She is secretly married to Dr. Lu

Chapter 11 The situation is critical and surgery is required immediately!

"I got off work."

"Didn't Xiaoqing tell you? The Eldest Young Master decides to let you live in the villa."

Shen Jiamian stood outside the door, seeing that Liu Yu had no intention of letting her in, feeling a little disappointed. "I just have something I want to clarify with the young master personally."

"Young Madam just tell me what you want, and I will pass it on to Eldest Young Master." Liu Yu said with a detached attitude and a cold expression on his face.

Shen Jiamian is not stupid, she can feel that Liu Yu is not friendly to her.

But Song Yiheng suddenly changed his decision to let her live in the apartment, it must be like Xiaoqing said, he misunderstood the contraceptive pill!

"Liu Yu, I must tell the young master personally these words!" Shen Jiamian frowned, staring at Liu Yu eagerly with her big eyes. "I only need 5 minutes!"

Liu Yu remained unmoved: "Young Madam, please don't embarrass me. The Eldest Young Master doesn't want to see you. If you have something to say, I can convey it to you."

Shen Jiamian's hand hanging by her side tightened a little, she glanced at the living room behind Liu Yu, but she didn't see Song Yiheng because it was empty.

It seemed that Song Yiheng really didn't intend to give her a chance to explain.

"Forget it, since he doesn't believe me, I don't mean to say more." Shen Jiamian twitched at the corner of Liu Yu's mouth: "Sorry for interrupting."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked into the elevator in a hurry, as if if she slowed down, others would see through her embarrassment.

After the double doors of the elevator closed, she raised her hand and rubbed her eyes to dissipate the heat, before sighing heavily.

Although she didn't expect much from the beginning of her marriage with Song Yiheng, she believed what he said to her that night, and she was determined to live a good life with Song Yiheng, but she never expected that Song Yiheng would be decisive in the event of a contraceptive pill. Push her away.

If she had taken the medicine herself, then Shen Jiamian would have admitted it, but she was obviously innocent, and Song Yiheng was too much!He didn't even give her a chance to explain!

The more she thought about it, the more angry Shen Jiamian kicked down the elevator door angrily. As a result, the elevator shook suddenly and the lights flickered a few times. She was so frightened that she immediately leaned against the wall, and she was too scared to move.

Song Yiheng was in the study, the computer on the desk was monitoring the elevator, Shen Jiamian's naive reaction happened to fall into his eyes.

He couldn't help but laugh, this woman can always make people so uneasy.

After the elevator arrived at the first floor, just as Shen Jiamian stepped out of the elevator, she received a call from the hospital, saying that Shen Jiaxin had an emergency and needed immediate surgery!
Shen Jiamian hung up the phone and ran away in a panic.

I don't know what's wrong with the sky, but at this moment, it was raining cats and dogs. Shen Jiamian couldn't care about herself, so she stood outside the community and stopped the car, but the rain was so heavy that no car was willing to pick up the passengers.

Shen Jiamian was completely drenched, she couldn't wait for the car, she cried anxiously, one taxi after another drove past her, but no one wanted to talk to her!
She was yelling in the rainstorm, and she didn't know how long it had been...

Shen Jiamian was desperate, and planned to run directly to the hospital, but suddenly a car light came from behind her, she turned her head, but couldn't see what the car in front of her looked like, and waved her hands anxiously.

"Please give me a ride, please? My sister is in the People's Hospital for emergency treatment. I need to rush over to sign right away, please!"

The passenger window was lowered, and Liu Yu yelled at her: "Young Madam, get in the car!"

Shen Jiamian was taken aback, how could it be Liu Yu?

"Hurry up, it's raining so hard!"

Shen Jiamian came back to her senses, and hurriedly opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat.

After the door was closed, the window was rolled up, and Liu Yu stepped on the accelerator to rush to the People's Hospital.

Shen Jiamian was wet all over, the air conditioner in the car was a bit low, she was shivering with her arms folded.

Song Yiheng sat in the back seat, saw her trembling, and said in a low voice: "Turn up the air conditioner."


Shen Jiamian was startled, she didn't even look behind when she got up just now, didn't she realize that Song Yiheng was also in the car? !
She was a little surprised. Just as she was about to turn around and thank him, a big towel flew towards her and covered her head directly.

"Wipe it, you'll be soaked." The man's tone was a little impatient.

Shen Jiamian raised her hand to grab the towel on her head, she smelled the smell of new towels, her heart moved slightly, her cold and trembling body seemed to warm a lot in an instant.

