As deep as you are as hell

Chapter 111: He has been following me

I rubbed my forehead, my head aching like a split.

He Xin was holding the medicine in his hand: "This is some prescription medicine that I prescribed for Miss Chen when Ms. Chen visited me before. Thinking that Ms. Chen is not in good health, it is really time to take care of her body. But Ms. Chen You still have to remember, you must keep your mood comfortable and happy, and it is best to go to a regular hospital for a psychological checkup."

I silently took the medicine from He Xin's hand, and after thinking about it, I said to him, "Thank you."

Qing Ning stomped her feet: "Brother, why are you standing on her side again? And many of those medicines are imported new medicines, so you just gave her them?"

She looked at me angrily, with her palms up: "Although I don't know why my brother is so kind to you, I must settle these accounts with you. When you were injured and fainted in a warehouse in the suburbs, you were hospitalized after being sent to the hospital." The fees and surgery fees are all paid by my brother. With the medicines my brother is giving you now, 20 is not too much, right? "

"Then when do you plan to return the money to my brother?"

I thought it was Qing Ning who was spreading rumors again, and said sarcastically, "Do you really think that if you fool me with just a few words, I will believe it?"

I thought in my heart that even if Chu Ting treats me badly, he will always help me advance some of the hospitalization expenses this time.If it doesn't work, there is bell wool.

If I want to pay back the money, I should pay them back. How could I get in touch with He Xin?
But He Xin said, "Actually, I went with Mr. Chu on the day Ms. Chen was kidnapped." At that time, Chu Ting was afraid of any accident, so he took him along with her.

"The moment Ms. Chen fell, Mr. Chu desperately tried to catch you, his arm was seriously injured, and he also passed out at that time."

So it was He Xin who sent me and Chu Ting to the hospital.

He Xin pushed her eyes on the bridge of her nose forward, as if she was a little embarrassed to say: "I have saved this 20 yuan for a long time. It was originally intended to be Qing Ning's dowry. If Ms. Chen is convenient, the 20 yuan... ..."

My face seemed to be on fire, and I was a little embarrassed, and I started to rummage through the things in the bag.But I only have a few small denominations of change in my bag. I managed to save 30 in the card before, and I asked Zhong Rong to help me return it to Chu Ting last night.

Last night, I didn't expect that there would be such a mess today. I just thought that if I really paid back Chu Ting's money, the debt between us would be reduced.

"How about this, I will return the 20 to you in a month, is that okay?" I raised my eyes and said seriously.

Qing Ning sneered disdainfully, but received warning from He Xin's eyes, and had to restrain her expression.

He Xin agreed gently and sent me to the gate.

He looked at the medicine in my hand, opened his mouth several times, and finally said: "Miss Chen should take less medicine."

I know that all sedatives and antidepressants have a strong dependence, but I only took He Xin's words as a kind reminder, and didn't think too deeply.

My tone was polite and distant: "Thank you, Dr. He for your reminder."

I reached out to him, shook it politely, and walked forward without looking back.

The feeling of leaving the cage suddenly made me a little more uncomfortable. I counted the money on my body, but I couldn't make up 100 yuan.Chu Ting didn't return my mobile phone to me, and now I can't even call Zhong Rong for help.

I walked aimlessly along the side of the street to see which stores were hiring.

But I couldn't find a suitable job all day long, because I didn't have an ID card and I wanted to have food and housing and a month's salary in advance, and no one was willing.

Later, I searched for it for several days. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to apply for a night shift cashier in a small living supermarket.

In the beginning, the boss of the store was not willing to give me an advance salary to buy a mobile phone. I had no choice but to say that I ran away after being raped by the family. .

Because the boss also had the same experience, he still gave me 2000 yuan. After all, they are really short of people.

I started to go to work that night, and it rained heavily outside, and the bean-sized raindrops hit the ground, condensing into puddles of small eddies.

At seven o'clock, other employees will come to change shifts. I start to clean the store and take the packed garbage to the intersection to throw away.

The black long-handled umbrella shielded me from a world. I had just finished throwing away the garbage, and when I was about to turn around, I was suddenly embraced by someone!
The cool cedar fragrance circle occupies one territory, and the breath falling on my ears is heavy, and it also contains a heavy smell of wine.

The dim streetlights elongated our overlapping figures, Chu Ting rested his chin on my shoulders, and the weight of his whole body also pressed on me.

We were very close, and in the rushing rain, I could even hear Chu Ting's violent and strong heartbeat.

Unintentionally murmured a word from Chu Ting's mouth, my ears were burned red, but the sarcasm soon appeared in the smile.

Chu Ting said, "I miss you so much, Chen Jiao."

The rain wetted the broken hair on Chu Ting's forehead, and the smell of wine mixed with the dust in the air. Even Chu Ting couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality for a while.

