
"Where did Yuanhang go? Aren't you leaving this afternoon?" Yao Chengliang didn't see Fu Yuanhang when he woke up.

"I'm wondering too. I've been looking for him all morning, but he still hasn't answered the phone!"

Lu Zheng also felt strange, where is Fu Yuanhang?
"Today is President Qin's wedding..." Jiang Haoxuan opened his mouth carefully.

That's right, such a big event has spread throughout the city of S, how could Fu Yuanhang not know about it?

"How about we go find Yuanhang?" Yao Chengliang was a little worried.

Don't look at Fu Yuanhang's heartless words last time, but they knew that he didn't want to embarrass Qin Zhuoru, he let go in order to give Qin Zhuoru a better choice.

"No need, Yuanhang will figure it out, let him wait for a while!"

After all, Lu Zheng grew up with Fu Yuanhang since he was a child, and he is very clear about the temperament of his good friend. Since he chooses to fulfill Qin Zhuoru, no matter how heartbroken and reluctant he is, he will never repeat the same mistakes.

"Tell me, does Aunt Song know about this?"


When Fu Yuanhang told them the truth, all three of them lamented that fate played tricks on others. Since there is such a relationship, why bother to let the two meet, get acquainted and fall in love again?

Fu Yuanhang was looking for a taxi on the side of the road to go back to school, and he put on his peaked cap again, keeping it low.

A man in a suit and leather shoes passed behind him with a walkie-talkie and walked towards the wedding venue. What he said caught Fu Yuanhang's attention.

"When do you start?"

"it is good."

"Understood, I will get rid of that woman,"

From the corner of his eyes, Fu Yuanhang noticed that the man in the suit who was speaking had already started preparing beside the wedding car, waiting for an opportunity.

"Young man, are you going?" A taxi stopped in front of him.

Walk?or not to go?With little hesitation, Fu Yuanhang made a decision.

"No, I don't take a car." Fu Yuanhang waved his hand.

After the driver left, he called Zhao Songyan.

"Hello? Zhao Songyan, Chief of Police Department of City S, what's the matter?"

"Director Zhao, are you at the wedding scene now?"

"Are you Fu Yuanhang?"

"Director Zhao, there is a suspicious person at the door, please..."

The phone was hung up.

"Hey, hello! Are you still listening?" Zhao Songyan looked at the people around him, and he had a hunch that something might have happened to Fu Yuanhang.

"What's wrong?" Feng Wei in a red dress walked over and saw Zhao Songyan frowning.

"Director Zhao is busy with business? If you are busy, go do it, anyway, the wedding is over." Feng Wei's tone was tinged with displeasure.

Since she met Zhao Songyan, men have been like this, always putting work first.

Even if Feng Wei told Zhao Songyan that she was going abroad, Zhao Songyan still didn't say anything, and told her to work hard abroad.

Because of his incomprehensible style and lack of enlightenment, they just missed him for many years...

"The wedding is over? What about Zhuo Ru?"

"She said she still has something to do, so she left first. What's the matter, what's the matter?" Feng Wei felt the seriousness of the situation when he saw Zhao Songyan's nervous expression.

Hearing what Feng Wei said, Zhao Songyan didn't have time to explain. He walked quickly to the door and found Qin Zhuoru standing beside the car talking with Lin Sheng. There was no movement around, and everything was as usual.

However, it was too peaceful...


"Are you Fu Yuanhang?"

Gu Fengyuan's strategy succeeded.

Gu Fengyuan guessed that Fu Yuanhang would definitely come on the day of the wedding, so he asked Song Lin to lure Fu Yuanhang on the pretext of killing Qin Zhuoru, and then get rid of him.

Fu Yuanhang was a little unbelievable, and then his expression became calm.

"Are you here to kill me?" Fu Yuanhang realized at this moment that the person in front of him was coming for him.


"Who sent you?"

"you do not need to know!"

Song Lin took out a knife from his waist and stabbed at Fu Yuanhang.

Fu Yuanhang kicked Song Lin's knife to the ground, and the two quickly scuffled together.

Qin Zhuoru stood in front of the car and explained things to Lin Sheng.

"I may have to go to Gu's house later, help me prepare the materials for tomorrow's meeting."

"Okay, Sister Qin Sister Qin, what's the matter with you?"

Qin Zhuoru's wedding dress was replaced by a professional suit, but her makeup and hair were still there. She is very beautiful today.

"It's okay, just a little flustered." Qin Zhuoru held her chest, and for some reason, she felt a strong fear.

The two didn't notice the fight in the alley not far away.

Song Lin looked like a practicing family boy, and after a while, several bruises appeared on Fu Yuanhang's face.

Although Fu Yuanhang has been exercising all year round, there is still a certain gap between him and a professional killer. Judging from this, if he can't hold on for a few rounds, he will be defeated.

Seeing Fu Yuanhang, who was still young but physically fit, Song Lin was distracted.

This kid is a good seedling!

"You are a good seedling, but unfortunately, you have offended someone you shouldn't have offended."

"Stop talking nonsense, come on!" Fu Yuanhang spat, with blood still in it.

Seeing the stalemate with Fu Yuanhang, Song Lin rolled over and picked up the gun on the ground, but instead of pointing at Fu Yuanhang, he aimed at Qin Zhuoru, ready to shoot in one go.

The moment he pulled the trigger, Fu Yuanhang's face appeared in front of the gun.

The bullet penetrated Fu Yuanhang's body, and soon, the man fell into a pool of blood...

Sure enough, as Shao Dong said...

Song Lin remembered what Gu Fengyuan said:
"I heard that kid has two skills."

"Young Director, I will definitely get rid of him!"

"If you encounter problems, point the gun at Zhuo Ru."

"My subordinates dare not."

