Shen Jiuan changed the clothes on her body without hesitation. When Lina saw Shen Jiuan changing her clothes, she was completely stunned, "Miss, your..." She said tremblingly pointing to Shen Jiuan's left arm, "Miss , your arm..."

Shen Jiuan followed Lina's instructions, and was also stunned, "I'm going, what's wrong with this..." I saw more black feather-like marks appeared on Shen Jiuan's left arm. piece, turned into a large feather, like the forewing of something.

Shen Jiuan: "203203203203..."

203: "Stop howling, here, what's the matter... I'll go! It's such a big area!"

Shen Jiuan: "It looks like the front wings of some animal, it should be a bird. Do you know what this is?"

203; "...there are quite a few black birds, so you can't see anything. In short, it's not harmful to you. There's no need to care about it. This is just a proof that you have completed the task. It's okay."

Shen Jiuan: "...Really?" Shen Jiuan took the dress suspiciously, and Lina helped her put it on, "Miss, this one on you..." Shen Jiuan waved his hand, "That doesn't matter, it should be the one with Mi that day. The contract Caleb signed probably means that my soul will belong to him after death."

Lina was skeptical, "...Oh, good lady." After all, Adela is a state-religious country, believes in Catholicism, and deeply believes in topics such as the existence of God, so Shen Jiuan also used this imprint The history is over.Shen Jiuan was wearing a cumbersome western-style dress, and frowned uncomfortably, "It's so tight."

Lina was very puzzled, "It's very good-looking, miss, this shows your figure, who dares to say that you just have a good-looking face and a bad-looking figure!" Shen Jiuan quickly waved her hand, "Forget it, I still like it A more practical title, such as Marquis Caroline or something."

Afterwards, Shen Jiuan brought Lina to the banquet, which immediately attracted the attention of the audience. No one expected that Shen Jiuan, who took off his hunting suit and put on a long skirt, was like the muse on that day. The brilliance is moving, and the whole body exudes a sacred and inviolable atmosphere. "It's so beautiful..." When Shen Jiuan appeared, Eureka, who noticed Shen Jiuan for the first time, blushed on the spot, covered her face with her hands, and concealed her gaffe, "So cute..."

"Drip! The threat value of the target plane is -5%, and the current threat value is 87%."

Shen Jiuan: ... I can't escape this word in every plane, right?
Shen Jiuan didn't know that Eureka was looking at her at this time, she just knew that the person in front of her was an eyesore. "... Honorable lady, are you willing to be my wife?" Shen Jiuan looked at a certain viscount who had already boasted about herself, and after a lot of compliments, this person went straight to the topic-marriage proposal.Regarding this, Shen Jiuanzhi had a look: Please get out.

But this viscount seems to have donated his eyes to those in need, and the expression on Shen Jiuan's face is like a fake to him, "... If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement, then please wait for me to tell you Your uncle..."

"Where did you have the face to propose to me?" Shen Jiuan couldn't listen any longer, and she asked from the soul, "What qualifications do you have to propose to me? Let me take care of the whole family. You simply don’t have the ability to be a housekeeper. You just want to eat and wait to die. May I ask me, after Caroline, the majestic Adela, why should I be a slave to you, a scum like a rice bug? Is it because I’m full or I don’t have anyone in the whole kingdom to marry? I don’t even go to the lake to have a look, and take a closer look at my own virtues. Don’t say anything else, just talk about ability. Why should I find someone who can’t do anything? A trash with a title, am I, Caroline, blind or blind? But I really can’t ask such a stupid question if I haven’t had a cerebral thrombosis for ten years! Get out!”

In the end, Shen Jiuan's soul questioned, the Viscount blushed and fled without even basic etiquette. "Very good." At this time, a chuckle rescued Shen Jiuan from her bad mood, "It seems that Miss Caroline is very courageous and insightful."

"Drip! The threat value of the target plane is -2%, and the current threat value is 85%."

Shen Jiuan couldn't help but turned around to look at the person who came, "Viscount Eureka, why are you here?"

Eureka looked at the girl in front of her who blushed every time she saw her, and couldn't help feeling a strange sense of satisfaction in her heart, and her way of speaking was more than a bit gentler than the way she talked to other knights before, "I just happen to Passing by," he would not admit that he came here deliberately to help her out, but later realized that he didn't seem to need to appear on the stage by himself, and there was some disappointment in his tone, "I'm so sorry that I couldn't help you."

Shen Jiuan frantically waved his hands again and again, "No, no, nothing, I'm laughing at you."

Shen Jiuan: "I was puzzled, why did I start to blush when I met this person, and blushed so quickly?"

203: "...Maybe the shyness gene imprinted in your DNA has played a role, making you be kinder to your personality, don't keep destroying your personality, your personality is in danger now, you still pay attention A little better."

Shen Jiuan: "Before you confiscated this sentence, I was still thinking about whether to restrain myself, but after you finished saying this, I made up my mind, I want to break it up, completely."

203: "...Pfft!" This is the sound of a system throwing up its heart and blood, this is the sound of a system breaking its heart for its own host.

Shen Jiuan didn't have any accidents this time, and ran away in despair.Zhen Shen Jiuan Counseling: I have never been so cowardly before, what happened to this plane?Shen Jiuan squatted behind a small bush, deeply doubting himself, "Isn't he just a handsome guy, Shen Jiuan, if you work harder, you're just a handsome guy, why are you blushing?"

At this moment, Shen Jiuan's self-doubt was interrupted by a fierce quarrel. "...I've said it before, don't even think about it this time! Your brother died there, do you still want to be with him!"

"Lesa! I have already said that my brother's death was an accident and had nothing to do with the war! Why do you tell me again and again that this is not the case? This is clearly the truth of my brother's death. You still want to Let me repeat it a few times! I said I'm going to go, what can you do to me..."

Shen Jiuan: "Wow?! Is it my aunt?"

203: "Yes, and your future uncle, Prince Lysa, they are kissing... My god! Do you want to be so exciting in broad daylight!"

Shen Jiuan didn't know why, "What's the matter..."

203: "He kissed your aunt forcibly, and tore off her blouse to print her lips, just like you and Qi Huaiyin at that time."

Shen Jiuan: "Cough...I see."

After a while, Lysa's voice came, "Edith, my muse, I don't want to lose you, you don't know, that war is related to your brother's death, and it has a lot to do with it, I don't want you to leave me, I have loved you for seven whole years, from the beginning of my love to now becoming king, can you look back at me?"

Edith also sensed something was wrong, "...Do you know something? My brother, my brother didn't because of that Emmas? You..."

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