His eyes were misty, but the gaze that fell on me made me feel very familiar.I suddenly connected everything, and I couldn't even guess why he was here tonight.

"You've been following me these days?" After I woke up from the hospital, no matter where I went or what I was doing, Chu Ting was always secretly watching me!
I pushed Chu Ting away vigorously: "You said you wanted to let me go, so what's the use of these tricks? If you come back and give me a big hug when you're drunk, aren't you afraid that I'll sue you for harassment?!"

Chu Ting staggered, and when he fell backwards, his elbow just hit a stone, drawing dripping blood.And there are many new injuries on his forearm, very similar to the time when he was punished by the Chu family.

"Chen Jiao." Chu Ting's eyes were painful.

His expression returned to indifference and alienation, and his eyes looked back and forth on my neck several times, as if confirming something.

In the end, he retracted his gaze restrainedly, and apologized to me again: "I'm sorry, it won't happen in the future."

Chu Ting clearly knows how much I hate sloppy and disconnected relationships.But some time ago, he still forced me to stay by his side with a method almost imprisoned.

"I promised you before that I will arrange another job for you..." This can be regarded as his compensation to me.And Chu Ting couldn't figure it out even more, I was desperately thinking about escaping from the villa, was it just to live this kind of hard life from five to nine?
"I don't want it." I refused coldly, "Mr. Chu can stay away from me, which is the greatest compensation for me. If we really meet again in the future, I hope Mr. Chu can also pretend to be unfamiliar with me , or have never met."

We ended up having a bad fight.

When I got back to the store, I slumped in a chair, closed my eyes and rubbed my temples.

There was a loud rooster crowing in the distance, the sky was dyed a faint golden color, and the white clouds were arranged like fish scales.

Few customers came to the door. I sat in front of the cash register and took a nap with my chin propped up, but there was a string in my mind that was always tense.

The sound of cracking glass suddenly exploded!I was taken aback. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a few burly men with peaked caps and tattoos on their arms walking in with wooden sticks in their hands.

The alarm bell in my mind was loud, I wanted to hide but I had no chance to hide myself, and in the next second, a big man had already grabbed my collar and lifted me up!

From my sight, I can only see the stubble on his lips, as if he hasn't taken care of it for a long time.

"Take out all the cash! Also transfer all the money in WeChat and Alipay to us!"

Knowing that the other party came here for money, I could still force my face to be calm, but my movements revealed my nervousness. When I took the key to open the cabinet, my hands were shaking all the time.

"That's all." I took out all the money, but it was only around 2000 yuan by visual inspection.

And I gritted my teeth and took out the one-month salary that Sister Tan just sent me in my bag.

"What about these?" Those people pointed fiercely at the payment codes of WeChat and Alipay.

"I'm just a shop assistant. This QR code belongs to our boss. How can I transfer the money to you?" And now I don't even have a mobile phone. Even if they want to search for more money, it's hard for a clever woman to do anything. It is difficult to cook without rice.

I was forced to crouch in a corner with my head in my arms, but I kept trying to save myself, but the big gate of the store was pulled down just now, and I couldn't see what happened in the store from the outside.

"Little girl is quite arrogant. Who are you fooling with these thousands of dollars? You say you have no money or a mobile phone. You are not fooling us. What is it? If you are sensible, just take out the money honestly, The patience of our brothers is limited!" The sticks were repeatedly tapped in their hands, and they looked at me with fierce eyes.

"I know the owner of the shop next door very well. Is it okay if I go there and get you four or five thousand?"

Suddenly, my hair was grabbed tightly from behind, the pain spread from the end of my hair to the root of my hair, and tears came to my eyes.

"Want to rub the soles of your feet and get away? Do you really think we can't see your little trick? If you refuse to cooperate with us, then how about you bear the anger of our brother?" This is not a tone of discussion. , A sense of fear enlarged the pores of my whole body and enlarged them again.

The stick was waving towards me like raindrops, the leather shoes kicked hard on my waist, someone grabbed my hair, and a stick hit my forehead!
My stature was shaky, and the difference between gender and number made it impossible for me to even defend myself, let alone fight back.

Blood froth gushed out of my mouth, and I was slapped head-on, and my ears were buzzing unbiasedly.

When Chu Chu kidnapped me, my left ear was injured, but this time I could feel the noise of people around me, but I couldn't hear what they were saying at all.

Sprawled sprawled on the floor, my eyes find nothing to focus on but the orange argyle ceiling.

It's absurd, at this time, I still think of Chu Ting, I was thinking, every time I was in danger before, how could Chu Ting appear beside me in such a timely manner?

What he said to protect me has really worked hard to practice.

Just, just...

The thick red was replaced by a large swirl of white. I was breathing weakly, and I felt the white light glaring. It turned out that the rolling gate had been opened.

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