As deep as you are as hell

Chapter 154: Internal War

I delegated part of the power to my subordinates, and because of my physical condition, I decided to find a successor in City A.

And when I was doing these things, Gu Jian was not by my side.I don't even know where he went.

Li Liang still stays in Yancheng, but her mother’s whereabouts are still nowhere to be seen. I also hated myself. During the time when my mother was hospitalized, when Cheng Yuan begged me to go back to Yancheng to accompany my mother in tears, my hands and feet were chained. Mother never saw each other.

When I work overtime in the company to deal with business, I occasionally lose my mind.

I will think back to the scene where I knelt down to Chu Ting, I will think of my child’s miscarriage, and I will think that all the pain I have suffered in the past few years is because of Chu Ting, and my heart will slowly cool down , It is no longer possible to put the words "affectionate" and "gentle" on Chu Ting.

He has always been well-dressed, and he is the best at deceiving people... This time, I will never let myself repeat the mistakes of the past.

It's just the signature on the document. Out of inertia, I left the name of "Chen Jiao" one after another.

The company is slowly getting on the right track, and it can also find some projects that can be invested and financed.

The top management held a regular meeting on May 5 to analyze projects that can bring high returns to Mingshun Venture Capital.

"Lichen is the largest Internet company in China, and its market value ranks first in the country. Now they have a small problem with their capital turnover, but when they were in trouble, they took the initiative to ask us for investment from Mingshun Venture Capital. Doesn't this show their insight? Do you know pearls..."

"There is only so much funds we can supply. Since our goal is to make money from money, why don't we invest in Dingtong instead of investing in Lichen?"

"Dingtong is a logistics company founded by a few college students who just graduated. We invest money in them, do we want us to do charity? Just tell me, after we really meet their financing conditions, When will this cash flow be discounted?"

"Then according to you, Lichen's own conditions are so superior, and the profits it gives are also considerable, so why doesn't it find other venture capital companies to raise funds? Instead, it finds a venture capital company like ours that has just started? And it The promised shares are U.S. stocks or futures stocks. Regardless of the percentage of dividends we need to deduct, how can we determine the price of futures stocks?"

In case of changes in the international situation or Lichen's own poor management, the money invested by Mingshun Venture Capital will only be meat buns and dogs, and there will be no return.

These chirping sounds, like the chirping of birds on the branches outside the window, disturbed my mind.

I rubbed my temples, trying to force out the throbbing headache.

There is a thick stack of materials in front of every senior executive, and everyone is arguing endlessly with their necks flushed and their faces flushed, but I think: If Chu Ting is the one facing this situation now, how would he deal with it? thing?

The voices in the office dissipated and fell silent, and several pairs of eyes looked at me.

I don't know who said a word just now, let everyone listen to the chairman's opinion first.

So I became the focus of everyone's attention.It's just these gazes that always make me feel like a thorn in my back.

My fingers bent into knuckles, I tapped on the table unconsciously, and after a while I said slowly: "Dingtong Company is indeed a company that has just started, and there are no people, no money, no money."

So I don't find it surprising that they approached Mingshun Venture Capital.

The expressions of several people present were full of joy, wishing to immediately push the prospectus given by Li Chen in front of me.

I paused, and then said: "But I also checked some relevant information about the logistics company Dingtong. They use drones for logistics delivery. The scope of logistics covers the community and the countryside. It uses machine power instead of manpower. It is a bold and innovative idea. If this company can really do it, it will have a bright future.”

"As for Lichen, it's really strange that they approached Mingshun Venture Capital. Wouldn't it be more convenient for them to connect with Yuanshui Group, Zhao Chuangming Investment, and Tongshan Capital with their status?"

In this way, the financing they can apply for is probably not just the slightly aggrieved number on the document at hand.

"Secondly, there is the issue of futures stock realization and income. I always feel that there is a fraud in it. Since you have been in the venture capital industry, have you seen any company's IPO investment for venture capital firms?"

Such an IPO seems too strange.

I glanced at my watch, the regular meeting had been over two hours long.After summarizing the content of today's regular meeting, I announced the adjournment.

As for whether to invest in Lichen or Dingtong, professional analysts need to conduct valuation models and a series of follow-up procedures.There is no rush for this week.

The high-level executives left the conference room in twos and threes, and I was the only one left sitting in my seat without getting up.

The wind poured in from outside the shutters, blowing the pages of the information book.I rubbed my temples, tired from the inside out.

The phone jingled and I ignored the caller ID and pressed answer.

But I didn't expect that the person who called me was Chu Ting.

I was still a little surprised: "How did you know my phone number?"

I don't remember us ever exchanging contact information.

