As deep as you are as hell

Chapter 112: So He Saved Me

The footsteps were panicked and messy, and there were screams and screams, like a swarm of people flocking to me, their lips opened and closed, but I really couldn't hear any sound.

The moment my hand was held tightly, I murmured: "Thank you."

Thank you for not caring about the blood stains all over the floor and the bloodstains on my body, thank you for being willing to touch my dirty hands.

The warm voice was mixed with distress: "Chen Jiao, I will take you home."

The moment I was picked up by the sky, my head tilted, and it naturally rested on the man's shoulder.

It's just that the man was struggling to walk, as if he had just been doing rehabilitation training recently.

He has a sandalwood scent that is very unfamiliar to me, but his voice is really familiar to me.

I reluctantly opened my eyes, trying to see the contours of the man's face clearly, but his hand covered it, blocking my sight.

I had a splitting headache and thought in a daze, Chu Ting has been following me secretly these days, could it be that he just wants to protect me?

I seemed to be lifted by the waves, my body was sinking and floating, I was drowning in the deep sea, and my eyes seemed to be unable to open.

But this time, the tip of my nose is no longer filled with the pungent smell of disinfectant, but the strong fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, and the surroundings are also indescribably familiar.

I seemed to see grandma's kind face, she opened her arms to me, opened her arms, and called me by my nickname: "Ninny, come to grandma quickly."

In the dream, my grandma was the same as I was when I was a child. I bumped into a little boy on my father’s birthday. It rained heavily that night. On the rainy night, my father who loved me died in a car accident.

I can't remember the details of the car accident before. My mother said that it was also my husband and wife, but now, it is like an imprint that allows me to clearly understand the context of what happened that year.

At that time, my mother said that it was my luck that I could not remember the details of the car accident.

Lying on the hospital bed, my pulse was pressed by someone. The man's hands were so cold that I couldn't feel the temperature at all.

My consciousness is already clear, but my eyelids are drooping heavily, and the eyes are a circle of tired indigo color.

Thick gauze was wrapped on my forehead, legs and feet, and the mere thought of moving my body made me feel suffocated, and my body was more like scattered pieces.

I had a strong thought in my mind, I must ask my mother, what was the truth of the incident back then?
Why did she keep saying that her father's death was definitely not an accident?

And why, when she saw Chu Ting for the first time, she was so excited?
Moreover, when I was drunk last time, Zhong Rong murmured: "Chen Zemin has already paid the price with his life, why should Chu Ting keep holding on to Chen Jiao?"

"Look! The patient's vital signs have finally fluctuated!" On the ECG monitor, the green line was finally no longer compressed into a straight line, and began to have small fluctuations, and the frequency gradually stabilized.

"Mr. Ji, does Ms. Chen need to be transferred to the general ward first? I'm afraid I'll stay in the special ward, and Ms. Ji will come to see you often. She will definitely find out."

There are rumors in the outside world that Ji Jiarui already regards me as a thorn in the flesh because of Chu Ting.

The light in the ward was very dim, and moths flew over, clinging to the intricately patterned lamp wall.

"She probably won't be running this way so often in the short term." The man in the wheelchair only said indifferently.

"Is it because Ms. Ji is going around Gu Peicheng again? You have spoken to Ms. Ji so many times, why has she never taken your words to heart?"

Ji Jiayan's expression was alienated, and her eyes fell on my face: "It's good if she doesn't run here every day. I am such a lifeless person, what does she always stay with me for? And she doesn't know about the rehabilitation training now. If she really found out, she might be very angry."

Sitting in a wheelchair is difficult, but Ji Jiayan spent 11 years like this.

The days of wanton running can only occasionally appear in the dreams of tossing and turning in the middle of the night. When I wake up, I can only complain about my disabled legs.

Ji Jiayan had also undergone rehabilitation training before, and Ji Jiarui supported him firmly at the beginning, but her confidence was the same as his falling down again and again, and gradually came the day when her temper was about to explode.

Ji Jiarui begged him once in tears: "Brother, can you stop doing these useless exercises? How many countries have I traveled with you and how many famous doctors have I visited these years? Didn't they say that you can't stand up?" Can't stand up? Why don't you... admit your life? Do you have to torture yourself to be happy?"

The training was too tiring, and drops of sweat fell on the wooden floor.And Ji Jiarui's tears also fell on the floor one by one, crushing his confidence together.

It turned out that all his efforts, in the eyes of his closest sister, were nothing but little tricks for his own pleasure.

The past was unbearable to think about, Ji Jiayan spoke slowly, and brushed away a strand of hair from my ear: "Duan Youlin, can the disfigurement on her face be repaired?"

Duan Youlin is Ji Jiayan's personal doctor. He has taken care of Ji Jiayan for many years, and has been with him even longer than Ji Jiarui.

