In any case, time moves forward, and countless tears will remain in the long river of time forever, and we will continue to move forward.

This winter, everyone hides too much on their minds.

All the staff in dormitory 308 have passed no exams. Except for Yao Chengliang, the other three are preparing to enlist in the army.

Jiang Haoxuan's father disagreed with his enlistment, and the father and son had been in a state of cold war.

He would often share his thoughts with Lin Sheng, maybe he really only regarded Lin Sheng as a friend, and the relationship between the two has always been kept within the scope of friendship. .

Yao Chengliang slowly let go of his obsession with Xing Yue, tried to date other girls, and started a new love life.

Lu Zheng has met Yu Mei several times, he knows that her future job will be a doctor, and he sincerely wishes her dreams to come true.

Fu Yuanhang and Qin Zhuoru hadn't changed much before meeting Qin Zhuoru. If there was a change, it might be that he was more reticent. He put his mind on study and work. Only in this way can he numb himself and make himself forget the past.

He didn't tell Song Yuhua that he already knew the truth, he just said that he was not suitable with Qin Zhuoru and broke up.

They are all starting their own lives.

Soon came the eve of Qin Zhuoru and Gu Fengyuan's wedding.

They set up a big banquet and entertained all parties, as if they were declaring to the whole world their envious love.

And the day of their wedding was the day Fu Yuanhang enlisted in the army.

"Boss Qin, how about this wedding dress?" The designer selected a lot of wedding dresses for Qin Zhuoru to try on.

They moved all the selected wedding dresses to the door of Qin Zhuoru's office. The reason is that Mr. Qin has not gone to the store to try them on, so the wedding dress has not been decided yet.

Qin Zhuoru was so busy that she had to choose the wedding dress until the day before, because tomorrow was the wedding, and if she didn't choose any more, she would run out of time.

"You decide." Qin Zhuoru kept flipping through the documents without looking up.

During this time, Gu Fengyuan provided some information about the drug incident that year, and the woman studied and investigated it every day.

The truth seems to be close at hand, but also seems to be far away in the sky. She still can't find substantial evidence to expose this conspiracy.

"President Qin, I'm afraid this won't work. You should try it, so we can reply to Mr. Gu with your opinion."

The designers were very apprehensive, Gu Fengyuan was not something they could afford to offend.

"I'm really busy, so I'll ask my secretary to act as my agent. Lin Sheng! Come in!"

"Sister Qin." Lin Sheng just hung up the phone with the client. During this time, her workload is very heavy.

"Lin Sheng, help me choose a wedding dress."

"I choose?" Lin Sheng was a little surprised.

This is a wedding dress!How could she help Qin Zhuoru choose!
"Yes, you can just order one." Qin Zhuoru kept scribbling on the document.

"Sister Qin, this is a wedding dress, you still..."

"Lin Sheng." As soon as Qin Zhuoru raised his head, his bloodshot eyes met Lin Sheng's sight.

marry?What a sacred ceremony, but in Qin Zhuoru's eyes, it was just a formality. Only in this way can it be hidden from everyone, and it is also convenient for her to investigate the evidence to expose the conspiracy.

The man she wanted to marry, she lost him.

"Okay, Sister Qin, I will take care of it."

Qin Zhuoru has been working overtime during this period of time. Lin Sheng knew that she worked so hard to avenge Qin Kun and Feng Zhi and his wife's grievances, but what Lin Sheng didn't know was that besides revenge, Qin Zhuoru was also burdened with responsibility.

During this period of time, the double blow of love and friendship almost crushed Qin Zhuoru. She dragged her broken body and persisted until now with her faith. She didn't want thousands of families to fall into conspiracy and fall apart, let alone innocent children Follow in her footsteps.

After Lin Sheng left, she picked up the phone, hesitated again and again, but still did not dial out.

Xing Yue probably doesn't want to see her now, let alone attend the wedding.

Still alone in the end.

The next day, the entire city of S City was filled with a cheerful and lively atmosphere.

The marriage of the leading enterprises of the two major industries in City S is quite spectacular.

At the wedding scene, Qin Zhuoru entered the venue in a white wedding dress, her temperament and appearance were superb, and everyone present was amazed at the match between her and Gu Fengyuan, but there were also voices of doubt.

"Hey, tell me, what kind of medicine is this sold in the gourd? You got married so soon?"

"Cut, it's not clear yet, marriage is a win-win situation!"

"I read the report two days ago, they seem to be very affectionate!"

"Lovely, can the media believe what they say? This President Qin may have dated more people than your shoes. Who knows how she got into the position? Some time ago, I heard that Chairman Gu was hospitalized because of his son's anger. Just got out of the hospital yesterday!"

"No way, it's all like this, this young director still wants to get married?"

"Marrying a beautiful wife can also increase business contacts, what a bargain!"


Everyone knows the purpose of the wedding. Commercial marriages are all for profit. Chenghong and Qingyun International are no exception. If there are no benefits, why would they spend time and energy doing these things?
Qin Zhen and Gu Huawei, who had just been discharged from the hospital, sat in the main seats, talking and laughing, like in-laws.

The host begins the wedding process.

"Everyone, today is the wedding of Mr. Gu Fengyuan, the young director of Qingyun International, and Ms. Qin Zhuoru, the general manager of Chenghong Group. We applaud such a beautiful couple!"