"It's just for you to aim and shoot when he gets in the way."

Song Lin didn't believe that anyone would be willing to block a bullet for another person, but since Gu Fengyuan said it, he could only do it.

Looking at the unconscious Fu Yuanhang, Song Lin quickly carried him to the trunk.

Hearing the gunshot, Zhao Songyan rushed to the scene, but there was nothing but the traces of the fight and a pool of blood on the ground.

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhang, I'm Zhao Songyan, call the police immediately, there's a shooting at the wedding church!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Songyan called Fu Yuanhang, but no one answered.

Don't let anything happen to him!

Zhao Songyan saw Qin Zhuoru who looked anxious and worried in the distance, and the woman's eyes kept looking towards her.

Qin Zhuoru didn't know why, when he heard the gunshots, his first reaction was not fear, but heartache.

Her eyelids kept twitching, and her heartbeat became more flustered.

The police rushed to the scene to investigate immediately.

"Director Zhao, what happened?"

Gu Fengyuan, who came out of the wedding scene, already had a guess in his heart.

He knew that Song Lin had already succeeded.

"Someone shot just now, and there is still a pool of blood on the ground."

Zhao Songyan has seen countless people, he can see that Gu Fengyuan is a ruthless character, maybe he is suspected...

"Director Zhao, what's wrong?
"Qin Zhuoru also came over to ask, the woman put her hand on her heart, and she had a strong premonition.

"Still under investigation, please pay attention to safety."

Zhao Songyan knew that now was definitely not a good time to tell Qin Zhuoru, all he could do was to protect Qin Zhuoru's safety.

Song Lin drove to the beach, opened the trunk, and looked at the dying Fu Yuanhang. The man's brows and eyes were indelibly cold and handsome, and his lips had lost all color.

Song Lin hesitated for a moment, but still carried the man out and threw him into the sea.

The bright red blood was diluted by sea water, Song Lin drove away...

It has been a month since Fu Yuanhang woke up.

Open your eyes, the surrounding is a strange environment.

When I moved a little, my whole body ached.

"Doctor Li, he's awake."

A female voice came into Fu Yuanhang's ears, and he was sure that he did not know this woman.

The doctor walked to Fu Yuanhang and examined him carefully.

"It's out of danger." The doctor's voice was full of joy.

A month ago, when he saw Fu Yuanhang, the chance of the man surviving was only [-]%. With the fatal gunshot wound and the severe infection of his lungs after soaking in water for too long, there was nothing he could do even if the gods came. !
Fortunately, Fu Yuanhang was in good physical condition and had a strong sense of survival. After a month, he finally woke up.

"Okay, thank you Dr. Li, I hope you can help me keep it secret."

"Definitely, you and my mother have been friends for so many years, and I will definitely not say anything to the outside world."

After the doctor left, a woman's face came into Fu Yuanhang's sight.

Like, it's really too similar, the eyebrows and eyes of the woman in front of her and Qin Zhuoru are almost carved out of the same mold!

Looking at Fu Yuanhang lying on the bed, Feng Wei also sighed in his heart.

The appearance of the young man is exactly the same as that of Chen Chenglin back then!
"Who are you and why did you save me?"

Fu Yuanhang clearly remembered that the bullet pierced his body, the blood in his whole body seemed to freeze, and the next second he was lying on the cold floor.

The cold and salty sea water, the heart-piercing pain... He should be dead, otherwise, how could he have seen a woman who was so similar to Qin Zhuoru?

"My name is Feng Wei, Feng Zhi's younger sister." Feng Wei didn't say Qin Zhuoru's name.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

"One month."

"One month? No, I have to go home." Song Yuhua would be very worried if he didn't hear from him for a month.

The man struggled to get up, ignoring the wound on his body.

"Fu Yuanhang." Feng Wei stopped him: "Your mother...your mother has already left..."

In order to protect Fu Yuanhang, the news made public is that Fu Yuanhang was shot and thrown into the sea, but the body was salvaged to no avail, and his death was confirmed.

The news of Fu Yuanhang's rescue was only known to Feng Wei and Zhao Songyan. Song Yuhua died of illness in the hospital a week ago because of excessive grief.

"You... what did you say?" Fu Yuanhang started to cough violently after speaking because of his agitation.

The accident left him with serious sequelae.

"Don't worry..."

"You said, my mother, my mother passed away?" The man's face was flushed from coughing, and his eye circles seemed to be bloodshot.

"Yes... I'm sorry... I couldn't save her." Feng Wei looked at Fu Yuanhang in front of her, feeling very sad.

Fu Yuanhang and Qin Zhuoru are both people who have been embarrassed by fate.

"Then...why save me?" The man's heart was ashamed, and there was no light in his eyes.

That young man with bright eyes and kind eyes was finally buried in that sea.

"Your father saved my sister."

When Feng Wei came out of the wedding scene, he noticed Song Lin who was behaving abnormally. She drove and followed him to the beach, and finally pulled Fu Yuanhang back from the gate of hell.

Fu Yuanhang shed two lines of clear tears.

Because of Qin Zhuoru, his father passed away, and he had to go through so much hard work to raise him up. Before he could repay his mother, his reckless love caused her to die in depression...

"I know you and Zhuo...you had a relationship with my sister's daughter..."

"We're done." Fu Yuanhang said firmly.

He had to let it go, he and Qin Zhuoru were a mistake from the beginning.

He used to think that he could face all difficulties bravely, as long as Qin Zhuoru was by his side, but now, God taught him a lesson, and the price of this lesson was his mother's life.

"She may have difficulties..." Feng Wei wanted to explain something to Qin Zhuoru, but was interrupted by Fu Yuanhang.

"I don't love her anymore, and I can't afford to love her anymore." The man cried blood.

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