song Yiheng's eyes fell on the injured knee, and he frowned: "After changing it, go to the emergency room to apply some medicine."

Only then did Shen Jiamian look down at her knee injury, the skin was scratched and bled a little, but it was not serious. "It's okay, this little injury is not as important as my sister's surgery!"

Song Yiheng was very upset that she didn't care about her body so much, and said coldly: "Your sister's body is made of flesh and blood, isn't yours?"

Shen Jiamian: "..."

She pursed her lips, not daring to speak anymore, and turned around to change clothes in the women's bathroom next to her.

In the cubicle, Shen Jiamian was holding the new clothes. Although there was no temperature at all, she felt that the clothes were warm.

Song Yiheng asked Liu Yu to give her clothes, does it mean that he still cares about her?

The clothes are new, and the tag hasn't been cut off yet, Shen Jiamian took a look at the tag, and gasped in fright!
A short sleeve actually costs more than 5000? !

What brand is this so expensive? !
She suddenly felt that the clothes she was holding were not warm anymore, but scalding hot!

Although she knew that the Song family was rich, she really didn't expect such an exaggeration when she made a move. More than 5000, enough for her living expenses for several months!
While lamenting the life of the rich, he carefully put on new dry clothes.

Seeing Song Yiheng's attitude towards Shen Jiamian, Liu Yu had to remind Song Yiheng again: "Third Young Master, you must be rational. Since you can't give Miss Shen a future, don't give her any more hope. The more you give her help and hope, It will only hurt her more."

Song Yiheng remained silent, the crease between his brows getting deeper and deeper.

He squeezed the phone tightly in his hand, even though there were thousands of thoughts in his heart, it finally turned into a long and helpless sigh!

When Shen Jiamian came back from the bathroom, Song Yiheng and Liu Yu were still there.

She twisted the bag containing the wet clothes and walked to Song Yiheng's side, and thanked him solemnly again. "Thank you. If you hadn't sent me here tonight, I might not be able to keep up with my sister's surgery."

Song Yiheng looked down at the phone without even looking up at her.

"Your sister is in critical condition. It's only natural for me to send you here. Don't misunderstand that I am making an exception for you. Any stranger will help."

Song Yiheng paused, and added: "In addition, we will return to the original state and not interfere with each other."

Shen Jiamian's hand holding the handbag tightened a little bit, she didn't quite understand why his attitude changed as soon as he said it, just now he was very nice to him, why did he look so cold in the blink of an eye?

"You said non-interference, do you mean that you want me to continue to live in the villa?" Shen Jiamian summoned up her courage and asked what she wanted to ask most these days.

"That's right. Take care of yourself in the future and don't cause trouble. If something happens to you, my husband in name will clean up the mess for you. You don't want to see me swearing at you because of this, do you?"

This time, Song Yiheng looked up at her, but the eyes were too cold, Shen Jiamian pursed her lips, her face turned pale little by little.

She has a good temper, but she is not spineless!
If he said it so terribly, then she wouldn't be ashamed.

"I see. I'm sorry for always causing you trouble. I will try my best to handle my own affairs in the future and not cause you trouble!"

She looked at him stubbornly, even though her clenched fists trembled a little, she still stubbornly held back her emotions.

Song Yiheng stared at her face, was silent for a while, then turned his head and said: "Liu Yu, let's go back."

"Yes!" Liu Yu pushed Song Yiheng to turn around and walked straight to the hospital gate.

Shen Jiamian stood on the spot and watched them go further and further away, her vision gradually blurred, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and suppressed the inexplicable grievance in her heart.

She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, and told herself: "It's nothing, just don't interfere with each other. He has such a weird temper. If he really lives together, he must be a lot of anger. It's better not to interfere with each other!"

Shen Jiamian walked to the seat outside the operating room, stared at the three big red letters, and tried hard to make herself forget what Song Yiheng had done to her just now.

What she should be thinking about now is her younger sister, and she must concentrate on praying for her sister's operation to be smooth and safe!

Fortunately, God has eyes, Shen Jiaxin's operation went smoothly, and the 48-hour observation period passed safely, and the rejection reaction was basically ruled out. The doctor said that Shen Jiaxin would be discharged from the hospital in a month at the earliest!
Shen Jiamian's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

Shen Jiaxin was very happy. She told Shen Jiamian that after she was discharged from the hospital, she would apply for an art school and learn her favorite dance.