She said thank you in a low voice, turned around, and wiped her hair with her head down.

After wiping her hair until it didn't drip, Shen Jiamian put a big towel on her body, so she didn't want to dry her clothes, so she had to endure it for a while.

The mobile phone in her pocket was flooded and turned off automatically. She looked out the window anxiously, just wanting to get to the hospital quickly.

Song Yiheng was sitting in the back seat, staring at the back of Shen Jiamian's head with deep eyes, just watching for a moment.

About 10 minutes or so, arrived at the People's Hospital.

As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the emergency room, Shen Jiamian hurriedly pushed the door open, and accidentally slipped and fell.

This fall was not light, her knee was directly smashed, and her jeans were all torn, but she didn't feel any pain at all, so she got up and continued to rush in.

She can't be slow, her sister is waiting for her, every minute is precious!

Song Yiheng looked at her limping and rushing back, frowned, and shouted in a low voice: "Liu Yu!"

"Young master, it's fine to send her here, you don't need to go in again..."

Song Yiheng frowned: "Prepare a wheelchair!"

Liu Yu choked, not daring to say more, got out of the car, opened the trunk, and took out the wheelchair.

Song Yiheng got into the wheelchair with Liu Yu's support. "Go back and get a suit of clothes."


Song Yiheng controlled the wheelchair and headed towards the hospital by himself.

When he found the operating room, he happened to see Shen Jiamian handing the signed consent form to the nurse.

When the nurse turned around, she held the nurse's hand and begged, "Please cure my sister!"

The nurse comforted: "Don't worry, we will definitely do our best!"

Only then did Shen Jiamian let go, and watched the nurse enter the operating room with the consent form.

The door of the operating room closed again, and the three dazzling red letters of 'in operation' lit up.

She couldn't remember exactly how many times her sister had been in the operating room, but this time was different from before!
The more the nurse said about Shen Jiamian, the more frightened she became, because it was a sudden illness, and the cause of the illness had to be investigated. When the date of surgery was confirmed, she was obviously in good condition...

The more Shen Jiamian thought about it, the more frightened she became. Tears fell uncontrollably. She stood alone at the door of the operating room, wiping her tears with her head down.

She told herself not to cry, absolutely not to cry, her sister still needed her, if even she was afraid, what would her sister do?
But the more she didn't want to cry, the more tears fell uncontrollably.

Song Yiheng watched, and couldn't help clenching the one on the armrest of the wheelchair a little bit.

Seeing her standing alone outside the operating room door, so helpless and frightened, his heart ached.

He couldn't do it, he couldn't do it, he really didn't care about her!
Closing his eyes and sighing deeply, Song Yiheng told himself that this is the last time, the last time to make an exception for her!

He rocked the wheelchair and approached her.

Shen Jiamian caught something out of the corner of her eye, turned her head and saw that it was Song Yiheng, she turned around in fright, and quickly wiped away the tears on her face.

"What are you hiding from?"

I don't know why, but Song Yiheng felt inexplicably disgusted when he saw how she dared not let him see her even when she was crying.

Shen Jiamian took a deep breath, turned around, stared at him with big red eyes, and tried her best to look okay. "I didn't hide from you, I was just a little surprised, how did you follow?"

"What? I can't come?" His tone was a bit forceful.

"No..." Shen Jiamian stared at him, and carefully explained: "Aren't you angry with me? I thought you would ignore me from now on..."

Song Yiheng couldn't ignore her big red eyes.

He sighed secretly in frustration, and asked her in a low voice as much as possible: "What did you do to make me angry?"

"You misunderstood that I took the contraceptive pill, and thought that I disliked you and didn't want to give birth to you!" Shen Jiamian said confidently.

Now that I've seen the above, it's time to make it clear that she has a good temper, but she doesn't want to be misunderstood and wronged for no reason!

Hearing this, Song Yiheng slightly raised his eyebrows. "Who told you I misunderstood you?"

"..." Shen Jiamian frowned, stared at him and asked, "Isn't it?"

"I touched you?"

Shen Jiamian blushed: "No..."

"Then do you think I'm stupid, or you are stupid, I need to suspect that a nurse deliberately took contraceptives without having anything to do with her husband?"

Shen Jiamian: "..."

Song Yiheng looked at her dull look and smiled helplessly. "How did you become a nurse with such an IQ?"

"..." Shen Jiamian raised her hand and wiped her face, she felt so ashamed!

"How is your sister?" Song Yiheng glanced at the door before the operation and asked, "Do you need my help?"

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