And this was the first time he saw Ji Jiayan being so interested in a strange woman.

"If this operation is to be performed, there are still certain risks, and it is indeed relatively difficult. But if the patient's consent can be obtained, I am willing to go all out for this operation."

Ji Jiayan's fingers bent into knuckles, and she knocked unconsciously on the table, as if thinking thoughtfully: "Wait, you help me ask Xiao Hai to find out what happened to Chen Jiao recently, especially about Chen Jiao and Chen Jiao. About Chu Ting."

Duan Youlin remembered Ji Jiayan's instructions, and looked back the moment he closed the door, and saw Ji Jiayan's gaze on me was indescribably strange.

To say that you are gentle is definitely not gentle, and to say that you are shady is not shady either.On the contrary, it made him feel cold.

I fell into an absurd dream, and in the long street of memory, the scenes of me getting along with Chu Ting accounted for nearly half.

He stood in front of me, obviously not far away, I raised my hand, but couldn't touch him.

"Chen Jiao, without my protection, you have lived like this? Then how do these days compare with the days at the Qiushan Villa?"

"It was you who told me back then that we should each get what we need. You took advantage of my protection to rise to the top in the distant waters, and I borrowed my womb to give birth to a child to return to the blood of the Chu family. What? Isn't this cooperation unfriendly to you? "

"Chen Jiao, I actually don't understand you either. Or, what do you want from me?"

Chu Ting walked towards me, the leather shoes made a crisp sound on the floor, and his hand pinched my neck: "Sometimes I just want to keep you by my side forever, so I don't have to worry about when you will run away."

The strength in his hand gradually increased, and the black Buddha beads on his wrist were stained with blood, and a blood mist floated out.

I was like a fish thrown onto the shore, gasping for breath and still feeling that I was on the verge of death: "Where do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me? Your family owes us, and what will you use to repay it?"

"You keep telling me that your father is a hero, but in my heart, he is a coward, a coward who can't even protect his wife and children!"

"You are talking nonsense!" I almost squeezed out the words from my throat, and I clenched my teeth tightly, but I was pinched by Chu Ting so hard that I couldn't breathe.

"Am I talking nonsense, you can ask Zhao Qingyun if you understand? If your parents' relationship is so deep, how do you think Zhao Qingyun remarried to Chen Qilian only two or three years after your father died?"

Someone was patting me on the back, calming me down, and asking me, "Who's talking nonsense? What nonsense did you say?"

The gentle voice brought me back to reality, and I suddenly opened my eyes, but obviously I haven't recovered from the dream, and my eyes are full of vigilance.

"Where is this place?" I looked around and found myself lying in a completely unfamiliar room, and my clothes had also been changed into white and blue striped hospital gowns.

"I wasn't..." I tried to think back to what happened before I passed out, all I could remember was lying in a pool of blood and being told he was going to take me home.

I rubbed my sore eyes, the chaotic dream made me feel scared, and I started to treat everyone in a hurry: "You are also from Chu Ting, right?"

Ji Jiayan chuckled: "What does Miss Chen think?"

His words are specious, and I can't answer them.

"If I really belonged to him, I wouldn't have saved you, Ms. Chen. After all, Ms. Chen might as well guess if anyone is behind the troubles this time?"

My ears were buzzing, and Ji Jiayan's words fell on my ears so that I couldn't hear them clearly.

It took me a while to understand what he meant. He felt that what happened last night could not be so coincidental, and even deliberately pointed the finger of his words at Chu Ting.

Bursts of headaches hit my brain center, and my vision began to shake.

I glanced at the table, there was the medicine that He Xin just prescribed for me yesterday morning, which I had been stuffing in my pocket before.Then someone changed my clothes and temporarily put everything in my pockets on the table.

As if I saw a life-saving straw, I quickly took the medicine. After reading the instructions carefully, I swallowed two painkillers with hot water, and only then did I feel that the splitting headache was relieved.

Watching my movements, Ji Jiayan frowned imperceptibly, and took a box or two of medicine to read the instructions.

"Mirtazapine tablets, doxepin hydrochloride tablets..." His eyes quickly passed over my eyes, and he obviously knew the functions and indications of those medicines.

Ji Jiayan's thumb stroked the prescription mark on the medicine box. For some reason, he always felt that the mark was a bit strange.

My mood gradually stabilized, and the question Ji Jiayan posed just now, because I couldn't hear it clearly, was taken lightly by me.

After considering my words, I thanked Ji Jiayan briefly, and my expression returned to indifference.

There was a smile on the corner of Ji Jiayan's mouth: "I saved Ms. Chen's life, and Ms. Chen is not going to take some real actions in return?"

Inexplicably, I felt that his temperament was quite similar to Chu Ting's, like an elite figure who had been working in the turbulent shopping malls for many years.

I want money but no money, no power but what does Ji Jiayan want from me?

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