It's just that my palm felt faintly hot, and the handwriting of Chu Ting's contact information at the beginning seems to be faintly visible.

"Isn't Ms. Sofia's WeChat ID registered from her phone number? I just tried it, but I didn't expect it to be Ms. Sofia." On the other end of the phone, Chu Ting's voice sounded pleasant.

I changed the topic and asked him why he called today. I don't think Chu Ting will be the one who went to the Three Treasures Hall without incident.

Chu Ting couldn't help laughing, and let out a helpless sigh, but it seemed to be inexplicably spoiled: "Today is Miss Sofia's appointment for reexamination and medicine, has Miss Sofia herself forgotten?"

The broken hair on the forehead fell down, blocking the sight in front of me, and I said lightly, "I've been too busy recently, so I forgot about it."

But I didn't expect that Chu Ting would be so concerned about my affairs.

After finishing the re-examination and taking the medicine from the hospital, it was already dark.

Chu Ting and I passed by the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital.

There are several couples sitting on seats like blue ocean in the corridor, the wife's belly is high and swollen, but it is the husband who looks more serious and tense than the wife.

Husbands are busy with their wives, asking if they want some hot water, if they are nervous, and how long they have to wait.

My footsteps stopped first, looking at this happy scene.I can feel that these couples exude a faint light called happiness.

But when I was pregnant, I was taken to a villa for a pregnancy test, and I was checked by doctors I didn’t know well; or I came to the hospital alone with a big belly.

Every little bit about four years ago is like a yellowed picture scroll, which is blurred in my memory.

But those heartaches, grievances, unwillingness, and sadness, I always remember them very clearly.

Chu Ting's voice was faint, and it rang in my ears: "I'm going to adopt Sang Ji, and I've been so busy with the procedures recently."

Sang Ji——is the pink and jade-carved female doll that Chu Ting brought to the hospital last time.

I nodded, and slowly looked away: "I should congratulate Mr. Chu."

Although I don't understand Chu Ting's motivation for adopting Sang Ji, he always has his own reasons for doing things.

It's just that I can't help but feel melancholy. According to my current physical condition, I probably won't be able to hear a word "mother" in the remaining days.

With our footsteps moving, Chu Ting and I left the hospital.

The wind caresses people's faces, but it can't blow away the depression in my heart.

Chu Ting seemed to have sensed that my emotions were not right, so he took the initiative to ask, "Then, what has Miss Sofia been up to lately?"

"Company matters." I could tell from the regular meeting this morning that our company is now in a state of disunity, with each doing his own thing.

Mingshun Venture Capital still has a long way to go.

Chu Ting laughed, and his eyebrows and eyes showed a beautiful arc: "Miss Sofia won't come to grab Yuanshui's business again, will she?"

I walked side by side with Chu Ting on the road, the green trees cast a thick shade, my footsteps stepped on the trembling shadows of the branches, for some reason, I actually had four shadows.

"Who knows." I shrugged and smiled.

"Before I didn't understand why Ms. Sofia was called an 'industry cancer' by people in the industry. After getting in touch, I realized that this label is the most appropriate." Although the words were complaints, Chu Ting's tone did not carry any blame.

On the contrary, there are mountains, rivers, oceans, and fireworks that I can't count but are blooming extraordinarily brilliantly in his eyes.

I avoided his sight: "Mr. Chu himself said that you didn't want the project of Borui Group in the first place. So logically speaking, did I do Mr. Chu a big favor?"

If Chu Ting really wanted to win this project at the beginning, he would definitely have the chance to win, and he would not let me cut him off so easily.

I originally wanted to ask Chu Ting why he didn't want this project, but this sounded like he had crossed the line, so I kept silent wisely.

But Chu Ting seemed to see through my inner thoughts, and took the initiative to explain: "If I win this project... I'm afraid I won't be able to return to City A alive. If there's a chance to show your minions, I'll give them that chance."

"So, I would also like to thank Miss Sofia for doing me such a big favor."

It's just that this thank you sounds a little far-fetched, and I thought to myself, Chu Ting's heart is really big enough.Just, does he think he can get closer to me by doing this?
But his next sentence suddenly made me freeze in place.

"So, Miss Sofia, can we be friends now?"

During those few minutes of pause, what was I thinking?
I knew very early on that there was a monster called "emotion" locked in my body. I knew that I had been in a mental hospital for a year and a half, and I knew that I hadn't forgotten the first half of my life... So that's me , and how to calmly accept Chu Ting's kindness released at this moment?
And how can I be sure that when he said he wanted to be friends with me, he wasn't trying to test me and break me down?

There was a charming smile on the face covered by short hair, I clapped my hands, stepped on the stone steps, and walked unsteadily along the narrow road.

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