The audience applauded very enthusiastically.

No one saw, a man in black casual clothes and a black peaked cap in the corner stared at Qin Zhuoru who was slowly walking onto the stage without blinking.

The man's hat is pressed down very low, and his emotions cannot be seen clearly.

She is so beautiful.

She is wearing a wedding dress.

She is married.

She has a family in the future.

Unfortunately, not his and hers.

Fu Yuanhang didn't dare to blink, he kept looking at the woman on the stage, tracing the woman's face with an affectionate gaze that had never been seen in this period of time.

This was the first time he saw Qin Zhuoru wearing a wedding dress, and it was also the last time he saw her.

Since then, the world has been separated.

"Mr. Gu Fengyuan, are you willing to marry Ms. Qin Zhuoru as your wife, whether you are old or sick, poor or rich, are you willing to stay by the lady in front of you? Mr. Gu, are you willing?"

"I am willing." Gu Fengyuan kept staring at the woman in front of him, his goal was finally achieved, he would never let Qin Zhuoru leave him.

"Miss Qin Zhuoru, are you willing to marry Mr. Gu Fengyuan as a wife, whether you are old or sick, poor or rich, are you willing to stay by the gentleman in front of you? Miss Qin, are you willing?"

"I am willing."

There was a smile on the corner of Qin Zhuoru's mouth, but there was no trace of affection in his eyes, and there was even unreal sadness.

The man in the corner couldn't see the expression of the woman on the stage, but he just answered when the host asked the groom's oath.

He said he would.

Ever since he fell in love with Qin Zhuoru, marrying Qin Zhuoru has been his goal and wish, something he has determined, and today's wedding can be regarded as the end of their relationship.

For Qin Zhuoru, this full stop may be complete, but for Fu Yuanhang, it is his determination to let go of this relationship.

Seeing the couple exchanging rings under the watchful eyes of the elders and the blessings of the guests, Qin Zhuoru's slender fingers let Gu Fengyuan's ring be pushed to the root of the finger.

The former lovers already have a destination, and they will return to the bridge and return to the road in the future. One is different from the other, and each is happy.

It's time to let go.

Fu Yuanhang pressed his hat down, and at some point there was some cold liquid on his face.

It was the last time he cried for her.

Just as Fu Yuanhang was about to leave, the host suddenly cue to Qin Zhuoru.

"I've heard that the bride, Ms. Qin, is eloquent. Do you have anything to say about today's wedding?"

Isn't this the wedding confession part?The implication was very obvious, and the guests below also started booing.

Fu Yuanhang stopped, even though he knew that what the woman said next might hurt him, but he wanted to hear Qin Zhuoru's voice.

Maybe it was destiny in the dark, Qin Zhuoru had already conceived a formulaic and perfect wedding speech in her mind, but the moment she looked at the door of the auditorium, the woman's eyes began to twitch.

The woman blinks quickly to make sure she's not mistaken, her eyes sparkling with hope and turning to disappointment.

he came.

He has seen it all.

He watched himself marry someone else.

She lost him.

However, this may be their best ending.

Hearing the host's whispered reminder, the woman took a step forward, and she could feel her body still trembling slightly.

Just when everyone thought she would turn to Gu Fengyuan and say something affectionately, the woman looked in the direction of the church door, tremblingly opened her mouth:
"I have three wishes. First, I wish my husband a thousand years old. Second, I wish my concubine a long and healthy life. Third, I wish you a safe life and never see you again..."

Qin Zhuoru's voice was trembling badly, but she still finished speaking.

This is a toast, she changed the last sentence, this is what she wanted to say to Fu Yuanhang.

I hope you are safe every year, even if you don't see each other every day.

Qin Zhuoru and Fu Yuanhang finally lost their affection for each other.

She clearly saw the back of the man at the door start to tremble, and then quickly left the wedding scene.

All the guests present could tell that something was wrong, Gu Fengyuan's expression didn't change, he still had a doting smile on his face, but secretly clenched his fists.

Don't see each other?Oh, soon you will be satisfied!

The expressions on Qin Zhen and Gu Huawei's faces on the main seat also became stiff, and Qin Zhen began to scan the audience, as if looking for something.

The host hurried out to round things up.

"The bride has such a deep love for the groom. Even if he bears the pain of missing each other, he will be safe every year. It is really touching love!"

Under the control of the host, the guests applauded one after another.

Qin Zhuoru closed her eyes, and the time with Fu Yuanhang played in her mind like a slide show.

The good times in the past are vivid in my mind, but this farewell today, I hope Fu Yuanhang can be safe and happy, and everything goes well...

I also hope that he can find a good girl who is worthy of him and join hands for the rest of his life.

The man's hasty pace kept attracting people's attention, but he couldn't care less.

Finally came to a place where there was no one around.

Fu Yuanhang took off his peaked cap, and he couldn't tell whether it was sweat or tears that wet his whole body. The temperature outside was frighteningly cold.

His body was still shaking, and his heart was still beating wildly.

He heard what Qin Zhuoru said.

He knew she was speaking to him, and even after they were separated, they still had this kind of tacit understanding.

She told him, never see each other.

From now on, there will be no more Qin Zhuoru in his life.

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