"Shhhhhh..." Laisa covered her mouth, looked around in fear, and then let go after making sure that there was no one around, "I just heard from the underground organization, they said that A week before the war, someone found Molinka, one of the leaders of the underground organization, and offered a high price for Reston's life.

"But I just heard that there is no conclusive evidence. You must not be impulsive now. Someone has already targeted your Lyle family. Your Lyle family has been loyal for generations and is a good general of the country. Ed will definitely not Take the shot, after all, doing so is digging his own grave for him and Adela.

"I don't know who this high bidder is, but I'm sure he has a lot of resentment towards your Lyle family."

Etis was dumbfounded, and Shen Jiuan, who was hiding behind the grove, was also dumbfounded, "...203 Can I find out the real cause of my father's death?"

203 sighed regretfully, "Sorry for the host, I don't have a certain authority for this, I can check some things, but this is limited to the authority given by the boss, once this authority is exceeded, there is nothing I can do. I can only tell you based on the historical records of their plane, and the cause of your father's death in the historical records is only recorded as being murdered by Emmas. Specifically, who bought Emmas, I will check If you can’t, the restoration of the truth can only be done by yourself.”

Shen Jiuan didn't know that one day he would need to be a detective to find the real cause of his father's death, "I only have one question, isn't it really King Ed?"

203: "He's not stupid enough to dig his own grave."

Shen Jiuan: "Okay, I believe you." After Laisa and the disbelieving Ittis walked away, Shen Jiuan dared to show his figure, but his face was a little more indifferent and firm after making up his mind .

203: "Host, have you decided?"

Shen Jiuan: "Only when you go there can you know the key part of the truth."

203: "...You really don't give your people any chance at all."

Shen Jiuan: "In the future, he will pay for his arrogance with blood!"

203: ...As expected of my host, it's still the same as it was back then.

Shen Jiuan walked into the venue, and sat beside Ittis peacefully.Edith still looked a little out of his mind, resting his head on his hands and thinking about something.Shen Jiuan knew what she was worrying about, but in order not to let Edith know that she also knew about it, she had to sit down pretending that nothing happened, "Auntie, do you want your scarf red or white? "

Only then did Edith come back to her senses, "Huh? Scarf? Ah, you said that, you want a white one, but there is only one, can you make it?" Shen Jiuan smiled, "Of course." Shen Jiuan thought for a while, It's better not to say what she thinks, or else it will be another burst of preaching.

203: "If you join the army, you can find someone else, such as Hariya."

Shen Jiuan: "Yes, I'll go see her tomorrow."

203: "But you have to be prepared for her to tell Edith."

Shen Jiuan: "Didn't you just find out that the army will start in two months? I still have time to implement my plan." King Adela will dispatch [-] troops to march west in two months. The purpose is to dethrone the provocative Principality of Lehard and the strong enemy of Adela - Kingdom of Milika.

The war that Reston participated in that year was a counterattack against Milika's violation of Adela's territory.But unfortunately, Reston stayed on the way back and never came back to see his wife and children, and the original owner also lost his parents in just three months.

Shen Jiuan knew how painful it was to lose a loved one, so she insisted on helping the original owner find out the truth, and return the truth to the world, herself, and her parents.Shen Jiuan took a deep breath, looking at Ittis with a forced smile in front of her, she couldn't help feeling a pang in her heart.

Don't worry, I'll find out the truth for you, even if I bet everything on me!
After the banquet, Shen Jiuan was summoned by the emperor to the palace.

Inside the palace, the queen's palace.

"You are..." Elena looked at the girl in front of her in amazement, her body trembling slightly, her hands tightly clutching the armrest of the seat.Shen Jiuan saluted respectfully, "Your Highness, I am Caroline Lyle, the daughter of the Marquess of Reston."

Elena's complexion changed in an instant, but she still couldn't help getting up, helped Shen Jiuan up, and looked at her face carefully, "You are very similar to your mother, as touching and beautiful."

"Your Highness has seen my mother?" Shen Jiuan asked in surprise, not knowing that her mother had also seen the queen. "I've seen her before," Elena seemed to be caught in some memory, looked at Shen Jiuan with a sad expression, and said with a wry smile, "I can best be called a woman descended from the gods. The word beautiful is in terms of her appearance. It's all blasphemy. She was once the dream goddess of Adela's men, and her beauty has caused a sensation in the country and even neighboring countries. Even my husband courted your mother in his youth, but in the end your mother chose Your father, the Marquess of Reston. This can be regarded as a beauty deserves a hero."

The queen's bitter smile made Shen Jiuan suspicious. If she was only marveling at her beauty, why did she practice her wry smile? With the sadness of losing something, Shen Jiuan couldn't help guessing whether the queen liked Reston, because The family power had to marry the emperor.

its not right!Shen Jiuan suddenly remembered the information 203 had shown her. If the queen loved Reston deeply, why didn't she shed a single tear after Reston's death, even in private?
Shen Jiuan was a little confused, didn't know what to check or didn't need to check, "This woman doesn't seem to like my father to the core, if she really likes to the bone, how can she be indifferent to the death of the person she likes? That's weird."

203 was also surprised, "That's right, all the information I have here can't show that Elena likes your father. On the contrary, she is very close to your mother, and can even be said to be your mother's only best friend."

"You really look like her," Elena touched Shen Jiuan's cheek, her tone was so gentle that Shen Jiuan felt a little scared, but there was nothing visible on the surface, "You really look like her, you saved my son And husband, what reward do you want?"

Shen Jiuan thought for a while, "I would like to implore Your Highness, please tell Your Majesty for me to allow me to enter the army, and I want to join the war."

Elena stood up instantly, subconsciously retorted loudly: "I don't allow it!" Shen Jiuan frowned, "Your Highness?" Elena realized her gaffe and sat down quickly, "It's okay, just a Time is shocking, your parents died on the battlefield, if you have any accidents, we may not be able to explain to your parents, so," Elena looked at the girl in front of her, feeling pain in her heart, " I can't promise you."

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