Of course, Shen Jiamian supports her younger sister. Over the years, her younger sister has been taken away by serious illnesses. She loves her younger sister very much, so as long as it is what her younger sister wants to do, she will support her!
Three days passed quickly, and Shen Jiamian had to go back to work in the hospital.

Before leaving, she hired a nurse to stay and take care of her younger sister. Because the commuting time during the internship period was very unstable, she really couldn't guarantee that she could come to take care of her younger sister every day.

After returning to the hospital, Shen Jiamian was still sent to the emergency department, and the same batch of students who participated in the internship expressed sympathy for her.

However, Shen Jiamian felt that there was nothing wrong with the emergency department. Although it was tiring, being able to meet patients with various clinical symptoms was actually more helpful in accumulating experience.

Also being busy can make her temporarily ignore Song Yiheng's existence. She is exhausted every day, and she has no time to worry about Song Yiheng's repeated attitude towards her.

The busy time passed quickly, and as the temperature in Longcheng plummeted, the first winter snow came quietly.

In the past half a month, Shen Jiamian ran between the two hospitals and never returned to the villa.

One reason is that the hospital is a bit far from the villa, and she has missed the last bus after get off work every day, and she is reluctant to take a taxi because it is too expensive.Secondly, if you don't go back, you don't have to be made things difficult by Zhang Ma.

And for the past half month, Song Yiheng didn't contact her again.

Because of what Song Yiheng said that night, she didn't dare to take the initiative to find Song Yiheng again.

Shen Jiamian actually cared a little bit, after all, they had a good talk that night, but since the matter of the contraceptive pill, Song Yiheng's attitude towards her has become very strange.

Sometimes she suspected that what happened in the study that night was just a dream!

After half a month of precipitation, Shen Jiamian finally made up her mind to completely ignore Song Yiheng, but at this time, Song Yiheng appeared again to tease her!
"Xiao Shen, get off work." The head nurse's voice came from behind.

Shen Jiamian turned around, glanced at the timetable on the wall, and looked at the head nurse in surprise: "It's only after five o'clock..."

"You've been on the night shift for three consecutive days, and you can't take it anymore." The head nurse sighed, looking at her more approvingly than before.

"I have seen your performance during this period of time. If there is a suitable opportunity in a while, I will recommend you to Director Tang of the Department of Surgery. You can learn a lot from him."

Shen Jiamian was so pleasantly surprised that she went crazy for the first time. "Thank you head nurse!"

"Okay, you see that you are almost like a panda, go back and rest!"

"Then I'll go back first! Goodbye, head nurse!"

The head nurse waved her hand in relief, "Go back quickly!"


Coming out of the dressing room, Shen Jiamian walked briskly out of the hospital with her backpack on her back.

A black Bentley is parked on the side of the road 200 meters away from the bus station.

The window of the back seat was half down, and the man sitting inside still wore a cold silver mask on his face, his eyes were fixed on the figure who jumped out of the hospital, and the forbearance in his eyes was deep and heavy.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Liu Yu carefully observed Song Yiheng through the rearview mirror.

In the past half a month, Song Yiheng asked Liu Yu to drive the car here whenever he had time, stopping and waiting for hours.

It's not always possible to wait for Shen Jiamian, but if she can, Song Yiheng doesn't do anything, just watches her get on the bus from a distance, and then asks Liu Yu to drive behind the bus until she arrives at the destination safely. give up.

Liu Yu knew very well in his heart that his master was still thinking about Shen Jiamian!
Several times he wanted to persuade him, but when he saw his deep and forbearing eyes, Liu Yu couldn't say anything.

Hey, Liu Yu couldn't help sighing in his heart-couldn't this be love at first sight as rumored, and love at second sight for life!

Shen Jiamian was waiting for the bus to arrive at the bus stop as usual, when suddenly a high-profile red Ferrari 'boomed' on the accelerator, slammed on the brakes, and stopped in front of her!
She frowned, expressing her displeasure at this occupation of public space.

Before she could remind her, the window of the passenger car was lowered, and the owner of the car with the driver's license was a man with gold-rimmed glasses, who looked refined and intellectual.

Shen Jiamian looked at it, and felt that the temperament of the owner of the car did not go well with this flamboyant Ferrari...

But that's not what she cares about!

Seeing the owner of the car looking at her, she raised her hand, pointed to the platform behind her, and reminded in a clear voice: "Sir, private cars cannot be parked here, please cooperate to drive to the front and park it?"

Her expression and tone were very serious, she only wanted to persuade the person to leave, and she didn't realize that the other person looked at her with aggressive eyes!

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